Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ken Hagan, Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare King

Between 2010-2016 the Florida Legislature gave Hollywood $296 million in Corporate Welfare, In February, Hillsborough County gave Tim Burton $100,000 to film “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.” They also gave the film "The nfiltrator" $250,000, that money got the Tampa Bay area eight days of shooting. Ken Hagan said he would push for more welfare if the right project 
came along. here

Marco Rubio Fact

Koch Brothers dumping 
Tons of toxic waste into the 
St. Johns River, daily. here

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Votes For Fast Track

28 House Democrats voted for Fast Track,  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was one of them. 

Folks she is the Chair of the 
Democratic National Committee.
And you wonder why the Dems are in such bad shape.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Mary Mulhern For US Congress FL District 13

Mary Mulhern says she is “investigating” running for political office in 2016, and that includes the possibility of moving to Pinellas County this summer to compete for the CD 13 congressional seat currently held by Republican David Jolly. here

Check out our post on March 24th, 2015 here

Like her page on Facebook
You know she will have to move across the pond.
We will miss her!

A Note To Mr. Valdez

After talking to an old and dear friend about Florida GOP Jack Latava's tax break to yacht owners so they can repair their yachts, he told me he was ok with it. That he would not notice the extra taxes he would have to pay. We thought this note would be appropriate. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Spaghetti and Sausage
With Garlic rolls
Mannino's Pizza in Davenport

Florida Bush Supporters

  • state Rep. Seth McKeel ($13,000)
  • Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam ($10,000)
  • state Sen. Jack Latvala ($5,000)
  • state Sen. Wilton Simpson ($5,000)
  • state Rep. Dana Young ($5,000)
  • state Rep. Brad Drake ($1,000)
  • state Sen. Anitere Flores ($1,000)
  • The Committee for a Stronger Florida, which is associated with former Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford has given ($75,000)
  • The Treasure Coast Alliance, operated by influential Republican state Sen. Joe Negron — who is vying to be the next Senate president — has donated ($51,000)
And the Florida Professional Firefighters labor union?

Ybor Radical Cinema Club - Battleship Potemkin

June 22 @ 7pm
Ybor Daily Market
Ybor City, Florida

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Free Lube For Jack Latvala Voters

Florida GOP passed a tax cut package that included a break for yacht owners who spend more than $1 million on repairs.

Florida GOP Sen. Jack Latvala of Clearwater, 
sponsored the amendment.
 He defended the proposed tax cut, saying that it was 
intended to create jobs. here

#Fight For Legalization Rally In Tampa

June 19th @ 6pm
La Mexicana, 2002 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa

Marco Rubio Yes On Torture

Florida GOP Marco Rubio who is also a contender for president, was the only member of the U.S. Senate not to participate in a Tuesday vote reaffirming a U.S. prohibition on torture.

Rubio’s office said the senator would have voted no on the amendment, which passed overwhelmingly. here
Read more here:

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Beans
At Rubios Mexican Food Store in Mascotte
Visit them here

United for Care to Launch Statewide Paid Petition Drive

United for Care, the organization that brought medical marijuana to the ballot in 2014, is launching an aggressive, statewide petition drive to put medical marijuana back on the ballot in 2016.

The paid petitioning effort began this week and will be in full effect by July 1. This new, paid effort joins a volunteer based effort that has already collected tens of thousands of petitions since mid-January of this year.  Ultimately, 683,149 valid petitions need to be turned in by Supervisors of Elections to the Florida Department of State by February 1, 2016 in order to obtain ballot placement for the 2016 vote.  10% of that figure must be verified to trigger Supreme Court review.

"We collected over a million petitions in 2014 and nearly 3.4 million people voted “yes” for medical marijuana.  There is no question in my mind that we will get medical marijuana back on the ballot for 2016," said Ben Pollara, Campaign Manager for United for Care.

 The petition has only minor updates to its language - clarifying issues related to parental consent and the kinds of conditions that would qualify a potential patient, with a doctor's recommendation.

"The legislature had an opportunity to keep this off the ballot by passing a law. They turned their backs on the patients of Florida - but we can't and we won't.  We're going to win this war and help suffering Floridians in 2016," said John Morgan, Chairman of United for Care.

Morgan reiterated his commitment to seeing medical marijuana placed back before voters, “I will do whatever it takes to get this done. This is about compassion for hundreds of thousands of very sick people in Florida.”

Registered Florida voters who wish to sign the petition now, can fill it out, print it, and mail it in. Those who signed the petition in 2013 and 2014 must sign the new petition again, if they wish to see medical marijuana placed on the 2016 ballot. The petition can be found here:
For press inquiries please contact Bianca Garza at 

Call Obama: "Legalization for all NOW!'

Call-in Day - June 19th
8 AM - 5:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone)
Phone: (202) 456-1111

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Demand Federal Criminal Investigation of Rick Scott’s Land Give-away to Koch Brothers

Georgia-Pacific/Koch Industries is permitted to discharge up to 60 million gallons per day of toxic waste into the St. Johns River, smothering the bottom with tons of solids and making the water unfit for human/animal use. The river should be held in trust by the Governor and Cabinet for the people of Florida, not given away for private use as dumping grounds and without just compensation. 

Dexter Barber, Of The Liberty County Board Of Commissioners Had To Wait Behind Niggers

Dexter Barber, chairman of the Liberty County (Florida Panhandle) Board of Commissioners, made the remark during a May 6 conversation with his brother, who remains jailed after he was arrested on four counts of attempted murder of a law enforcement officer. here

Friends of the Planet Social at 3 Daughters in St. Pete

June 18 @ 6:30pm
3 Daughters Brewing
222 22nd St. S, St. Pete

We Are Ready For Bernie Sanders