Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Enviro Groups Sue Florida GOP Over Amendment 1

Three environmental groups filed a lawsuit against the Florida legislature, claiming lawmakers misappropriated funds intended for land and water conservation and land purchases to protect the environment. here

Tampa Bay Times loser of the week. here

"WE need to go after these Greedy Bastards in the courts and at the ballot box." Joe Kreps

Quinnipiac Poll: Grayson vs. Murphy

In possible matchups in the 2016 
U.S. Senate race in Florida:
  • Democratic U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy tops Republican Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera 40 - 28 percent;
  • Democratic U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson tops Lopez-Cantera 37 - 31 percent;
  • Murphy tops Republican U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis 39 - 31 percent;
  • Grayson tops DeSantis 38 - 32 percent; here
    "So much for the arguments that Murphy is more electable than Grayson. Unfortunately, no mention of Pam Keith." Susan Smith

Jeb Bush Most Anti-Gay?

The current crop of Republican candidates for president tried to prove their antigay mettle at Friday's Faith and Freedom Coalition's conference in Washington, D.C.

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush was all fire and brimstone, promising to fight the Supreme Court if it decides this month to legalize national marriage equality.

#HowWeFamily | TYLENOL®

Stop the City of St. Pete Beach from killing our Black Skimmer Chicks

We have 138 skimmer nests, 340 adults with eggs ready to hatch. SPB wants to do their 4th fireworks show RIGHT NEXT TO THE COLONY, a MOVE from Upham Beach! info

Monday, June 22, 2015

Alan Grayson For Senate

"The only Democrats that matter are the voters. 
It's clear to me that if there's a contested primary, we'll win. We'll have the black vote, the gay vote, the Hispanic vote, the labor vote and the liberal vote, 
We'll have it all." Alan Grayson

Florida Dems you run the Ex-Republican,
 you will lose!

What Pilar And Stogie Had For Lunch

All you can eat buffet
At China One, 8857 N Florida Ave, Tampa

Fire Mike Merrill

All he does is spread lies.

“We spent all this time and the community has said doing roads, bridges and intersections are a top priority."
Check chart above, this is not true.
Now he wants to tie the ferry sevice to the tax.

Mass Transit wasn't even on the survey.
here and here

No Rail, No New Taxes!

Shady Grady At It Again

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd is the guy who has no idea what the boundary lines are between church and state. He’s given government presents to local churches and delivered sermons at a local church in uniform. The local government very likely will be sued.  it’s the taxpayers who will have to cover the bill. here

If Judd swapped his Sheriff uniform for street clothing and delivered the sermon as Grady Judd, local citizen, there would be no problem.But he won’t do that. He’s too stubborn, too ignorant, too proud, and too “persecuted” to do the right thing.He’s gonna break the law and make the citizens pay for his arrogance.

Florida Declares War on the Panther and Black Bear

Come to Sarasota to tell them NO!
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has declared war on Florida's Panthers and Black Bears, the two largest animal species in the state. At their two-day meeting in Sarasota next week, the Commission will consider delisting the endangered Florida panther and allowing up to 200 black bears to be shot and killed this year, ending the state's 20-year-ban on bear hunting. info

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Tampa Bay Solidarity with Charleston Candlelight Vigil

Ashley Whitney - Tim Heberlein
Kelly Benjamin - Pat Kemp

Our awesome Mary Mulhern

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chili with Cuban And a Bloody Mary
At Beef o Brady's Brooksville 
Visit them here

Florida's Corporate Service Commission Approves Fracking

Florida Power & Light customers are suddenly investors in fracking, whether they want to be or not. On Thursday, the state's (Corporate) Public Service Commission, long the lapdogs of utilities, approved the company's request to invest up to $500 million annually in this potentially risky business. here

To Florida Power & Light customers who vote GOP and others who don't vote, we got your BACK. Orders your free tube of lube.

Wear The Florida Cannabis Band

Show you suport cannabis
in Florida
Coming Soon
While you wait join 
Central Florida Norml

Disney Donates A Quarter Million To Rick Scott

Florida Gov. Rick Scott's presidential candidates summit earlier this month in Orlando happened in large part thanks to Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts. New campaign finance records show Disney donated nearly a quarter million to Scott's Let's Get to Work political fundraising committee on June 2, the same day the Republican governor held an Economic Growth Summit held at a Disney hotel that drew some of the top GOP candidates for 2016. here