Monday, August 31, 2015

Leslie Paredes to Stop TBX


Rick Scott Is Auditing Florida Hospitals To Ensure They Haven’t Committed Medicaid Fraud

This comes from a governor whose tenure as CEO of Columbia/HCA hospitals led to the company being fined a then-record $1.7 billion for Medicaid and Medicare fraud. Scott pleaded the Fifth Amendment 75 times in a deposition to avoid discussing the case. here

How much is this going to cost us?

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Stuffed Cabbage
With Rice and Veggies and a Salad
At Stefano’s Family Restaurant in Englewood
Visit them here

Greetings From Malfunction Junction

Malfunction Junction, Tampa

Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative Meeting

September 3 at 8:00am - 11:00am
Ragan Park Community Center
 1200 E. Lake Ave., Tampa

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Florida DINO Steve Schale At It Again

Back in 2014 he was pounding the pavement in Pinellas County on behalf of Florida GOP candidate Chris Latvala. Now he is working for Florida GOP Ray Pilon in Sarasota here
This guy is a leading Democratic strategist?
And you wonder why Florida Dems are in such bad shape!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Grilled Chicken
With Black Beans and Rice
At Azucar Sandwich Shop in Tampa
Like them on Facebook
Small and doesn't look like much from the outside but the food is awesome!

Florida Republican Ron DeSantis Describes The GOP

“What kind of people are we? Are we a self-governing people that live under a government where people go to Washington and serve, or are we basically a centralized government, in which an elite ruling class governs over everybody, but lives under different rules themselves.” here

We Want Bernie Party In Ybor

Sept. 2 - 7pm
Joffrey's Coffee in Ybor City

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Katrina Truth

Visit them here
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Florida Corporate Welfare: $6.37 Million

Johnson & Johnson, the giant pharmaceutical company said it has picked Tampa as its headquarters to house key corporate services.
Cost to Florida taxpayers $6.37 million

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Pepper Chicken with Veggies
And Rice
At Thai Cuisine Restaurant in Spring Hill
Vist them here 

Expanding Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

Florida GOP Just Blew 651k Of Our Money

Florida taxpayers paid more than $651k for June special session - most expensive special session in 15 years.
The GOP says you're welcome, and thanks for that added bonus along with our paychecks!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Welcome To America, Litbrit

This is the happy face of a Brit who, today, finally applied to become an American after all these years. So I can VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS next spring, of course!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Garlic Wings
With Bloody Mary
At Clawdaddy's Raw Bar and Grill in Crystal River
Visit them here

Gus Bilirakis to energy conference: I’ll fight “tooth and nail” against EPA overreach

"The Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan is a prime example of a harmful disconnect.”
U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis addressed a group of energy industry executives and representatives Wednesday in Tampa. 2015 Gulf Coast Energy Forum attendees spent the better part of the morning and afternoon railing against the Obama administration’s EPA and its new proposed regulations to rein in coal-fired power plants. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet David
He is from Detroit, homeless 3 years.