Friday, September 25, 2015

Save the Seminole

Let's come together to restore and rehabilitate the former Seminole Heights Theater. here 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Florida GOP: Key To Defeating Corrine Brown

Boost the number of black prisoners in her district. here

What Stogie And Pilar Had For Lunch

Quesadillas and Tacos
With Rice and Beans
At Chulas Mexican Grill in Spring Hill
Visit them here

Jason Ball to Stop TBX

Florida Purging Sick Kids From Treatment Program

Florida administrative law judge Darren A. Schwartz of Tallahassee has tossed out a controversial screening tool state health regulators have used to purge thousands of impoverished children from a program that coordinates medical care for chronically sick and disabled children. here

Read more here:

Joy-Ann Reid, "Fracture"

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New Dems puting their thumb on the scale for a chosen candidate

 Today, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF), a chartered caucus of the Florida Democratic Party, called on DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to expand the presidential primary debate schedule.
"Chair Wasserman Schultz not only made the decision to limit debate among our candidates, she scheduled the debates during weekends and holidays when television viewership is known to be low," said DPCF President Susan Smith. "What was she thinking?"
"By refusing to give Democratic candidates an equitable debate stage with Republicans, she is allowing the normalization of extreme rhetoric that is filled with hatred and lies. Positive and inspiring Democratic voices are not being heard," Smith said. "Much like we saw in 2009 when Democrats failed to answer right-wing falsehoods about the President's healthcare plan, the vacuum is being filled with the Republican narrative."
"We fear that establishment forces within the party are once again trying to put their thumb on the scale for a chosen candidate," said Smith. "In doing so, they are showing a lack of respect for Democratic voters and a lack of faith in our Democratic candidates." 

Florida Least Fair" State Tax Systems In The United States

According to one personal finance website, the Sunshine State has among the "least fair" state tax systems in the United States. WalletHub released its annual survey of "2015’s Most & Least Fair State Tax Systems," and Florida came in near the bottom of the pack: 45th out 
of the 50 states. here
The wealthiest 1 percent are most undertaxed and the poor are among the most overtaxed.

Hey you poor fucks who vote GOP
We got your back!

GOP's Plan to Steal & Erase Healthcare for Millions

What Stogie Had For Lunch

The Key Largo
At key west Subs in Englewood
Visit them here 

Florida Voters Don't Want To Pay for Scott's Legal Bills

Florida voters overwhelmingly do not want to foot the bill to defend against allegations that Gov. Rick Scott has violated the state's Sunshine Laws. here 

Party With Richard Corcoran In Tallahassee

On the eve of a fiery speech in which he urged members to “build an absolute firewall between our private lives and the influence of special interests,” House Speaker-designate Richard Corcoran held a party at a posh Capital City hotel bar for upward of 400 lobbyists. here

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Florida DINO Gwen Graham Gets An Earful

At a gathering of Democrats in Jackson County
Ray Bellamy, an orthopedic surgeon who volunteered on Graham's campaign last year and donated $4,800. "We're worried." Bellamy and his liberal allies sense that Graham isn't the lawmaker they thought they were getting when they knocked on doors, put up yard signs and wrote checks to help her win. They believe that Graham, one of the most vulnerable House Democrats in the nation, is pandering to the right to protect her job. here
 "A number of people are very disappointed and probably won't hang in there and support her to anything like that degree the next time."
I know we won't!

Michelle Cookson to Stop TBX

Brand GOP Tax Plans Benefit Rich

Jeb Bush went to Detroit and talked about leveling the playing field. Marco Rubio wrote a book about helping the working class. Rand Paul is promising to expand the Republican Party beyond its 
traditional base. 
Yet all three Republican presidential candidates have offered tax proposals that would, for reasons such as nomination politics and tax rate realities, overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic Wings
At Uncle Fats in Tampa

Marco Rubio Only Works When It Is Meaningful

Marco Rubio defended his remarks in wednesday night’s presidential debate about missing more votes than anyone else this year in the Senate. 
“When there is a vote that’s meaningful and serious, we are there 
and doing our job” here

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Juvenile Direct File Statute In Riverview

Florida sends more children to adult court than any other state thanks to a state “direct file” statute that gives prosecutors sole discretion on which children go to adult court. 98% of the more than 10,000 children tried in Florida’s adult courts in the last 5 years were transferred there without the benefit of a hearing before a judge. Is this trend of over-incarceration truly making our communities safer 
and rehabilitating youth? 
Friday, October 2, 2015 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
WMU Cooley Law School
9445 Camden Field Parkway Riverview