Sunday, October 18, 2015

Save Our Earth: Sulphur Springs

Patrick Murphy Contributions

 Small Individual Contributions
$179,724 (7%)
Large Individual Contributions
$1,744,286 (65%)
PAC Contributions
Alan Grayson
 Small Individual Contributions: $1,755,295 (57%)
 Large Individual Contributions: $882,803 (28%)
PAC Contributions: $295,675

Marco Rubio Will Cripple The Regulatory Power Of All Federal Agencies

At his first major speech on energy policy at BOC Water Hydraulics in Salem, Ohio, where he spent considerable time criticizing the Environmental Protection Agency. if elected, 
He will immediately stop the Clean Power Plan, a set of carbon pollution standards for existing power plants issued by the EPA
He would simplify the permitting process for oil and gas pipelines.
The EPA isn’t the only federal environmental agency that Rubio aspires to bring down in size and scope. The Florida senator mentioned that there are at least 10 agencies that regulate the energy industry, which he says are way too many. That’s why he’d attempt to “cripple” the regulatory power of all federal agencies. 
"Marco Rubio’s plan promises to protect big oil and the Koch brothers, instead of growing clean energy and protecting the environment.” Jessica Mackler

St. Petersburg BP Settlement Funds

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Festival in the Heights

Today - 4pm

Florida Class Warfare

 Rick Scott, and the state’s economic development arm, Enterprise Florida, recently teamed up to promote Florida’s business climate to Kentucky businesses. In a radio ad, they asked Kentuckians if they were tired of unions and high taxes, and touted Florida as a place that has neither “as a right-to-work state,
with no income tax.” 
While Scott and his 
corporate functionaries 
tout these as state assets,  they are actually liabilities for the majority of Floridians. here

Bethune-Cookman University: We Got $15 Million

In an open letter Friday, Chairman Joe Petrock says that Scott was selected as one of five honorees for the 3rd annual Mary McLeod Bethune Legacy Awards Gala based on his ability to deliver needed resources to the university. Petrock says Scott’s support has included more than $15 million in funding allocations over the past three years. here

Ferry Linking Tampa And St. Pete

A commuter ferry service may be still years away but weekend ferry rides across Tampa Bay could be running in as little as a year through a pilot program pushed by St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman. He plans to pitch the idea to Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn at a meeting next week. (Good luck with that!) He said he has no qualms about working with Turanchik, whose failed attempts to bring the 2012 Olympics and commuter rail to Tampa have led some to dub him a dreamer. here
“I think if you’re not dreaming and shooting for the stars, you’ll certainly never reach them. You’ve got to try new things and see if you can put it together.” Rick Kriseman
A ferry has been running between the cities of Havana and Regla 
in Cuba since the 1940's. here

Feds Say No To Florida GOP

In a stinging blow to opponents of the state's anti-gerrymandering amendments, a federal court this week has thrown out a lawsuit filed by two Florida Republican Party officials who claimed the new law violated the constitution because it had a "chilling effect" on their free speech and petition rights.
Tim Norris, the Walton County Republican Executive Committee Chairman and Randy Maggard, the Pasco County Republican Executive Committee Chairman. sued the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner in August, demanding that he not enforce the Fair Districts provisions of the state constitution. here

Marco Rubio Opposes Raising The Minimum Wage

Florida GOP Marco Rubio admitted that people can’t live off jobs that pay only 
$10 or $11 per hour. 
But the Republican Opposes 
raising the minimum wage. here 

Friday, October 16, 2015

YBOR Time Lapse

WTF: Bethune-Cookman University Students And Alumni

Are asking University officials to stop plans to honor Florida Gov. Rick Scott with an award named for the school's founder. The Mary McLeod Bethune Leadership Award is the school's highest honor. When word of plans to present the award to Scott got out, a group of those critical of the idea started an online petition asking school officials put an end to those plans. here
"I was absolutely floored," B-CU graduate Jasmine Burney said. "The students, the alumni and the surrounding community are also in shock."

Mario Rubio Could Win The Billionaire Primary

Marco Rubio may not be posting the same support as Donald Trump or Ben Carson in the polls, but he appears to be pulling ahead of his Republican rivals among one crucial demographic: billionaire donors. here

Bernie Fan In Tampa

Westshore Mall

Rick Scott Keeps Pushing Legislators For Corporate Welfare

 Rick Scott continues telling business leaders to pressure lawmakers for more incentive money (Corporate Welfare) to help attract companies to Florida. here
Also check out: 

Florida's Corporate Welfare Not Working

Thursday, October 15, 2015