Monday, October 26, 2015

November Solidarity Sunday

Sunday, November 8 at 6:00pm
Lee's Grocery in Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Philly Cheesesteak
At Eye Poppin’ Cheesesteaks and Hoagies in Inverness
Visit them here

Sunday, October 25, 2015

$264 Million In Corporate Welfare Since Rick Scott Took Office In 2011

He wants $80 million more! 
Check this out

Best States For Business: Florida #20

 The state's ability to attract high-wage manufacturing jobs has not increased alongside a sharp rise in taxpayer-funded economic incentives (Corporate Welfare), which are often designed to attract those jobs, according to the Legislature's top economist.

Florida GOP Carlos Curbelo: The Yes-Man For The Republican Party

Just minutes after Rep. Paul Ryan announced his intentions for speaker, Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo was already behind Ryan for the position. here

Three Cheers For Mayor Rick Kriseman

"The vision is clear: ferry service that makes the trip from St. Pete to Tampa fun; that takes cars off our congested highways; that saves time and aggravation for commuters; that takes us to ballgames, museums, concerts, the theater and other public events; that helps our tourists shuttle between all of the attractions within the Tampa Bay region; that reduces the isolation of our South Hillsborough County residents; and that one day may connect us to Key West, New Orleans or even Cuba." 
Dave Scott, President of Tampa Bay Citizens for 
High Speed Ferries.

Florida GOP: Julio Gonzalez's Right To Discriminate Bill

 Who was enthusiastically endorsed by Marco Rubio, has introduced a wide-ranging "right to discriminate" bill in the Florida house that many believe is in reaction to the legalization of gay marriage. here
Take Action

Party With Pat Kemp In Tampa

10.28 - 5:30pm
1502 S Howard Ave, Tampa
Local greats Mariella Smith, Betty Castor, Mary Mulhern, Al Fox and 
Ed Turanchik will also be there.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Open Letter From The Best Writer @ SPB: Janelle Irwin

"It’s strange to me that you consider killing living things a sport. That you smile over the carcass of a once-living thing and revel in your kill both shocks and offends me. Killing animals for food is one thing – cows are cute, but I love me some steak – but to do it for “sport” just seems sick." Janelle Irwin

Sarasota Tea Partiers Want To Hang President Obama

Sarasota Tea Party Idiots Pat Wayman and Steven R. Fields voted to establish a “people’s common law grand jury,” which sovereign citizens and other anti-government extremists have proposed to investigate and prosecute government officials for treason — which, as they frequently point out, carries a potential death penalty. “Grand jury powers come from God,” Dowdell said. 
Tea Party activists have been trying to set up common law grand juries, which don’t actually carry any legal authority, for years in hopes of convicting — and hanging — President Barack Obama for treason. here

Best States For Business: Florida #20

After Spending Millions in 
Corporate Welfare.

Rick Scott’s GOP Propaganda

His public relations event on Pine Island touting our “pristine waterways” was yet another feeble attempt to convince the public that he and his policies are making Florida a better place to live. The supporting cast of Representatives Matt Caldwell, whose legislation is frequently a gift to big sugar, and Ray Rodrigues now sponsoring legislation to remove home rule on oil and gas fracking were there singing the same tune.

Florida GOP: Subsidiary Of The NRA

 The Florida GOP, basically all but an owned subsidiary of the National Rifle Association, is forging ahead with more gun friendly legislation against the will of their own voters. Because they parrot the talking points of the NRA and its lobbyist Marion Hammer. here

Faces of Floridians for Solar Choice - Shout Outs!

Visit them here

Friday, October 23, 2015

Words From Our Leader Susan Smith

"I'm very proud to be a Democratic woman tonight. (I say this as a Bernie supporter.) Hillary did US proud. I'm only sorry that the tragic deaths of four Americans were used for partisan gamesmanship." 
Susan Smith

No Family Vacations In Open Carry Florida!

The Sunshine State may soon be far less family friendly. State lawmakers are considering giving gun owners with concealed carry permits the right to openly carry their firearms in public places, even allowing them to hold their guns in their hands as they walk around. here

Florida's $250 Million Corporate Welfare Fund

Rick Scott on Thursday called on state legislators to set aside tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to lure companies to the Sunshine State. here

Tampa Bay Solar Tour 2015 @ USF

Saturday at 9:00am - 4:00pm

Wear Pink With UFC