Saturday, November 14, 2015

Miami Is Sinking

Miami Beach consists of a long, low barrier island accompanied by a scattering of manmade islets. It’s one of the lowest-lying municipalities in the country, and its residents are leading the way into the world’s wetter future. here

Dade City Bans Fracking

It’s a dirty word in Dade City if you go by a city commission resolution that advocates banning the practice in Florida.
Loud applause greeted the board’s decision.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Joe Negron

Dozens of state Sen. Joe Negron's allies stroked checks for thousands of dollars to his political fund for the privilege of hobnobbing during a two-day spa and golf retreat at The Brazilian Court — "the ultimate Florida vacation destination for the rich and famous" here

Marco Rubio's American Express Card

$3,756.24 to Iberia Tiles for flooring
$1,745 in hotel and car rental costs from a trip to Las Vegas.
$599.45 for visits to a Honda dealership near Rubio's West Miami home. 
$180 for a children's activity center.
 $715.28 to a Sym's discount clothing store  in New York City.
$74 for food and beverages at the 
2005 Super Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida. here

Friday, November 13, 2015

Bob Buckhorn Supports TBX

Bob Buckhorn is optimistic that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) can come to find a “middle ground” with concerned Tampa residents. here 

Florida Dem Alcee Hastings Wants A Raise

His $174,000 
Annual salary is not enough.

Get Rid Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

"We had a 50 State Strategy when I came in [as DNC chair]. We didn't control the House, the Senate, or the President. By the time I left we controlled all three." Howard Dean
She is working for the other side. Join the 
Susan Smith wing of the Florida Democratic Party. here

Miami Troublemakers School

January 23, 2016, 9:00 am
The Miami Troublemakers School will be a one-day crash course in rabble rousing for union members, worker center activists, students, and community organizers. The day will feature trainings such as “Beating Apathy,” "Building Strong Labor-Community Coalitions," "Secrets of a Successful Organizer," and "Using Your Rights on the Job." We’ll also have a chance to network and share strategies so that we can build a stronger movement for workers and communities in South Florida. here

Party With Kevin Beckner In Tampa

11.16.2015 - 5:30 pm
Downtown Tampa

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Food Not Bombs Tampa Feeding The Homeless

Visit them here

Floridians take to the streets to keep the heat on Publix

Farmworker families, allies launch series of fall Publix actions with massive protest at Sarasota’s Bay St. Publix, calling on Florida’s grocer to join the Fair Food Program! here

Florida gets a D

Rick Scott's Florida is getting a failing grade in a new report ranking and assessing state government accountability and transparency. The Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity has just reviewed every state in the country in these categories, and gives Florida a score of 61, a D-. That ties the Sunshine State for 30th place among the 50 states in the nation. here

Florida Voters Remember the Jeb Gov Disaster

Only 7% Say They Would Vote For Him
Jeb Bush’s campaign has been in trouble since its start and for good reason. In fact, Jeb’s poor polling with Floridians, his former constituents, may be the best proof that voters who have had the Jeb experience don’t want it again. here

Antisocial Leesburg

Don't even think about hanging out here!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fight For 15 - Downtown Tampa 2015

Dave Cutler, president of 
The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus 
with our leader Susan Smith.

The great Darden Rice spoke up!

Awesome event. Great job Ashley Whitney and Kelly Benjamin.

Marco Rubio Promises To Deport Dreamers

Rubio wants it known that he will end the only protection that some undocumented immigrants have the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was created through executive action in 2012 by President Obama. During a Young Professionals event in Manchester, New Hampshire, 
Rubio said that he would eventually 
end the DACA program. here

MPO Board Meeting: Stop TBX

The place was packed. They had to use the overflow room. Over 30 people asked to speak. They cut the time from 3 minutes to 1 minute because the board didn't want to be out all night. Everyone spoke against it, except one old guy who is getting paid or doesn't care about the future of his children. Lisa Montelione was late. Speakers kept giving others their minutes.

  And the highlight of the night was when a speaker asked the crowd to stand if they were against it, and the entire audience rose to its feet, applauding wildly.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Sausage Sandwich
At Sausage Laboratory
Visit them here, Like them on Facebook