Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ana Tijoux & Shadia Mansour - Somos Sur

United for Care Deadlines Are Looming

Deadlines are looming for this campaign. We have to make sure we get 683,149 petitions in by January. Realistically, based on when the bills for petition collection are due, we need to raise another $73,000 by the end of the year.   We're hoping to raise another $23k Tuesday, if we can. The longer it takes, the more expensive it becomes.

Stogie T-Shirt

Buy a shirt, help us out!

STOP TBX Fundraiser

12.12.2015 - 8pm
Tampa Heights Junior Civic Association
All proceeds support Sunshine Citizen's
 public outreach efforts. here

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Chicken Shawerma
With Rice
Zeko's Mediterranean Grill on Busch Blvd. in Tampa
Visit them here

Jeb Bush Would Love To Save You From ISIS... If You're Christian

December Solidarity Sunday

Tampa's Monthly Worker Meetup is Back! 
This month hosted by  IBEW 824 Steward Bill Perry, Ashley Whitney of Fight for 15 and this blog.
12.13.2015 - 6pm @ Lee's Grocery in Tampa Heights.

Sanford Cop Fired For Singing With A Band

Friday, November 27, 2015

Fight For 15 Black Friday Protest @ Dale Mabry Walmart

Group Pic

Two of the most caring activist we have. 
Ashley Whitney of Fight For 15 and Norwood Orrick of 
Solidarity Sunday,

Tampa Sidewalk

Franklin St.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Great Hot Dog with Pepsi
Love the toasted bun
At the food truck across from the Marion Transfer Center
Downtown Tampa

Koch Brothers Bribe Miami Latinos With Free Turkey

A free Thanksgiving turkey for personal information — captures the mission of Libre, a multimillion-dollar effort financed by the conservative billionaire 
Koch brothers 
and devoted to winning over Hispanics. here

Tampa Homeless Proof Bench

Florida and Waters

Thursday, November 26, 2015


“I’m proud to fully support the proposal to create the Florida Enterprise Fund and improve the economic development process at Enterprise Florida,” Gaetz said in a prepared statement Tuesday. here
We got your back Northwest Florida!

Rick Scott's Big Cuts To Health Care And The Environment

For the fifth year in a row, Gov. Rick Scott is asking for big job cuts to state agencies responsible for health care and the environment. In his budget priorities released Monday, Scott asks the Legislature to eliminate a net of 718 jobs in the Department of Health and 152 in the Department of Environmental Protection. here

Tampa Bay Sierra Club Holiday Party In Ybor City

12.12.2015 - 6:30pm
Spaghetti Warehouse

Florida Accept No Ideological Riders

Ongoing negotiations are happening right now that threaten to undermine one of our biggest victories this year—protecting a free and open internet with net neutrality. 

We need you to call Congress with a simple message about the budget and appropriations process—We will accept no ideological riders, especially any that threaten net neutrality or undermine the ability of the Federal Communications Commission to protect an open internet.Here are the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative:

Sen. Bill Nelson
(202) 224-5274
Sen. Marco Rubio
(202) 224-3041
Rep. Kathy Castor
(202) 225-3376

Your Priorities For A Better Florida: Take Our 2016 Survey

Our online network of supporters throughout the state is Progress Florida's backbone. As one of those supporters, it's important we know more about what issues are most important to you and how you prefer to interact with us so we can build better, more effective campaigns in 2016.
This survey should take you around three minutes. Thanks for your input in helping us build a better organization, and let's keep up our fight to move Florida forward! here