Sunday, December 6, 2015

Marco Rubio: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Amount Miami Children’s Hospital paid 
Rubio for this advise.
“They’re far more interested in teeth.”

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ybor Paparazzi


Floridians for Solar Choice: The Real Grass Roots Effort

Get the facts about 
The real choice for solar in Florida 
Not the sham, shady move by the utilities.

Florida Farmworkers Unite To Demand Justice From Publix, Wendy’s…

From Jacksonville all the way down to Miami, conscientious consumers took to the streets — rain or shine — alongside farmworkers to show Wendy’s and Publix their support for the Fair Food Program.  Bursting with energy, young people, church groups, and families marched in city after city. here

Marco Rubio Voted Against Barring Suspected Terrorists From Getting Guns

Senate Republicans voted against barring suspected terrorists, felons and the mentally ill from getting guns. 
Florida GOP Marco Rubio was one of them. here

STOP TBX @ Amalie Arena

Our state legislative delegation has their 
annual town hall on
 Tuesday, December 8th at 1pm 
Amalie Arena in downtown Tampa. 
Citizens on hand to tell your legislators to remove TBX from the state budget, and direct those billions to locally identified transportation priorities - including fixing existing roads, funding transit, and improving ped/bike infrastructure... Tell them we are NOT willing to pay taxes to subsidize FDOT's TBX boondoggle. here

Friday, December 4, 2015

Happy Holidays Tampa Do-Gooder

Ybor City, Florida
We hope you don't get homesick.
Visit the real Ybor here

CFL NORML Winter Music Festival In Ybor City

With special guest
12.17.2015 - 7pm
@ Tequilas

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

Developers of a proposed 1.5 million square foot warehouse-distribution center on Big Bend Road won an exemption Wednesday from transportation fees. Hillsborough County Commissioners voted 5-2 to approve the amendment. Commissioners 
Kevin Beckner and Stacy White 
opposed the move. here
"How dare they ask us to raise our sales tax while exempting developers from their fair share!" 
Mariella Smith

Bernie Sanders - Tampa Barnstorm

Sat. 12/05 - 2-4pm.
Letter Carriers Hall
3003 W. Cypress Street, Tampa

Ybor Paparazzi

Bryn and Robeto of Mobile Apps Media
And Manny (Center) of Mace Multi Media

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Floridians Last

The governor's $79.3 billion spending proposal tilts heavily toward business. Scott wants a permanent elimination of income taxes on manufacturing and retail businesses; tax cuts on commercial leases over two years; and an end to sales taxes on manufacturing equipment. Just those cuts would total more than $1 billion. here

Read more here:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare Plan

$1 Billion 
Would eliminate corporate income taxes for manufacturing firms and retailers.  Rely on an increase in property taxes to boost money for schools.

Pat Kemp: A Climate Change Plan in Hillsborough County

In Hillsborough County on Sunday, we rallied & marched in support of a sustainable future. We need our own local climate action plan with a significant investment in mass transit options and in solar and energy efficiency measures. We can create jobs, save money, and reduce fossil fuels locally. As a commissioner, I will work to move us to a sustainable, energy efficient future.
I need your support today. 
Thank you! 

Tampa Bay GOP

Florida Frackers: Counties Fight Back

Dozens of Florida cities and counties oppose a plan to give the state control over the oil and gas exploration process known as fracking. Two Republican legislators, Rep. Ray Rodrigues of Estero and Sen. Garrett Richter of Naples, have proposed bills that would give the state authority to regulate oil and gas exploration, production, processing, storage and transportation. here

Rick Scott's Cronyism

Cronyism continues to thrive in the Governor's Mansion.
 The State Board of Education should be a bastion of people immersed in learning and dedicated to advancing student opportunities and success.
Instead, Gov. Rick Scott filled the seat held by John Colon, who resigned when the governor appointed him to the Manatee County School Board, with a close friend, a pal with little experience in education. here