Monday, June 27, 2016

ternational Day of Al Quds In Orlando

Harbor Island to Ybor Timelapse

The Life and Death of Andrew Joseph, III

7.23 - 1:30PM
Robert W. Saunders, Sr. Public Library

Pee Wee's story takes on an emotional and challenging topic—criminalization of black children —and is dedicated to helping foster an informed and rational dialogue on the issue. It looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged camps, and takes a penetrating look at the devastating impact of mass criminalization on our communities. 

Q&A with Andrew and Deanna Joseph will follow the screening. We are really excited to share this film with you! {Light refreshments will be served}.

Loser of the week: Patrick Murphy

Democratic elites touted the young congressman as a mighty candidate for U.S. Senate. But every week more revelations emerge about Murphy inflating his resume, and every week it looks more and more like there's nothing there beyond daddy's checkbook. here

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Party With Jessica Rose On The 4th Of July

Monday July 4th - 6PM
Bar Fly in Safety Harbor

HCC Hawk TV Interview with Larry Mitchell on Ybor City Chickens

Tampa's Famous Malfunction Junction

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Sweet and Sour Chicken
With Soup
At Golden Wok in Spring Hill
Visit them here. Eat Local!

Did Kimberly Overman Scare Les Miller Into Doing The Right Thing?

A week after Seminole Heights resident Kimberly Overman said she would be taking on Miller in the Hillsborough County Commission District 3 race, she drops out. Miller voted no on TBX. here 
USF Professor Doug Jesseph warned lawmakers on the MPO that they were putting their political futures in doubt if they supported the TBX. “If you have political ambitions, you should take note,” he said. “Support TBX and literally hundreds of
people will work 
tirelessly for your electoral downfall.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Purge Begins In Tampa: Sandy Murman

Out: Pro TBX - Sandy Murman
In: Stop TBX - Jeffrey Zampitella
Check him out here

Ybor Paparazzi

Manny Potter
Of Venture XXVI
Visit him here

A Day in the St. Pete Sunshine

Poll: Pat Kemp Leads

A new poll shows Pat Kemp leading the Democratic primary for the District 6 countywide Hillsborough County Commission seat. Kemp led the four candidates with the support of 34 percent of those polled. Tom Scott drew 24 percent, John Dicks 6 percent and Brian Willis, the leading fundraiser in the primary, got 4 percent. here

No Loitering In Riverside CA.

While in Cali. canvassing my partner stopped at a 7-11 for a smoke break. We were not there 5 minutes when this guy came up and told us we could not "Camp out there?" that we had to move or he was calling the cops. I complained to the store manager and was told I had to talk to the landlord. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tampa's Unforgiven

 Cindy Stuart
Harry Cohen
 Ken Hagan
 Sandra Murman
Stacy White
Frank Chillura
Rick A. Lott
The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization approved the Florida Dept. of Transportation’s controversial Tampa Bay Express project on Thursday morning, adding it to its annual Transportation Improvement Plan for the next five years, despite intense passionate opposition. here
USF Professor Doug Jesseph warned the lawmakers on the MPO that they were putting their political futures in doubt if they supported the TBX. “If you have political ambitions, you should take note,” he said. “Support TBX and literally hundreds of people will work 
tirelessly for your electoral downfall.

Ybor Paparazzi

Ltamar J. Martinez
Of Free Attorney Referrals
Visit him here

Orlando Prosecutor Suspended For Racist Facebook Rant

Scott And Bondi's Discrimination Against LGBT Floridians

Gov. Scott has fought to maintain discrimination against LGBT Floridians since being elected. He and his Attorney General, Pam Bondi, vowed to never allow same sex marriage and spent tens of thousands in taxpayer funds to fight all court decisions that upheld equality. Bondi so strongly supported LGBT discrimination that in 2014, she said marriage equality must never be allowed because “that would impose significant public harm.” That was both divisive and untrue. Well, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for equality, and Scott and Bondi lost – resoundingly. But they clearly have not learned anything, since their campaign to discriminate against LGBT people lives on. here