Saturday, July 16, 2016

Progressive Tampa

Pat, Susan, Kate and Asher
Pro TBX Cindy Stuart not included! 

President Obama Please Save Our Beaches

Brandishing bottles of algae-tainted water, activists from both Florida coasts demanded Thursday that Congress and President Obama save our beaches and businesses. here

Register To Vote Florida

Local heroes Brenda and Kelly
Registering people to vote at the Jan Platt Library 

Pitbull's Bullshit Video

World don't believe this Propaganda!

This is what our beaches look like. more

Fight For 15 Protest In Miramar

Workers at a Miramar McDonald's protested Thursday morning, demanding better working conditions and a $15 minimum wage. here

Friday, July 15, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

Bring it on Bryan Farris!
This blog is solely responsible for this post. 
Not approved by the Pat Kemp campaign.

Eid Presents for Refugee Kids In Tampa

This Sunday July 17th, L.O.Z. will be working with Love Has no Borders group once again to deliver food and toys to Refugee families in need. info

Clinton In Ybor

New Office on 7th just east of The Columbia.

islamophobia In Boca Raton

Laila Abdelaziz, the spokesperson for Florida's chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has the details.

Florida Tourist Beware

Florida INC. has destroyed our east coast and the Frackers are destroying the Gulf. 

Hundreds of Offshore Fracking Wells Dump Billions of Gallons of Oil Waste Into Gulf. here

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Merchants Of Ybor: The Big Easy

Crawfish Boil
Visit them here

BLM Tampa Bay Rally In Ybor

7.16 - 4PM

Florida Sugar Daddies: $57.8 Million

While the Everglades still struggle years after a landmark state and federal agreement on restoration plans, Florida Division of Elections records show tens of millions in political contributions from an industry that environmentalists blame for pollution in the wetlands.
The sugar industry, led by United States Sugar and Florida Crystals, steered $57.8 million in direct and in-kind contributions to state and local political campaigns between 1994 and 2016, according to a review of state elections records by the Tallahassee bureau shared by The Miami Herald and the Tampa Bay Times. here