Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Florida's Koch Private School Network

With school choice efforts stalled in Washington, the billionaire Koch brothers’ network is engaged in state-by-state battles with teachers’ unions, politicians and parent groups to push for public funding of private and charter schools.
Beware of  so-called Hispanic organizations such as the Libre Initiative. 
In Florida mailings in Spanish and English supporting a Florida law that encourages charter schools in communities with low-performing schools. After Rick Scott, a Republican, signed it into law, the state Democratic Party said he’d “declared war on our public schools.”

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Our Case Against Gwen Graham

Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America: Repost From October 14, 2006

Author Stan Goff, a retired 26-year veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces, sounds a warning call that many of the historical precursors of fascism—white supremacy, militarization of culture, vigilantism, masculine fear of female power, xenophobia and economic destabilization—are ascendant
 in America today......more

Nina Turner - Single Payer Strategy

Coming to Tampa 11.4.2017

Florida Lawmakers Report Card

To achieve an "A" grade on the Report Card, lawmakers had to consistently vote to put "people first" instead of other, powerful interests. Only 31 of 158 members of the GOP-controlled Legislature received "A" grades. here

The Interstate Traveler Hydrogen Superhighway

Repost from November 27, 2007
If the Sunshine State had a real high-speed rail system, how would it look? Unlike most every other type of mass transit, the Hydrogen Superhighway requires no public investment for construction or maintenance. The Interstate Traveler is solar-powered! It manufactures its own hydrogen fuel with the power of the sun. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Tampa Bay's Fake News Source

Aside from not being in the hunt for Amazon HQ2, what do Las Vegas and Tampa Bay share in common?
Both have daily newspapers that were bailed out by conservative billionaires.  Once categorized as “mainstream media,” the papers have rapidly transformed themselves into fake news sources. here

Hillsborough County Looking For Candidate

County Commissioner Dist. 2 
As of this date there are 2 Candidates 
GOP Ken Hagan: Corrupt politician who has found a loop hole to continue his dishonest ways. And unknown GOP Chris Paradies
Progressive Dems, Democratic Socialists
and Greens time to step up! here

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Dear Diary: November 30, 2020

It has been almost a month since Americans soundly defeated the fascist at the polls. I was awaken early this morning after a long night with friends at The Reservoir. I was shocked to see two well dressed men at my door. They asked me if they could come in to talk to me about the election. They said they were from Homeland Security and wanted to ask me a few questions about it. Of course since I had nothing to hide I told them to come in. I was polite, asked them to sit down and if they wanted me to make them some coffee.  They politely declined. 

I had volunteered in various ways for our new president. I was worried that I was on some kind of list and was in trouble. What they asked me was both shocking and unexpected. They wanted to know if I would give them a list of friends who had voted for and supported the fascist. They said they were rounding them up to stick in some kind of, as they put it "Reeducation Camps."

As misguided and ignorant my friends were they are still my friends. I had no clue what to say.
 Happy Halloween Tampa Bay!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hang Out With Berner Nina Turner In Tampa

Nina's courageous stand as a DNC insider turned Bernie Sanders for President surrogate shows Nina is a woman of character and vision, and you don't want to miss her inspirational energy.
Saturday, November 4 at 1:30 PM
Tickets are going fast. Get yours here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Glen
He is a local

Right Wing Propaganda Tampa Bay Times

Adam C. Smith, who use to be a decent writer follows the new rules well. 
His Winner and losers of the week in 
Florida politics
Losers: Democrats Jeff Clemens
and Rick Kriseman
Winner: GOP Rick Scott
And then this story about a Trump backed singer no one has ever heard of challenging Charlie Crist.
What he had to say about Crist.
/governor/vice presidential finalist/washed-up
 former politician/now Congressman Charlie Crist’s career couldn’t get any weirder, there’s a new development.


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Fish
With Rice
At Ming Garden in Tampa
 Eat Local!

Frederica Wilson Faces Threats After Criticizing Trump

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Ybor City Musicians

At Centro Ybor

The Citrus Taliban Wants To End The Right To Privacy For All Floridians

The Constitution Revision Commission voted 30-2 to advance a proposal that would severely limit the constitutional right to privacy for all Floridians. If this doesn’t scare you, it should. here
Commissioner John Stemberger, president of the anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ Florida Family Policy Counsel, sponsored this proposed constitutional amendment.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tom
He is from  New Hampshire