Sunday, March 3, 2019

Who I like for mayor of Tampa

Ed Turanchik
Best résumé of all candidates.
Topher Morrison
Not a politician. Smart, nice guy!
Harry Cohen
Cannabis decriminalization.

DISCLAIMER: I am a photographer and blogger. I do not work for any candidate or management company.
 I was not paid for this endorsement.

Florida Late Voting

Temple Terrace to Largo: 2 Weeks

Tampa Welcomes the CIW

March 5, 2019 at 6 PM
Waters Avenue Church - Tampa

Friday, March 1, 2019



I'm sure many of our readers have learned of the recent escalation of the conflict between India and Pakistan that is causing our sisters and brothers in Kashmir great suffering. This is another of the many unjust wars being waged between greedy and power hungry governments at the deadly expense of the innocent.
As part of the GLOBAL STANDOUT FOR PEACE IN SOUTH ASIA, an event has been organized for March 4 on the USF campus. Two young, passionate women who are students at USF have organized this event and they are asking for help from the activist community here in Tampa. This is an ideal opportunity to connect with activists at USF while lending your support to a just and noble cause. Please, if you can, join us Monday afternoon and help amplify the voices of these comrades for peace and justice.

Ybor Paparazzi

Johana Reynolds

Day in life of Tampa Mayoral Candidate Topher Morrison

Florids GOP wants to make It harder for the poor to access Medicaid

While the Democratic party's left flank is pushing lawmakers to extend Medicare to all citizens and/or create a "single-payer" healthcare system similar to those in every other developed nation on earth, many Florida Republicans are still coming up with new ways to chip away at healthcare access in the Sunshine State. HERE

Matt Gaetz Grovels To Nancy Pelosi

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vote for Harry Cohen, a Practical Progressive!

I stand with Harry Cohen for multiple reasons. Among those are a few different points: a solid record, a bold platform, and genuine character. Please take the time to review if you are still undecided in the Tampa mayoral election, or do not know much about City Councilor Cohen!

A progressive record:

While on the Tampa City Council, Harry has accomplished some relatively impressive feats. His most notable accomplishment, in my opinion, was propelling the cannabis decriminalization ordinance into law. This is an often overlooked and underrated accomplishment, which some of us on the left have conveniently disregarded, while over 2,500 people in Tampa have avoided unnecessary persecution and arrest. I, for one, owe Harry my freedom, as I would have been arrested in late 2016 had it not been for his hallmark ordinance. That some in our leftist community would underate such an action is well beyond me. It should go without saying that this is a truly progressive accomplishment.

Harry was one of three on the City Council to join a delegation to Cuba during the Obama years wherein he called for open travel between Tampa and the island. That was a progressive action in support of good policy. Cohen was the driving force behind a comprehensive stormwater  ordinance which will be crucial in preventing major floods and protecting the citizens of Tampa. With those three points in mind, it is clear that Harry’s record on the City Council has been proactive and progressive!

A fantastic platform:

Aside from his stellar job on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, we in the leftist community greatly admire strong platforms, like those of Senator Bernie Sanders. I will equate Bernie to Harry here with some insight to his progressive platform. Harry has outlined plans for affordable, equitable housing and climate action. He supports the legalization of cannabis (this is important as State Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith has introduced legislation to do just that statewide), and is one of only two mayoral candidates to do so! Harry has a plan for a Grand Metro Center to bolster public transit options in Tampa while supporting rail and bus expansion. He has the endorsements of Emgage, Indivisible Action Tampa Bay, The Tampa Bay Progressive Caucus, and several distinguished figures, including former City Councilor Mary Mulhern who has first hand experience dealing with Buckhorn as Mayor (and thus has an eye for those who are quite different from Bob). Harry’s platform is bold and progressive!

A sincere approach:

While Harry is a progressive, he is also a practical person with his own ideas and strategies. I did not agree with his vote on TBX (which I am greatly opposed to) and I made this clear to Cohen during our one on one meeting. Rather than obnoxiously argue with me, or whitewash his past actions,!he looked me in the eye and shared his reasoning. He explained his desire to alleviate traffic in the Westshore area while opposing the toll roads—while we didn’t agree, still, he did not waver and gave a genuine response. I also spoke to Harry about the bathhouse ordinance and had a candid discussion about decriminalizing sex work; while we did not agree on the issue, he did not avoid the question or attempt to drown my concerns with his own, instead opting to respectfully disagree on the position, while sharing his willingness to listen. We need elected officials who will engage in a genuine dialogue with us, who will champion decent character, and listen to constituents. That is arguably more critical than electing the purity test, especially in a day when those we elect sometimes deviate from their platform while maintaining a proud ego. Still, I look for those with progressive records and platforms, who balance their politics with sincerity. That’s Harry!

If Harry’s vote on TBX or the bathhouse ordinance is disqualifying to you, consider how each candidate in the mayoral election has some sort of baggage. We cannot install a purity test with politicians and expect 100% cleanliness. We can, however, aim for the most progressive, leftist candidate who will listen to our concerns regardless of their personal taste. I know there are three other great candidates in the race whom I respect, and I won’t hold it against anyone to support their bids. I am, however, supporting Harry Cohen for Mayor due to his work, impact, message, and character. I hope you will, too! The election is March 5th!

Legal Florida Marijuana

Two Florida lawmakers have filed bills that would legalize recreational marijuana.

Allow those over 21 to purchase or possess of 2.5 ounces, and smoke 
it in private.

"People are going to be doing it anyway. They have for decades, centuries, and they will continue to," said Merri Newman ,who works at Chillum CBD Dispensary in Ybor City. HERE

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, said that full legalization is a recipe for disaster.

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Florida GOP making schools separate and unequal again

Ybor Paparazzi

 Glen Eich