Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Candy Lowe

Tampa Would You Drink Water Made From Sewage?

Matt Gaetz Chronicles: PENCIL Act

Matt Gaetz wants to codify one of President Donald Trump’s taunts
 into federal law.

He filed a bill that would boot Rep. Adam Schiff from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Gaetz named his legislation the “Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses” Act — the PENCIL Act — mimicking President Donald Trump’s schoolyard insult for the beleaguered committee chairman.
Trump called Schiff a “little pencil neck” at a March rally. HERE

Bo Needs Our Help

His Pizza is great. Help him
 at  New York New York Pizza in Ybor.

Kent Bailey smells a rat

"Clearly TECO and FPL are operating in parallel (that is, non-intersecting) universes. How is it possible that technology that will save FPL rater payers $100M is "no economically feasible" for TECO? I smell a RAT!"

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Larry

Florida Waters Auction Floridians Freaking Out

The Trump administration is considering auctioning off Florida’s coastal waters for oil and gas drilling. 

The idea is so politically toxic in Florida that past presidents haven’t even entertained it. HERE

Crackhead Dale Massad of Port Richey

 The recently deposed mayor of Port Richey pervasively used crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine during his tenure in office. HERE

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Florida GOP Matthew Lusk Is Running For Congress

He appears to be the first QAnon follower to run for Congress.

“I belong to no secret societies or clubs, Q is one of my issues because it’s definitely a leak from high places. I follow Q, but I don’t know who or what Q is.”

They claim Hillary Clinton and other high-profile Democrats are part of a child sex trafficking ring that Trump is secretly working to bring down. A best-selling book about QAnon “claims that Democrats murder and eat children and that the government created AIDS, polio and Lyme disease” and that “the world is run by a Satanic cabal led by Hillary Clinton.”

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Land O Lakes Ban Fracking Rally

 April 17, 2019 at 5:30 PM

Is Joe Citro Trying To Pull A Guido?

Tampa City Council - District 1

Our other choice
The real Progressive 
(So we thought) WMNF guy 
just got endorsed by the Straz lady.


Lenny For Mayor In Ybor


Florida GOP Ron DeSantis Has ‘Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals

The new governor wants to arm teachers, undermine local school boards, and generally double down on decades of education reform efforts that have gutted the state’s
public schools. HERE

Ybor Graffiti

7th Ave