Saturday, June 29, 2019

Wild and Crazy Marco Rubio

"To protect the US from the negative effects of the Chinese being too good at capitalism, we must have the US government plan everything centrally to make sure Americans aren't 
paying too little."

"Can't even make this up. It's somewhat hilarious yet embarrassing to watch how far little Marco sells out everything he once claimed he believed in to become Trump's little bitch."

Broward County Deputy Jorge Sobrino

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Asher Endorses For President!

Hello my various friends! I want to make clear that my endorsement for President is based on solid principles: platform, character, record, electability, and in this case, the first round of debates to compare candidates shoulder to shoulder. A lot hasn’t been done the way I would prefer, which means—I hope—that serious discussions on foreign policy, environmental protection, and equities for many marginalized people such as those with disabilities and people of color, must take place for all candidates with these debates. Not so easy with the high volume of candidates, though there are more, and there should be new questions and expansions on the old. That being said...

I am proud and honored to endorse my Senator, Bernie Sanders for President of the United States! His vision for healthcare, education, and genuine welfare are a necessary step for America at its best, and at its worst, a more effective bargaining chip to get closer to where we should be as a nation,  with democratic socialism influence urging a budgetary reprioritization. His vision for foreign policy and long time advocacy against the wars that bring our nation down are a must at this dangerous time. His character and ability to rally people from in and out of the Democratic Party will help to defeat Trump.

I feel the Bern, and like Bernie, the first 2020 candidate to sign the loyalty pledge to support the Democratic nominee, I denounce B or Bust and encourage each of my fellow Bernie supporters to do the same in a measured fashion. We need to put a strong halt on attacking other candidates and especially their supporters, as well as our own who vocalize truth in the same way as Bernie. We need a big tent to win and we must open a bridge to those in other campaigns, rather than senselessly cause strife when it is not required. I love my Senator and want him to win this election; we will need to pull our own weight, and inspire others to love rather than hate. That is my solemn message to fellow leftists who want the best for humanity, the country, and the planet.

If we had ranked choice voting, my subsequent choices at this time would be:

2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Kamala Harris
4. Pete Buttigieg
5. Tulsi Gabbard
6. Julian Castro

I look forward to more substance and a positive election with a positive end result! Stay groovy.

— Asher

Ybor Creeper

Central Ybor

Melissa Bolcar of Land O’ Lakes

Cenk And Ana in Miami

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Jarred

Desperate Rays owner makes his Montreal split-city plea

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

WellBuilt Bikes | Tampa's Non-Profit Bike Shop

Mariella Smith Files

I was happy to open the Bike Walk Tampa Bay Summit 2019 on Friday. Safe streets and alternative transportation have been passions of mine for a long time. Our streets consistently rank among the deadliest in America. The deaths of pedestrians and cyclists on our streets is a shameful tragedy.
Voters gave us clear direction in the Transportation Tax referendum that they want to spend 12% of each municipality's share of the tax on safe bike/ped infrastructure. But the judge in Commissioner White's lawsuit threw out all the percentages and has now left the spending priorities solely up to the County Commission. If you feel, as I do, that we need to build safe infrastructure for bicycles and pedestrians, including school children biking and walking to school, please let your County Commissioners know that you want them to spend that 12% as the voters intended. (While you're at it, you can ask them to keep the 45% share for transit that 
was in the referendum.)
Another opportunity to provide input on transportation is the survey for the Hillsborough County 2045 Transportation Plan:

And finally, here's a cool group I learned about at the Summit: WellBuilt Bikes is a non-profit bike shop offering refurbished sales and low-fee repairs. Earn-A-Bike program and sliding scale fees available. Donate your old frames and parts. They reuse & recycle. AND they seem like a fun bunch! 
More here:

Ybor Paparazzi


Anniversary of Chillum - Ybor City

June 29 at 11 AM
1714 E. 7th Ave INFO

Mosquito Hunters of Tampa