Monday, August 26, 2019

Asher’s Extended Ranked Voting!

Hello friends,

I am going to provide an extension of my ranked choice list — just for fun, seeing as my choice for President is Senator Sanders! I still think it’s fun to put these candidates in a list of who I would hypothetically vote for if the option(s) higher up were not running 
or withdrew.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Tulsi Gabbard
4. Andrew Yang
5. Kamala Harris
6. Julian Castro
7. Pete Buttigieg
8. Bill de Blasio
9. Marianne Williamson
10. Kirsten Gillibrand
11. Cory Booker
12. Steve Bullock
13. Amy Klobuchar
14. Tom Steyer
15. Wayne Messam
16. Michael Bennet
17. Tim Ryan
18. Joe Sestak
19. Beto O’Rourke
20. Joe Biden
21. John Delaney

Stay groovy,

— Asher

Ybor City Homeless

Meet EJ

Andy Vila of Miami

Young Americans Embrace Socialism, Even Among
 Miami Cubans
Andy Vila's mother remembers her son as a bright, rebellious child who enjoyed Harry Potter books and dressing up as the U.S. president. But when he began to embrace the same ideology his family had fled in socialist Cuba, she pleaded in vain for him
 to stop his political activism. HERE

Wonderful World Of Wendy in Pasco County

Watch Your Back Ybor

A stroll down 7th Ave is not what it use to be.

 Now you have to compete with these things

and TPD.

Eric Evolving in Tampa

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

7th Ave

Tampa Berners Recruiting

Don't let the MSM fool you. They are trying to set the narrative. Let the slow pokes bicker over who is the best candidate. We already know don't we. There is only one candidate. Unfinished business from 2016.

Ybor Bartenders

JC at Red Star Rock Bar

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Rice and Yuca
At La Tropicana in Ybor City


Justice for Markeis McGlockton

Saturday, August 24, 2019