Sunday, November 3, 2019

Florida GOP Has No Shame

Volusia County’s “Complete Count” committee is warning residents that a Republican fundraising mailer that mimics the look of a U.S. Census form is 
not the real thing.
The Republican National Committee mailed the “2019 Congressional District Census” forms to local residents that resemble census form — but with some distinctions. The Republican form asks if the recipient will support Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. It also asks if recipients believe the Democrats are “promoting a Big-Government Socialist agenda for America.” They also ask for a credit card number, and a donation. HERE

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thanks a Lot Gov. Cuomo

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo didn't mince words when he learned that Trump had filed paperwork to change his permanent residence from New York City 
to Palm Beach, Florida.
"Good riddance. It's not like 
Mr. Trump paid taxes here anyway, he' all yours, Florida." HERE

Florida GOP: For History's Sake

'History Will Not Look Kindly
On These Men. RIP!

56% of Florida Democrats approve of Governor Ron DeSantis

According to The Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida. HERE

Bad Dog Wings - Boneyard Ybor

Floridians Can't Afford Florida

Central Florida is now the worst place in the country to find an affordable home. HERE

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rental Scooter Companies Being Sued

Disability rights advocate sues rental scooter companies, alleging blocked sidewalks

An advocate for disability rights says the recent deluge of rental scooters in Minneapolis has clogged the sidewalks and made the city unsafe for people with impaired mobility, joining critics around the country who allege the popular scooters violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Full Article HERE

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Black Beans and Rice
At Machu Picchu Restaurant in Tampa


Invitation To Million Mask March Tampa November 5th 2019

Ybor City Sangrea

HCC Emergency Call Boxes in Ybor City

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Susan Valdes Protest in Tampa

Nina Tatlock

Susan Lee

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Dave Cutler

Bill Person & Jim Shirk


Joe Citro

Orlando Guides

Maikel's Kitchen - Tampa
Please don't blame the new restaurant, I plan on trying his food. He needs our support. Orlando and Joe thanks for coming out.

Ybor Berners November Presence

November 23 - 7 PM INFO

Florida Fool Marco Rubio