Friday, November 22, 2019

Sky U. White Fan

Susan Lee


Trump Coming To Miami

“I am looking forward to President Donald J. Trump joining Florida Republicans as we close out a great year of building a unified front in a critical upcoming election year.” Ron DeSantis

Experience Tampa Like a Local

Noam Chomsky: Dem Centrism Risks Handing Election to Trump

"The Democratic Party is still unable to get its act together, and, in its apparent determination to kill the left wing, it may very well end up ensuring a Trump electoral victory for a second time."
 Noam Chomsky

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pre Debate Ranked Preferences!

Hello friends!

I will have to try and record tonight’s debate and watch it later tonight, however I would like to share my ranked choices based — per usual — on platform, character, past debate performance, & electability.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren & Andrew Yang (tie between 2/3)
4. Tulsi Gabbard
5. Pete Buttigieg
6. Tom Steyer
7. Kamala Harris
8. Cory Booker
9. Amy Klobuchar
10. Joe Biden

Hoping for a good, healthy debate tonight.
— Asher

Sky U. White Fan

Beau Robichaux

Advocating for On-campus Early Voting in Florida

Justice department investigating Florida GOP Ross Spano

The House Ethics Committee says the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Florida Rep. Ross Spano over accusations of campaign finance violations. HERE

Tampa Hoods


Florida Justice: Why low-level drug offenders serve 15+ years, and stay locked up on outdated laws