Monday, November 12, 2007

White Supremacists Endorse Ron Paul, a white supremacy web site, as well as others, such as, have actively supported Paul's bid for the presidency, including directing donors to his campaign. Stormfront has also endorsed Paul for
* "Opinion polls show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action."
* "We are constantly told it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers."
* "We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males who have been raised and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."......Statements from 1992 by Ron Paul

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rocky Mountain High

Those Rocky Mountains are getting higher. Two municipalities — Denver, Colorado, and the small town of Hailey, Idaho — passed pro-marijuana measures on election day this week, joining a growing number of liberal localities that are reducing or removing penalities on using
Mayor John Hickenlooper and four of the 13-member city council told a local newspaper they had smoked pot in the past.

Democracy, Malaysian Style

Imedi Off The Air

Another Ruthless Dictator
Lewis Robertson, an American who is the channel's director, said troops stormed in three hours before Saakashvili announced a state of emergency. Much of the station's equipment was destroyed and employees were tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets, he said. A woman who was nine months pregnant was forced to lie on the floor with a gun pointed at her

Florida Democrats’ Complicity in the Coming War with Iran

The Other War Party
Very disturbing role that Florida elected Democrats are playing in preparing for war with Iran: deconstructing the outrageous House Resolution 435 passed on Monday and sponsored by none other than Ron Klein (D) and co-sponsored by such great company as Connie Mack (R)
And don’t forget Bill Nelson’s recent vote along with Hillary to grant Bush preliminary authorization for war with Iran.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Schumer's Constituents Speak Out!

Florida Pulls Out Of Deal

Florida officials Friday backed away from a temporary truce hammered out by the Bush administration to end a three-state water war, fearing the deal would kill Apalachicola Bay's oyster
"Hopefully the people of Florida will recognize, [with] the lower flows that will result, that those little mussels could just ease a little further down to the water."......Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue

Just Wait?

Fowler Ave. And McKinley Dr. Tampa

Cállate Chavez!!

Kimberly's Big Mouth: DittoHeads Out Of Control

Bay Haven Elementary School
Teacher Rolf Hanson and the mother who criticized him on Rush Limbaugh's radio show do not always see eye-to-eye on issues. But they agreed on something Friday: Neither one of them wanted to spur a national controversy over the school's Veterans Day
Bay Haven Honors Our Veterans

Friday, November 9, 2007

Veterans/Armstice Day Ceremony

Sunday, November 11, 2007, 11am
Joe Chilura Park, Tampa

Free weekend street parking anywhere north of Kennedy Blvd. Bring your own seating, either lawn/camping chairs or blankets. All peace lovers welcome, along with their children. Bring your family, bring your friends, bring your signs.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Homophobic Okeechobee County School Board

Attorneys for the Okeechobee County school board in south Florida are planning to enlist experts to testify about the "negative effects of homosexual sex" in their fight to prevent a gay-straight alliance from meeting at Okeechobee High

Ocala Too Racist For Wesley Snipes

Selective Prosecution

In a motion filed Monday in U.S. District Court, Snipes' lawyer argued that the U.S. Attorney's Office wilfully selected the Marion County seat of Ocala because prosecutors "deliberately chose the most racially discriminatory venue available to the government with the best possibility of an all-white Southern jury where Snipes has never resided."

Pitchers 0f Beer

Yuengling For Me Please

Mickey Rourke Arrested In Miami Beach

A Scooter-Riding Mickey Rourke
Was arrested Thursday on suspicion of driving under the influence. A Miami Beach Police report said Rourke made a U-turn with a red light and then swerved several times while on a green scooter. He had a flushed face and bloodshot, watery eyes, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of alcohol on his

U.S. Militarization Of Africa

"With little scrutiny from Democrats in Congress and nary a whimper of protest from the liberal establishment, the United States will soon establish permanent military bases in sub-Saharan Africa," write Danny Glover and Nicole Lee in The
"An alarming step forward in the militarization of the African continent, the US Africa Command (Africom) will oversee all US military and security interests throughout the region, excluding Egypt."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Orleans Levee Spin 101

Katherine Harris Back In The Saddle

Laura Dern
Wore a cowboy hat, boots, a super-tight blue T-shirt, equally tight jeans, brunette wig and plenty of makeup as she rode a horse through downtown Monday

Dean's Rotating Presidential Primaries

"I think the thing to do is to move some of the other primaries back and then rotate them through so in the future every state can count on having some significant input into who the presidential nominee is."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

DFA Poll: Clinton Not Even Close

The political pundits and beltway Democrats have been claiming that the primaries are already over, but 95% of the votes cast prove they are wrong. With over 150,000 votes cast, the DFA Pulse Poll is the largest internet poll to date in the 2008

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Barack Obama Opens SNL

Mike Gravel 2008

Dean's Grassroots Initiative

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean
Announced a grassroots effort to educate Americans about the Democratic Party. The plan, known as "Neighbor to Neighbor," works by having supporters knock on 25 doors three times a year in hopes of building a relationship with prospective democratic

"Olivia's Kiss" A Novel

Catherine Durkin Robinson
I wrote a story that was passed around to several literary agents who suggested I should say the idea was inspired by actual events. Since I could not lie, because my mom would kill me, agents rejected my story and high ideals. Instead of letting the story die, I finally decided to share it with the masses. One chapter at a time. Every

NBC Is Going Green

NBC Universal's new "Green is Universal" campaign kicks off Nov. 4th with a week of green-themed programming aimed at entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to lead greener