Sunday, February 10, 2008

Barack Obama Wins A Grammy

CNN announces that Barack Obama has won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Album Work after recording the audiobook of "The Audacity of Hope"

Annette Taddeo For Congress

Annette Taddeo plans to run against Illeana Ros-Lehtinen for the District 18 U.S. House

Florida's Democrats Once Again Too Wily For Own Good

Being a Democrat in Florida is like being the coyote in a Road Runner cartoon. Things start out so promising, but in the end you just screw up everything in a comical way. And so, when America wakes up on Nov. 5 with another Republican president on his way to the White House, Florida Democrats will get the blame again. Beep,

Republicans Losing Grip On Miami Cuban Vote

An anti-communist militant who fired a bazooka at a Polish freighter walked free with impunity in this sultry subtropical U.S. city, and Cuban Americans favouring closer ties with their homeland could once expect to be firebombed here. But Miami has changed and the sometimes violent scenes of Cuban exile passion appear to be in the past. That could spell trouble for President George W. Bush's Republican Party in November's general

Florida Turtle Hospital Worth A Visit

You could call it Sunny's finest hour, finally going home - wherever home might be. The send-off was to be nothing short of one befitting a celebrity. It was a cool, almost cold, January day recently in this resort community. Even with a cloudless sky and a blazing sun, a stiff northeast wind left little chance for any warming rays to challenge the

The Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Florida's Own Civil Rights Martyr

He has been called America's first civil rights martyr, yet his name rarely arises with those of Medgar Evers or Martin Luther King Jr. Even in Florida, where his quest to bring full equality to blacks led to his untimely and violent end, Harry T. Moore remains unknown to many. Bob Devin Jones is doing what he can to rectify that fact. Jones, a St. Petersburg dramatist, will bring his portrayal of Moore to Bartow Public Library Tuesday

T. Rex's Quote of the Day

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." - Elmer Davis
Stogie's Quote of Forever
The stakes in November are high. This is an important election. Prosperity and peace are in the balance.".......G.W.Bush

A Letter From Barack Obama

We Are The Change We Have Been Waiting For
We just learned that we won all three contests today -- in Louisiana, Nebraska, and Washington State. We've now won 18 out of 28 states, with New Mexico still in the balance. What's more, we also estimate that we at least doubled our delegate lead today. Our momentum is strong, but another round of tough contests is about to begin. Tomorrow, Democrats will caucus in Maine. And on Tuesday, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia will have their
To win, we need to bring as many people into the process as possible. We're pushing towards 500,000 donors this year by March 4th, when Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont vote.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Florida Atheists Celebrate Darwin Day

A godless minority will gather Saturday to celebrate the birthday of Charles Darwin and promote unconstrained scientific inquiry. More than 200 atheists are expected at Fern Forest Nature Preserve in Coconut Creek for Darwin Day, an international festival that celebrates the importance of scientific inquiry and the accomplishments of Darwin, who brainstormed the theory of evolution by natural selection in

Mike Gravel - Corruption

What Do We Do If Hillary Wins?

I feel bad for Howard Dean. Really, I do. The man just has a politician's version of Tourette's syndrome. I'm sure when he said that he wanted to bring "the candidates together and make some kind of an arrangement" in order to create unity at the DNC. Will Progressives sacrifice the pureness of their consciences for the sake of backing the only Democratic candidate left standing? Or let's say Barack takes the nomination: will Hillary's people rush to support him? Michael Moore says he is morally prohibited from voting for Hillary Clinton, and I agree with

Highwaymen Provide Students Double-Dose Of Florida History

From the early 1950s through the 1980s, a group of African-American artists who came to be known as the Florida Highwaymen painted utopian scenes of Florida's landscape. No people or sailboats, condos or theme parks. Just sunsets and sunrises, palm trees and lagoons, beaches and oceans, birds watching from overhead, all in bright, clean

Weeki Wachee To Become Florida State Park

The famous mermaids of Weeki Wachee Springs will become state employees on Nov. 1.
That's when the venerable roadside attraction will become a state park. The Southwest Florida Water Management District, which owns the land and spring, approved the deal Jan.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Psychic FOX News Anchors

Terrorists In Ybor City?

Hillsborough Sheriff David Gee stood before City Council members Thursday clutching a report from the Department of Homeland Security he said detailed all the dangers that could befall his operations center in Ybor City. But he wouldn't tell them what it said. Instead, he asked the council to let him close off 20th Street, which borders the center, from Palm to Eighth avenues. In the end, the council voted 5-1 to let him gate it
Even council member Mary Mulhern, who is opposed to closing off streets, made an exception: "There are so many other areas that have been closed off for less important things. This is a necessary thing to do." The only dissenter was Linda Saul-Sena.

You Wanna Be a Republican?

Trade with Cuba is wrong because Cuba is a communist country. Trade with China and Vietnam is vital to both international harmony and buying cheap baby-killing toys at

Bush Rallies Conservatives "Four More Years"

Bush spoke to a boisterous crowd shortly after 7 a.m. EST. The ballroom erupted in cheers when someone shouted "Are there conservatives in the house?" When the president walked on stage, they clapped and chanted "Four more years! Four more years!"
Who Are These People?
"The stakes in November are high. This is an important election. Prosperity and peace are in the balance.".......G.W.Bush

One On One With Congresswoman Castor

2:00pm - 4:00pm, Monday, February 11, 2008, At The College Hill Library
2607 East Martin Luther King Boulevard, Tampa

A Chorus of Millions

Conservatism Is Running On Empty

With his preemptive war and seemingly permanent occupation in Iraq, and his attempt to privatize Social Security, George W. Bush pushed American conservatism past the point where the American people were willing to go -- pushed them, in fact, to the point where they recoiled at the conservative project. And with that, American conservatism shuddered to a

Florida Orders Sex Offenders From Bridge

The state is trying to dissolve a community of sex offenders living under a bridge that includes a makeshift gym, kitchen, living room and numerous pets. The men have lived under the Julia Tuttle Causeway for more than a year. They say limited money and strict local ordinances make it nearly impossible for them to live anywhere else. But state officials are telling them to

Miami Beach Is Running Out Of Sand

It's midmorning in Miami Beach. The sun is shining, the waves are lapping - and the bulldozer is roaring. Orange netting ropes off sections of the shore as heavy equipment moves in to replenish one of the world's most famous beaches. The Atlantic Ocean lies no more than 20 feet away along some stretches, the result of incessant wind and water erosion, not global warming and rising seas. Grain by grain, Miami Beach is losing the fine, bone-white sand that helps draw

Sheriff Should Vacate Ybor City

The sheriff's operations center is actually three parcels of land, which include an auto maintenance facility and several parking lots. The main facility, which occupies about two square blocks, sits on top of sections of 9th and 8th avenues. Not only does the building disrupt Ybor's street grid pattern, but also the sheriff's office provides little benefit to the historic district. The sheriff has no jurisdiction in Ybor; policing the area is the responsibility of the Tampa Police

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Critical Habitat Proposed To Protect Florida’s Disappearing Corals

Today the federal government proposed designating almost 5,000 square miles of reef area off the coasts of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands as critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act for the threatened staghorn and elkhorn