Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Joe Molloy: The Man Who Would Be King

It's a warm, sun-drenched weekday morning outside D.W. Webb Middle School, in the Town 'n' Country neighborhood of Tampa. Under a cloudless sky, Joe Molloy, a boulder of a man, bespectacled and clad in a gray Webb Middle School T-shirt, khaki shorts and black New Balance sneakers, is preparing for his first phys ed class of the day........here

President Carter Will Endorse Obama

Former President Carter says he’ll endorse Democrat Barack Obama after the polls close on the final primaries..........here

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rebel Tampa

Next year, a giant Confederate flag may tower above the tree line near the junction of Interstate 75 and Interstate 4.......here
It will be lit at night.

WEDU Goes Green

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Obama's South Florida Ground Troops

Earlier this month, a group of about 30 people gathered at the downtown Miami law firm of delancyhill. Most attendees were not seasoned political operatives, but many are well known within South Florida’s diverse black community, drawn from the worlds of marketing, business and law........here

Peaches For Oysters

If you’ve ever heard the saying – “the best defense is a good offense” – then you know exactly what I’m thinking when I say we should boycott Georgia Peaches...........here

300 Days Alone On A Tropical Island

French explorer and adventurer Xavier Rosset is about to embark on a 300 day trip to live alone on a remote tropical island in the South Pacific. His adventures will be filmed and used for a 52 minute documentary..........here

Annette Taddeo Calls On Ros-Lehtinen To Sign Pledge

The time has come to lift the 2004 travel and remittance restrictions. I hereby call on
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – who was so instrumental
in the Bush Administration’s decision to impose the ban – to abandon her previous position and to support Cuban and Cuban-American families. I call on President George Bush, and commit to press the next President of the United States and the Congress, to remove the 2004 travel and remittance restrictions and to return these regulations to their pre-2004 levels..........here

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler and Barack Obama

Three Reasons To Hope
Perhaps nothing has been as disappointing over the past 7 and one half years than the inability of Congress to get its act together and take action against Bush and company.........here

CSX Street Running In Downtown Tampa

The Reality Of Salaries And Florida’s New Health Care Law

I don’t know how anyone votes when you actually have good choices for once. There is actually going to be a real debate with McCain and Obama, one that was missing in 2004 when the two choices were bad and worse............here

Florida Cuts Tax Holiday For Hurricane Supplies

Just four years ago, Florida was ravaged with four major hurricanes in the span of 10 weeks. Then, in 2005, two more major hurricanes hit Florida, making it one of the worst consecutive hurricane seasons in U.S. history..........here

Celine Dion Wasting Florida's Water

This TreeHugger doesn't usually cover the celebrity beat and I would rather chew on ground glass than listen to her, but Canada's gift to the world, Celine Dion and her husband René Angélil, drink up 18,000 gallons of water per day in their modest 9,800 square foot Jupiter Island pile.......here

Amateurs Assist with Florida Fires

Amateur Radio operators in Brevard County, Florida responded in a support role during a recent spate of wildfires that ravaged the towns of Palm Bay and Malabar........here

This Is Why Other Countries Laugh At Us

Dunkin Donuts pulled an ad of Rachael Ray because some conservatives didn’t like her scarf!!! What’s obviously a paisley print black and white scarf wrapped around her neck apparently looks like an islamic head covering to the others.......here

The Republican Party Of Florida

In Communist Party newspaper Monday, Fidel Castro called Obama the "most advanced" candidate in the presidential race, though he also criticized Obama's stance on the Cuba embargo. That proved too tempting for the Republican Party of Florida, which altered this image to make it seem like Castro is holding an Obama poster..........here

Samm Simpson for Congress - Democrat, FL Dist 10

"Taking the Lane” With Florida Bicycle Laws

Everyone’s familiar with the rules for bicyclists riding on the road in Florida, right? OK, check the Florida Statutes section 316.2065 for a quick refresher..........here

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Joe Garcia: Questions

Where Is Mario?

Netroots Nation DFA Scholarships


Florida Ranks 50th In The Nation For Children's Health Care

Thank you JEB
And special recognition to his outstanding supporting cast of Florida Legislators. You've managed to undo a decade of advances in Florida's child health care. Now we're at the bottom of the pile in a nation that lags behind most other major nations in the world. Aim low and it's easy to succeed.......here