Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Family

In Tampa

The Year Of The Developer In Florida

This is a year for developers and their high-paid legal lackeys to make end-runs on state and local environmental regulations, all in the name of re-starting our economy by letting development and growth run rampant — which is pretty much what tanked Florida’s economy in the first place...........more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Stir-Fried Shrimp in Garlic Sauce With Rice
$5.95...........At Good Eats 40th Street And Busch Blvd. In Tampa

Friends Of Stogie

At Baba Louies

Choose Life

Now Or Later?
On East Bay In Largo

The Charlie Miranda Shower

"We've been spoiled in America," opined council member Charlie Miranda, famous (or infamous) for his contention that you can shower as effectively in four minutes as in 15. The Miranda Shower goes like this: water on, get wet, water off, suds up, water on. Rinse and do not repeat..........more
Stogie Can Do It In 7 Minutes

Tampa Theatre's Free Sunset Cinema

Tonight, they’ll be showing “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” (clearly the best in the Indiana Jones series) at River Tower Park, 401 E. Bird Street in Seminole Heights. An inflatable, 50-foot-wide screen and powerful sound system provide excellent visual and sound

Businessman Hakim Aquil Of Tampa

Has been selling his wares at Columbus Drive and North Boulevard in Tampa for 25 years. But new vendor rules are forcing him to shut

Tampa Is Great, Wish You Were Here

This sign makes me laugh every time I drive by, so I finally stopped to take a photo. I swear, I only went in to talk about

New Heights Magazine


Friday, March 20, 2009


Barack Obama’s most ardent Republican supporter, Florida’s Charlie Crist, finally released a website detailing where federal stimulus funds will

Friends Of Stogie

At The Old UA

Lieutenant of Inishmore at the Jobsite Theater


Fellow Drivers Beware

Hillsborough Ave And Anderson Road

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Red Beans And Rice
$5.85 At El Paraiso Cafe On 7th Ave In East Tampa

Streets Of Tampa

7th Ave. And 40th St.

Fires North of Tampa Bay

Two fires are blazing in northwestern Florida, in the upper lefthand quadrant of this image. This western part of the Florida Peninsula has been experiencing long term drough

Temple Terrace, Florida

Revenue Stream
56th St. And Fowler Ave
South Bound Traffic Turning Right, Beware

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friends Of Stogie

At The LA Hangout

Ani DiFranco In Tampa


Committee Approves Bestiality Law

Broward Sen. Nan Rich's bill to make bestiality a crime is moving toward becoming law, picking up a unanimous committee approval Tuesday. Florida is among 16 states that don't outlaw sex with animals. Rich's bill would make it a third-degree felony............more
What will the folks in the panhandle do on Saturday nights?

A New Foundation for Growth

The Bartlet Park Community Garden

Planting a Sustainable Yard: The basics of Florida Native Landscaping
Saturday March 21st, 9:00-10:00 am - 1443 Highland St. South, St.

The Stogie Is 6 Years Old

The Beginnings