Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Toll-Free Number to Find Charlie Crist


Republican Deveron Gibbons To Skip St. Pete Pride Forum

St. Pete Pride organizer David Schauer said Gibbons was trying to avoid taking a firm stance on various issues important to the gay community to avoid controversy.
"He is trying to walk a fine line between being a Republican and not wanting to upset his base,
and his base is not really comfortable with gay constituencies,"

Charlie Crist Bends Over For Special Interests

And Floridians Get Screwed
No ceremonial photo-op for this signing, probably because nobody wants to see the Governor bending over for special interests but in my opinion that is exactly what he did by signing SB 360. This bill guts Florida’s growth management laws (yes, we had some) and everyone but special interests and their politicians are against

What about Missy?

It's important to note that had the driver stopped that February night, probably no charges would have been filed. But leaving the scene of a deadly crash is a serious felony. The detective decided he couldn't put a 16-year-old cheerleader named Jordan Valdez at the wheel of the Nissan Murano believed to have hit Sjostrom. He gave the teenager a ticket and a stern lecture at her lawyer's office as she cried. Then the case was administratively closed...........more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meet Loaf
With Black Beans And Rice
$5.95..........At Rosa's, On MLK Just West Of Lois
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal? Eat Local

Buy American

Palm Harbor, Florida

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Carollwood Baby For Sale

Brand New, Hardly Used

The ad posted Friday night featured an 18-month-old little girl, for sale. The mother wrote she didn't have time to take care of the child, so she wanted to find her a good family
and would even sign a bill of

Congratulations Orlando

Orlando Magic
Eastern Conference Champs

Rhino PA.C. "Meet the Candidates" In St. Pete


Political Whore Wayne Garcia, Wins Top SPJ Award

Because Creative Loafing Political Editor Wayne Garcia would be far too modest to tell you himself, I’m reporting that this here blog, “The Political Whore,” won first place in the category of Blog-Affiliated last night in the Sunshine State

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The House On Egmont Key

George Howell and former County Commissioner Jan Platt are trying to stave off demolition for 30 days to find a way to restore and maintain the house. Howell said he has contacted U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, and Hillsborough County Administrator Pat Bean for
Give The Tampa Bay Pilots Association 5 More Acres

GW And Bill Are Brothers

Bush joked about how much time his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and Clinton spend together. He said his mother, Barbara Bush, "said President Clinton and Father share the stage so much, he's like a son to her."............more
"So brother, it's good to see you.".......GW

Friends Of Stogie

At The Firehouse In Temple Terrace

Pythons in the Everglades

There could be a bounty on the head -- and frighteningly long body -- of the Burmese python, serpent scourge of the Everglades..........more

Bill Maxwell Retires

One of the St. Petersburg Times' sharpest minds and most fearless columnists
is heading for a new

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Assorted Chinese
$6.29...........At China First, 2811 E Fowler Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?....Eat Local

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Help Support The Tampa Theatre

Support one of the coolest theatres not only in Tampa, but across the whole United States this week by purchasing just about anything at Barnes and

The Osprey Family Of Palm Coast, Florida

Last week during the heavy and prolonged rains in Palm Coast Florida, an osprey nest with two chicks was completely destroyed. The osprey family was obviously distraught and hung around the nest location trying to

No Cow Tipping

Smart Cow In Tampa

The Rebirth Of Kiley Gardens In Downtown Tampa

Kiley Gardens, the hotly contested riverfront park nestled between Kennedy Boulevard and the new Tampa Museum of Art off of Ashley Street, will be saved after all. Well, most of it will be saved........more