Friday, November 5, 2010

The Folks At 30 Rock

Put Olbermann Back On The Air Now!
MSNBC has suspended star anchor Keith Olbermann following the news that he had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle. Republicans Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan also gave political contributions -- but are not suspended.
Sign The Petition And Contact

Right-Wing Echo Chamber

$200 Million A Day For Obama To Travel?
To say this figure has made the rounds in the blogosphere would be a huge understatement. It has been repeated by nearly every conservative pundit in the land: Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge. Always with a healthy dose of indignation. Actually it's a figure that came from just one source, a news agency in India, relying on an anonymous source. It was then repeated thousands more times in the blogosphere and airwaves.

"It bothers me just a bit that while all these reasons why the Democrats got swamped in the mid terms are floating around, very few are calling attention to the right-wing echo chamber which ratcheted up the lies against Obama and the Democrats, thereby scaring Americans and exploiting covert prejudices against Obama."

....Alvin McEwen Of Pam's House Blend

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Mike
He Is From Palatka. Has Been Homeless 2 Months.

George W. Bush Doesn't Care About Earthlings

Kanye, You The Man!

Sign The Petition Encouraging Nancy Pelosi

Don't Let The Blue Dogs Take Over
Democrats suffered serious losses on Tuesday, but no one was hit harder than the corporatist Blue Dogs. Over half their members are gone. Apparently, being the GOP's best friends on issue after issue wasn't the political winner they claimed it was.
But getting drubbed hasn't made the Blue Dogs humble. Now, they have Nancy Pelosi in their sights, demanding she step down as Democratic leader in the House. The Blue Dogs want to replace her with one of their own, so they can deliver our entire party to Wall Street.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Marco And Rick Welcome To The Family

The Miami Cuban Mafia
The family decided David Rivera will keep the name Slick and Rick Scott will use Shifty. Congratulations to Mr. Scott and Mr. Rubio. Now they can work together to continue the war on the cuban people. They have already distroyed two generations lets go for a third.

Spotlight Tampa - Seminole Heights Public Art

Fire Karen Thurman

"Who will be the first to call for Florida Democratic Party chair Karen Thurman to resign?".....Benjamin Kirby

"Intensity increasing by the moment to see FL Dem Chair Karen Thurman resign immediately. Doubt she makes it through the week.".....Peter Schorsch
"I am not a Karen Thurman fan. She is responsible for the disastrous idea of moving up the Democratic presidential primary. However, the problem extends beyond Thurman.".....Michael Hussey
Think Howard Dean Would Help Us Out?

Blue Dog Democrats

Got What They Deserved!
According to an analysis by The Huffington Post,

22 of the 46 Blue Dogs up for re-election went down on Tuesday.

"Since they can vote with the Republicans in order to get their way around here, that doesn't sit well with progressives -- who don't want to vote with Republicans ever,"....Rep. Lynn Woolsey

Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican. People will vote for the real Republican all the time."....Harry Truman

Taking Back Our Country

Thanks To Doug Tudor
Are Those Cubans They're Smoking?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Positively Tampa Bay: Tampa Museum of Art

The Tampa Museum of Art will be celebrating 25 years of pavilion.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Burbon Chicken
With Pork Fried Rice
$4.50.....Lin Garden Chinese Restaurant. 9233 N 56th St, Temple Terrace
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Linda
She Is A Native. Has Been Homeless For 5 Years.

Floridians Elect Corporate Criminal

As Their Next Governor.
Only In America!

Moving Hillsborough Backwards

Tampa, A City Of Fucking Morons
The dumb mutherfuckers of Hillsborough county (aka the teabaggers) voted down the ballot referendum to fund light rail. And the margin wasn’t even close. The ballot measure was defeated by over 15%. To the the 100,000+ people who voted for county wide transportation, my advice to you is to punish this shit hole county and state by taking your talents and skills else where.
Welcome To Tampa. Expect Major Delays For Decades To Come!
To The Voters Who Voted Against The Penny, I Hope Your AC Breaks Down As You Are Sitting At Malfunction Junction In The Middle Of Summer.

I Had A Dream Last Night

I Was Living In Vancouver And Everything Was Well.
I Heard Is Nice This Time Of Year.

Fascist Tend To Suffocate The Stogie. Don't Know If He Will Be Able To Make It In Florida Any Longer. To All The Democratic Voters Who Sat This One Out, Fuck You!

The Great Prophet Benjamin Kirby


Why Democrats Lost For Complete Idiots

"The Democrats gained control of both Congress and the Presidency in 2008. They then pursued ineffective policies which didn’t fix the economy. They increased deportations of Hispanics. They restricted abortion rights for women. They spat on gays repeatedly. They betrayed unions. They gutted civil rights, going even further than George W. Bush (who never said he had the right to assassinate Americans.)
They saved bankers who then rewarded themselves with record bonuses and salaries while average American wages actually declined."......Ian Welsh
The base was demoralized, not because the Dems went too far left,

but because they went too far right.

Congratulations! Anita Stewart

Thanks to all who voted for me. I am now a member of the
Hillsborough County Soil and Water Conservation Board.
I Am Sure You Will Do A Great Job.

Hillsborough County Voters

Re-Elect Incoherent Man

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To All The Non-Voting Floridians

You Deserve What You Get!
Scott, Rubio, Bondi, Atwater, West, Latvala, Grant, Burgin, Young, Harrison, Weatherford, Steube, Hagan, Crist, Murman, Bilirakis, Ross, Putnam, Rivera.

I Tought Floridians Wanted Change? These People Are From The Same Party That Has Controlled State Politics For A Long Time. To Borrow A Phrase From Bill Splitlog And Embellish It A Little Bit...
"If Morons Had Wings, Florida Would Be An Airport!"