Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jobs Not Cuts

Our movement is growing quickly. You can help spread the word and show our strength by signing up for a free American Dream sticker and putting it on your car, your laptop, or any other visible location.

Friends Of Stogie

Meet Christina
Bartender At Gaspar's Patio In Temple Terrace
Streets Of Tampa Bay

Free PBR In Tampa

Pabst Blue Ribbon Mobile Art Gallery Truck at City Bike Tampa
This is a 100% free event hosted by our friends at PBR and featuring DJ Blenda, FREE PBR, FREE PIZZA, CUSTOM T-SHIRTS & All the National Art Winners from 2010!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Fellow American

Join Russell Simmons in taking the My Fellow American pledge:
"Muslims are our fellow Americans. They are part of the national fabric that holds our country together. They contribute to America in many ways, and deserve the same respect as any of us. I pledge to spread this message, and affirm our country's principles of liberty and justice for all."

Take The Pledge

Private Dancer

Meet Michelle
She works on Nebraska Ave in Tampa.

Bring Em Home

Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

10 Hot Wings
$7.99 At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Stop The War On Workers

MLK and 301 in Tampa
Across from the Tea Party at the Florida State Fairgrounds.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Michelle
She is from Maine. She has been homeless 3 years.
Tampa Bay Homeless


Fun-Lan Drive-In

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cubans, Spaniards and the Chinese

Are preparing to put a very controversial hole deep in the Gulf of Mexico.
Deeper than the blown-out well that spewed 5 million barrels of crude into the Gulf last summer.
It will puncture the sea floor in Cuban-controlled waters just
60 miles off the Florida Keys,
a protected coastline where offshore drilling is banned under U.S. law.


John Pennekamp State Park

Fidel and Raul you guys own a tropical island, Go Green!

Ten Years After

Endless War, Lies and Terror: The Decade Since 9/11
Mark Weisbrot
The Years of Shame
Paul Krugman
Millennial Math: 9+11=1984
Randall Amster
The Sad Legacy of Sept. 11
John R. MacArthur
Ten Years, Ten Lessons
David Krieger

Orwell, 9/11, Emmanuel Goldstein and WikiLeaks
Glenn Greenwald

The Children of Aftermath
William Rivers Pitt

9/12 And The 'War On Terror'

The events on the morning of September 11, 2001, marked the beginning of what would become a decade of war. So many lives lost, millions of dollars squandered and wasted opportunities. Ten years on many questions remain unanswered. Were the attacks of September 11 a case of blowback, or, as President Bush professed, 'a hatred of Western freedoms'? And why, if the hijackers came from friendly
Gulf countries, did the US launch a war against Iraq?

Was the global 'war on terror' a cynical pretext for neocon policy hawks and the vested interests of the military industrial complex; or a war of necessity against a new type of global enemy?

Red Pill And Blue Pill

The term red pill and its opposite, blue pill, are pop culture terms that have become a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue)
and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).

The Blue Pill People

Remember Building 7

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Put Some Duct Tape Over Allen West’s Mouth

Not only is the man embarrassing himself as an American, and as a military veteran who supposedly fought for the U.S. principles of freedom and equality, but for an elected leader to spout the kind of anti-Muslim invective constantly streaming from West’s mouth is an embarrassment to our country.
Nicole Brochu, Sun Sentinel Columnist

Be afraid Muslims are coming to get you. I remember the old days when it was The Red Menace.

"Rally of Conscience" at the Florida State Fairgrounds

Monday September 12, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Florida State Fairgrounds, 301 and I4 in Tampa

WMNF Birthday Bash

Friday Sep 16 8:00PM
Skipper's Smokehouse - Tampa

What Stogie Had For Dinner

Chopped Steak
With Mashed Potatoes, Corn and Spanish Bean Soup.
$8.95 At Three Coins Diner, Nebraska and Broad in Tampa
Eat Local!

Three Coins on Urbanspoon

Hollywood & Broken Note

813.391.7167 - 813.389.4940

Erica, Tonya and Gaby

Gaby For Mayor!
Salute! Sports Grill
11238 Boyette Road, Riverview


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Orlando Resident Luis Lebron

The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida today announced it filed suit in federal court seeking to halt implementation of Florida’s new law mandating drug testing of applicants to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program without suspicion of drug use.

The suit, filed Tuesday, is on behalf of Luis Lebron, a 35 year-old Orlando resident, Navy veteran and full time University of Central Florida student. Lebron is a single father who applied for temporary assistance in July, 2011, to support his 4 year-old son. He meets all the criteria for assistance but has refused to waive his Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure and submit to the newly required drug test.

Expanded Cuba Travel Begins From Tampa

“Today is an historic, eagerly awaited and much-worked-for day for Cuban-American families and the entire Tampa Bay community. The next step is to market Tampa as a ‘gateway to Cuba’ and create jobs for our small-business owners in the tourism sector.”.....Congresswoman Kathy Castor

Good Work Ms. Castor!