Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Steve Southerland

This is how we git r done in Rick Scott's Florida
Standing alongside 
Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, 
touted his proposed "Regulatory Overreach Protection Act, federal legislation to block federal oversight of waterways and wetlands in favor of state and local government agencies.  Although he describes its support as bipartisan, all but five of its 120 co-sponsors are Republicans,
  including U.S. Rep. David Jolly, R-Indian Shores 
No Florida Democrat is a sponsor. The bill would let the states decide which wetlands deserve protection, potentially saving farmers and developers time and money dealing with the federal government. here

Southerland's bill enjoys wide support from the Florida sugar industry which has faced increasing regulation over agricultural pollution, especially in the Everglades .
Did you know Southerland and Putnam recently hung out at King Ranch in Texas,
 Tallahassee Pay-To-Play Culture

Putnam, Southerland and representatives from business groups made some misleading assertions about the federal oversight of wetlands.
Putnam and Southerland each said bureaucrats "a thousand miles away" call the shots on wetlands. Actually, decisions about Florida wetlands permits are made in the Corps of Engineers' offices in Jacksonville, Tampa and other locations around the state.

Robert Rappaport: Collier County GOP

Robert Rappaport, a member of the Collier County Republican Executive Committee and Collier 912 Freedom Council — a grassroots organization like-minded with the Tea Party, took a black marker to the names of the candidates he doesn’t support on the committee’s leaflets, which were meant to show voters all Republican candidates in county commission, circuit court and school board races. here

Florida's Own Larry Klayman

Is accusing President Barack Obama of being a racist.
 it is remarkable that Obama has not renamed the White House “the Black House.” Clearly, in his way of thinking, the Founding Fathers must have had conspiratorial racist motives in naming the people’s house accordingly.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Steve Crisafulli

Florida GOP Steve Crisafulli, who becomes the most powerful man in the Florida House of Representatives this fall, has been a major beneficiary of the 
state’s sugar industry. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp Creole with Yellow Rice
Coco's Sandwich Shop Best food in Palmetto Beach

Rick Scott: Important

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy 68th Birthday, President Clinton!

Help support the Clinton Foundation's work 
around the world.

Georgia’s Gun Free Corridor For Floridians

Georgia’s Guns Everywhere Law Claims The Life Of A Pedestrian.
We Floridians ask Governor Deal to create a gun free zone so we can safely leave our atate. here 

Ybor Paparazzi: Uncle Tonto From Winter Park

Liberals Don't Want Stacy White

"Flaming Liberal STACY WHITE" 
it says in bold white letters about the staunchly conservative Hillsborough County School Board member here
We do not want him. Don't try to pass him on to us.

"Succeed" - Gwen Graham for Congress

Annette Taddeo Bus Tour In Tampa

At Al Lopez Park 
  Traveling on a yellow school bus, Democratic candidate for governor Charlie Crist toured the state last week to tell Floridians that public schools would fare better under his watch than that of Gov. Rick Scott. here

Monday, August 18, 2014

TPD Showing Off In Ybor

Their great horses on 7th ave on a Friday night.

George Sheldon for Florida Attorney General

Ashley Richardson Of Winter Haven

Police in Winter Haven arrested Ashley Richardson for having left her four children by themselves at a city park while she went to a food bank. To get food. 
To feed her children. 
here Whom she was obviously neglecting. 

We wonder if there’s anything else these “negligent moms” have in common? 
You know, besides being poor and black, which couldn’t possibly enter into it.
Ms. Richardson if you ever need food to feed your kids, write us. 

Ybor Paparazzi

Gabrielle Perham 
Adjunct Professor, Marketing. University of Tampa

Local Idiots: Andrew Wheeler Of Okeechobee

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bishop Chuck: How we Git r Done in Tampa, Florida

On the orders of city hall 
I was targeted by the Tampa police department. As corroborated in the discovery material obtained from the TPD, the police spared no effort in their campaign to entrap me. They tried to get me involved in the delivery of drugs. I refused. They tried to get me to engage in sex with a prostitute. I refused. They sent an undercover police officer to try to get me to accept child pornography and I refused. Bishop Chuck Leigh

I understand the power of the Tampa mayor and the cruelty of the TPD. I have often told the street people in my neighborhood to refuse to move on when they are rousted by the TPD, but to back off when the police call for backup. I guess when faced with abusive power that is all was able to do.

I Am Voting Against Steve Southerland

Cohn blasts Dennis Ross In Tampa

Alan Cohn, a Democratic candidate 
challenging Tea Party Republican 
Rep. Dennis Ross, 
blasted Ross at a Tampa forum Friday for not having an adequate presence in 
Hillsborough County. here
249,260 of the district’s 418,817 voters are in Hillsborough. 

Local Celebrity John Morgan

At the Orlando airport last week,
 eight to 10 people stopped him between the plane and his car to thank him for bankrolling the constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana, Morgan said. "Two or three wanted to have their pictures taken with me." here

Florida Dad Charged with Assault on Police Officer (Tazed) From Mr. Sherman, a resident of Marion County

Saturday, August 16, 2014