Saturday, February 14, 2015

Florida Controversial Technique for DUI Checkpoints

Florida Joins The Pitbull Party

The enduring hunt for Republican celebrities has its newest viable target: Pitbull. Latino Republicans in Florida GOP has made overtures to the Cuban-American star to join the party and support its candidates. Rick Scott and Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado recently showered him with gifts and praise, giving him the key to the city and declaring his birthday, Jan. 15, “Pitbull Day.” Scott also bestowed the title of Ambassador of the Arts on him. here
“I’m not here to be part of any political party,” Pitbull said in a statement. “I’m here to bring political parties to my party because they can’t, they won’t they never will, stop the Pitbull party

Friday, February 13, 2015

C4G Tampa

Tampa Rally For Transit & Safe Streets

Tuesday, February 17 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm

The MadMug Tarot - a Major Arcana Project

The MadMug Tarot is mixed media Major Arcana 22 card Tarot deck featuring whimsically urbane, Sci-fi/ fantasy characters and symbols by local artist Dante Hadley. here 

Culture Vultures: The Palladium

Hosted by Linda Saul-Sena, 
"Culture Vultures" is a weekly series featuring local and visiting artists in music, theatre, dance and visual ars.

Florida for Care Cautious to Support HB 683

While Florida for Care applauds the filing of House Bill 683 by Rep. Greg Steube (R-D373), there are serious reservations regarding its provisions, which are far more restrictive than its Senate companion bill SB528.  “We are encouraged to see this companion bill filed by Rep. Steube. However, the exclusion of qualifying symptoms - in addition to qualifying diseases - and the prohibition on a patient’s ability to consume their medicine as recommended by a doctor is alarming.", said Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care. here

For more information or to schedule an interview with Ben Pollara or Dan Rogers, please contact Bianca Garza via email at

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Tampa's Right Wing Infestation

Jackie Toledo- Rick Scott 
Dana Young - Pam Bondi Paul Erni -Tom Lee
Joe Citro
Jeff Brandes - Kent King here

Vote On Awake The State's Top Progressive Bills

It's time to Awake The State and fight for a Florida that works for every Floridian, not just the wealthy and well-connected.
Tell us what progressive bills you think Awake The State should prioritize using the form below. The five bills that receive the most votes will be featured at our Awake The State events on the first day of Florida's legislative session, 
Tuesday, March 4th. here

Downtown St. Pete Waterfront Master Plan

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Baileygate

Demand An Independent Investigation Into "Baileygate"

We’re just weeks into Gov. Rick Scott’s second term, and he’s already caught up in a major scandal. First it was reported that Scott lied about his firing of Florida’s top cop, longtime Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Commissioner Gerald Bailey. Now it appears that the firing was politically motivated and that Scott violated both state and federal law. here

Florida To Imprison Trans People for Using Public Bathrooms

Florida’s bigoted legislators are proposing one of the most viciously sadistic, hypocritical bills the legislature has ever considered. The basic purpose of the bill is quite simple: to forbid trans people from using the public bathroom that matches their true gender. According to the bill’s text, any trans person who enters a “single-sex public facility” that doesn’t match their “biological sex” is guilty of a first- degree misdemeanor. here

Aids Walk Orlando

Saturday, March 28, at 7:30am

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pot Steak
With yellow rice 
At At Supersaver Supermarket, 2001 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa

Monday, February 9, 2015

Tampa Community Organizing

Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30pm
 Awake Tampa helps diverse grassroots organizers network, learn, and collaborate. Please bring an internet device as we leverage internet tools to get work done during the meeting.

Valentine's Day Immigration Panel: Stop the Heartbreak

Saturday, February 14 at 
12:00pm - 2:00pm
 First United Church of Tampa (UCC) 7308 E Fowler Ave, Tampa info

Sign the New Petition for Medical Marijuana

Thank you for helping us get medical marijuana back on the ballot for 2016.  We need everyone to sign the new petition.  


We recommend Julie Jenkins for Tampa City Council

Here is what one of our long time favorite has to say:
After two 4-year terms on Tampa City Council, I am term limited from running this year, but I still care deeply about having an independent, forward-looking and inclusive Tampa City Council.
That's why I am letting you know who I support to take over my District 2 seat: Julie Jenkins!

"Julie shares what I believe are the most important values for a public servant and especially for a city-wide councilwoman - a commitment to listen and to respond equally to ALL citizens she serves. She has an outstanding record of community service and neighborhood activism as a volunteer, parent and neighborhood leader. Julie has the forward looking goals that will help Tampa take the steps we need to be a leader among 21st century cities.

Her varied work experience in Tampa - as marketing director in the tourism and travel industry and currently as development director for St. Peter Claver School - have given her a balanced perspective on the needs of all kinds of businesses, families and neighborhoods. She not only listens to people's concerns, she makes her own intelligent decisions and she gets things done.

I would be so pleased to see this smart, community-minded leader serve citywide on Tampa City Council!  Thanks for all of your support over the years and for considering a vote for Julie Jenkins!

Sincerely, Mary Mulhern
Check out Ms. Jenkins here