Sunday, April 10, 2016

Florida GOP Propaganda: Latte Liberal

Scott’s “Let’s Get to Work” committee firing back at Cara Jennings calling her 
“latte liberal”
who once refused to recite the pledge of allegiance at a public meeting.
Everybody has a job in Florida
“Except those who are sitting around coffee shops demanding public assistance, surfing the internet and cursing at customers who come in.” here
Get that man a cup of coffee. latte liberal, that's cute!

April Solidarity Sunday Today

6PM @ Lee's Grocery in the Heights
No Latte Liberals here, but plenty of beer!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Vote NO on 1: Florida Will Vote This Year On Blocking Solar

A measure that opponents say is intentionally confusing and will stifle solar growth was given the go-ahead by the Florida Supreme Court. It will appear on the Florida ballot in November. The measure was proposed by a group called Consumers for Smart Solar, which has already spent nearly half a million dollars just getting the it on the ballot. here
Sponsored by utility companies and other groups tied to the Koch brothers. Here is what St. Pete Rep. Dwight Dudley had to say.
Vote NO on #1 

Jessica Rose On WMNF Today


Pam Bondi: Florida GOP Propaganda

On New Year's Eve, 2015, as the capital was buzzing over two gun-related bills ahead of the 2016 session, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was given a press briefing, entitled "Hot Topics," in which she was told to tell reporters who asked her about the bills that “I have not seen the upcoming Florida gun legislation.” here

Friday, April 8, 2016

Local Middle Class Champions

Sen. Arthenia Joyner 
Rep Janet Cruz 
Rep Dwight Dudley

Florida Middle Class Champions. here. All Dems!

Tampa Gets Screwed Again

The GO Hillsborough sham is coming to an end without plans for light rail. 
Mike Merrill unveiled the latest plan at the Hillsborough County Commissioners board meeting.  The city of Tampa would receive $198 million. Focused primarily on roads, the plan is based on the passage of the Go Hillsborough half-percent sales tax. here
Tampa Screw Hillsborough County, 
with the $198 million buy the CSX tracks through Tampa 
and buy some trains. 
No Rail - No New Taxes!
This was doomed from the start. here

Gay man attacked and assaulted in Miami Beach

Florida GOP Health Insurance

Florida's anti-Obamacare governor and his tea party allies in the Legislature pay less for state-funded health insurance than janitors, cops, or teachers. here

Florida Predators

 Patrick Murphy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others are trying to block reforms championed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. here
Murphy, who is running for Senate, has sponsored legislation that would prevent proposed regulations under the Warren-White House backed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

"This is my definition of unethical: a rich boy candidate (whose daddy buys elections for him) who also takes money from Wall Street banks." Susan Smith

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Florida's New Superhero Cara Jennings

This is why I went off on Florida Gov. Rick Scott at Starbucks yesterday. here

94,000 People Demand That Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resign As DNC Chair

Her significant support from corporate donorsblocking the SEC and IRS from disclosing corporate political spending, opposing a medical marijuana ballot measure that got 58 percent of the vote in Florida, preventing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from regulating discrimination in auto lending and opposing their rules, cracking down on payday lending and supporting “fast track” authority for trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. here

Broward County is Florida's most liberal county and that is where most of Wasserman Schultz’s district resides. 

Tres Smith of Ruskin

He is currently riding his bicycle cross country. Check out his story in The Tampa Tribune here
Smith is blogging about his 3,000-mile bicycle journey 
at the site his wife, Mariella, created called
Tres Goes Biking.

81.3% of Floridians

Are concerned about climate change, according to a new 
St. Leo University poll. 
Florida GOP has been reluctant to discuss climate change. Efforts by local governments in South Florida to plan for
 sea-level rise and climate change have drawn national media attention. The study results found that Miami Beach flooding grew significantly after 2006. The increased flooding coincides with accelerated sea level rise. here
Miami Republicans beware, once the Atlantic takes Miami Beach it will be coming after you!
Check out what this blog might look like in 2073. here

Tampa Republicans Backroom Forum

“I have two orders of mushroom egg rolls?”
Tampa GOP held a candidates forum at a South Tampa eatery on Monday night. The forum was held in a very small backroom at Square One Burgers, and was sponsored by the Tampa Republican Women Federated and Tampa Republican Club. The candidates had at times to speak over waitresses who walked in between them calling out, “I have two orders of mushroom egg rolls?” here

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lady At The Starbucks in Gainesville

Tampa Buy CSX Tracks

The hell with the rest of Hillsborough County! here
Somebody buy some trains 
Here is one  Reduced to $90,000
 "if Valrico, Riverview and Sun City Center 
want to get around they can drive!" The Urban Core

Feds Open Civil Rights Investigation Into Pinellas Schools

The U.S. Department of Education on Monday opened a civil rights investigation into whether the Pinellas County School District systematically discriminates against black children. here

Activists Confront Florida Frackers In Ft. Myers

On April 2, activists confronted several prominent climate change denial and 
pro-fracking organizations at a 
“Free Market Environmentalism” 
conference at Florida Gulf Coast 
University in Ft. Myers. here
The keynote speech was entitled. Friends Don’t Let Friends Ban Fracking. The conference was sponsored by the Koch Brothers.

Between Death and Life: Why Communication Matters When It Comes to Social Justice"

4.8 - 2PM
Hosted by 
USF Office of Community Engagement & Partnerships
Robert W. Saunders Sr. Public Library - Tampa

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

WMNF Rewards The Merchants Of Ybor

Saturday, April 30
The 35th Annual WMNF Tropical Heatwave
The Ritz
The Tropical Breeze Stage
The Italian Club
 New World Brewery
 Joffrey’s Coffee 
 Cigar City Cider
First Chance Last Chance Bar
Lets do the same thing on Halloween. here 
Sorry Cuban Club.

Fight For 15 And HOPE In Tampa

Pat Kemp

"This is what democracy looks like! Nadia Morley, our new Child Care Fight For 15 spokesperson gave a speech before over a thousand supporters of Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality, HOPE's Nehemiah Action this evening!" Ashley Whitney
                                                                           Great pics Ms. Whitney!

Marco Rubio Holding The Line

Rubio recently suggested said he was open to meeting with President Obama's Supreme Court nominee but now says he will not, underscoring the pressure Republicans are under to hold the line. here

Anti-Regulation Governor Rick Scott

Except when it involves The Citrus Taliban 
Scott loves to say we need less government regulation — and less government intrusion — in our lives. That is his mantra. Yet there he was recently, signing a bill into law that imposes dramatic new regulations over abortion clinics and likely will intrude on women's abilities to find a provider. here