Friday, July 1, 2011

Jen Greenfield At The Vinoy

Saint Petersburg, Florida

Independence from Oil Bike Ride


Kevin White Is Broke

So U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Wilson appointed private defense lawyer Grady Irvin Jr. to defend White. Irvin was already White's attorney, though now taxpayers will pay him.

This guy reminds me of Joe Kotvas.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Mary
She has been homeless one month. She is from Ohio.
Tampa Bay Homeless

The New Yummy House

Chicken with Black Bean Sauce
It is so nice to eat Chinese-Style Chinese food instead of that NY-Style crap all over town.
$9.95.....Yummy House, 2620 E. Hillsborough Avenue in Tampa.
Eat Local!

Two Of Tampa Bay's Greatest Buccaneers

Now selling overpriced furniture on city buses.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Colbert Super Pac

Join Here

A Message From Saint Petersblog

Dear Readers:
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has alerted me to a comment which was published two days ago on I am not going to give credence to the comment by re-posting it, but it included a violent threat against Governor Rick Scott. I have more than willingly supplied
the FDLE with the I.P. address of the commentor.

As much as I may disagree with the politics and policies of Governor Scott, the man is a public servant and deserves a certain modicum of respect. If you don’t respect the man, then respect the office.

Accordingly, please refrain from making threats, of any kind, to not only Governor Scott, but to any politician. I cannot monitor every comment that is made on this site, so if this becomes a problem, I will have to modify or disable the commenting system, which takes away from the interactive nature of

Thank you.
Peter Schorsch

Speaking of threats, the FDLE should check this out.

The Citrus Taliban

In Tampa

The Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce

2012 Honorary Mayor of Riverview
(Pic, current Mayor Mike Self with candidate Gabrielle Perham.)
Look for upcoming events hosted by Ms. Perham - be sure to show your support! One dollar equals one vote. The candidate with the most votes between June 10th and September 15th, 2011 will be named 2012 Honorary Mayor of Riverview.
The Stogie supports
Gabrielle Perham.

Positively Tampa Bay: Starting Right Now

Hillsborough County Schools partner with Starting Right Now local charity to help homeless children.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sophia's Galaxy

Here you can develop your manifesting skills – yes, we ALL have them.
You can de-create situations of victimhood and drama in your life that you have outgrown.
You can re-create yourself and your life as you choose!

Imagine What $4 Trillion Could Buy

A new report out of Brown University estimates that the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq--together with the counterinsurgency efforts in Pakistan--will, all told, cost $4 trillion
and leave 225,000 dead, both civilians and soldiers.

Imagine Peace

Take the "Pink Slip Mad Lib Challenge!"

It seems Pink Slip Rick can't get real Floridians to write letters to local newspapers in support of his radical agenda, so he's written a letter himself, and he's begging his tea party followers
to simply copy and paste it in an email.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Operation Orlando

Hackers are responding to recent Orlando, Florida attacks on a non-profit group
by launching a war on the town's Web sites.

Deputy Steven Donaldson

An Atheist-Free Polk County

The Atheists of Florida's filed a federal lawsuit Friday against Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd that alleges her recent arrests are retaliation against her secular views. EllenBeth Wachs, jailed twice this year, is seeking an injunction to stop Judd from arresting her or launching new investigations about her. She claims the charges she currently faces are a result of her "assertion of a non-religious,
atheist viewpoint in the predominantly Christian-oriented Polk County.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Kung Pao Chicken
With Fried Rice and Soup or Drink
$4.95......Wok & Roll, 2802 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Wok & Roll on Urbanspoon

Trying For An Artful Downtown

Downtown Tampa

Stogie's All Star County Commission

Jan Platt - Pam Iorio - Kevin Beckner - Linda Saul-Sena - Ed Turanchik
Imagine, a county full of mass transit, bike paths, pedestrian friendly, jobs, our environment protected, the homeless problem resolved with compassion. We need people who can look beyond their own stupidity, people with vision of the future. People who look out for everyone, not just the few. Who knows, we could get mention in the same breath as, Miami, Atlanta even New Orleans. Instead we are nothing but what the late great Neil Rogers use to call us a nose-picking town. We might even get a cool nickname.

Local Quotes

"I can't recruit companies if we're perceived as a community in any way, shape or form
as bigoted or prejudiced."......Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn

"When General Electric, which made a profit of $14.2 billion last year, paid zero in corporate taxes, something is horribly nuts. And Wesley Snipes went to jail for not paying his taxes?"......Daniel Ruth

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa