Friday, July 19, 2013

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 The Cuban Mary
With Black Bean Soup
$6.95 at Hamburger Mary in Ybor City 

Republicans Will Be Crucified By The Hispanic Media

 Jorge Ramos,  the “Walter Cronkite of Hispanic media said in an interview that Boehner and fellow House Republicans will get absolutely crucified by the Hispanic media if Republicans fail to support comprehensive reform. Ramos says, the bulk of the coverage in Hispanic media strongly suggests it will be hard for Republicans to avoid most or all the blame if it fails. “In the end, you just have to follow Hispanic media,” Ramos says. “The question is, who is responsible for failure? So far, the answer is Republicans.”

The Despicable And Pathetic Right Wing

 Lester Chambers  attacked on stage for dedicating a song to Trayvon
The has-been rocker Ted Nugent blames Trayvon Martin for shooting in George Zimmerman case, calling the late teen 'a dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe'
Geraldo (Thinks he is a journalist) Rivera's claim that Martin brought about his own death
by dressing in a hooded sweatshirt the night of the killing was shocking, but not
surprising. Echoing earlier comments he made on the program, Rivera proclaimed:
\"You dress like a thug, people are going to treat you like a thug."
 Prominent conservative websites published fake photos of
The Sanford Police leaked irrelevant, negative information about
Race-baiters,’ ‘hustlers,’ and ‘pimps’: right wing attacks on civil rights
Why The Right-Wing Media Spent 16 Months Smearing A Dead
If Mr. Zimmerman was such a good neighborhood watchman and neighbor as one juror said he would of asked Mr. Martin to get out of the rain and given him a ride home.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Drones Falling Out Of Sky In Panhandle

The town of Deer Trail, Colorado is considering an ordinance that would create a license and bounty for hunters to shoot down drones. “We do not want drones in town,” Phillip Steel, the Deer Trail, Colo., resident who drafted the ordinance, told Denver’s ABC7 affiliate.
 “They fly in town, they get shot down.”
The Town of Deer Trail shall issue a reward of $100 to any shooter who presents a valid hunting license and the following identifiable parts of an unmanned aerial vehicle whose markings and configuration are consistent with those used on any similar craft known to be owned or operated by the United States federal

Stevie Wonder Reacts to Zimmerman Trial Verdict

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Raw Oysters
At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

Right Wing Attacks Move On

MoveOn's site just weathered a massive anonymous online attack—the biggest in our 15-year history. The attack seems to have been sparked by an NAACP petition calling for a Department of Justice investigation into the death of Trayvon Martin.

South Florida Anti-War Group Protest

 Despite a flood advisory and severe weather warnings, over 15 people gathered outside the U.S. Federal Building in downtown on July 13 for a vigil in solidarity with those who have fallen victim to U.S. drone strikes abroad......more

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

John Oliver Names Florida 'Worst State

According to current Florida law, you can get a gun, follow an unarmed minor, call the police, have them explicitly tell you to stop following them, then choose to ignore that, keep following the minor, get into a confrontation with them. and if at any point during that process, you get scared, you can shoot the minor to death, and the state of Florida will say, "Well, look, you did what you could."

Latinos Will Blame GOP Bigotry

If right-wing Republicans were to kill comprehensive immigration reform, that would make it the second time in six years they have successfully done
“Voting against this bill is a disaster for the Republican Party…They need to be reminded there are sound policy reasons to vote for it but also significant political reasons as well.” Sen.Michael Bennet of Colorado
"The GOP will be blamed and "our party is in trouble with Hispanics." Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
"Don't Blame me if Latinos Don't Vote Republican." Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio
And check out Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz attackeing the recently passed immigration bill in the Senate
to chants of “kill the bill” from a swelling crowd at the D.C. March for Jobs rally. A woman from Florida told
the Washington Free Beacon “Marco Rubio is a traitor to Florida and the United States,” she refused to give
her name, citing fears of being audited by the
Take notes kids, you are watching the end of a once great political party.

Trayvon Martin Civil Rights Act

Protesters occupy Rick Scott's office in Tallahassee to demand an end to Stand Your Ground law. The activists, known as the Dream Defenders, made other demands, too. They want Scott to convene a special session of the Florida Legislature to address racial profiling, zero tolerance policies in schools, and the so-called school-to-prison pipeline.

I Ordered A Riot And All I Get Is A Folk Festival?

Stephen Colbert dedicated a “Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger” segment to America’s non-rioting African-Americans and to the Fox News Channel. In Tallahassee, Florida, a group of protesters sang quietly on the steps of the state capitol building. “‘Sang quietly?’” Colbert scoffed. “I ordered a riot and all I get is a folk festival? Stop singing ‘If I Had a Hammer’ and and start swinging one around.”

It Must Be A Bitch Being Black

to follow up on Pilar's post "Florida Coward" of a couple of days ago. Here is a 17 year old kid walking home after a snack run. This man starts to follow him, approaches with out identifying himself as Neighborhood Watch, they get into a fight. Then because he starts to get his ass kicked by a 17 year old he pulls out his gun and shoots, not in the air to scare him or arm or leg to wound him no he shoots him in the heart to kill him. Just what you are suppose to do to use the stand your ground law, the law he told a surprised Sean Hannity he knew nothing about. After all dead men tell no tale. When the cops show up he claims self defense. no investigation like maybe look for witness, no, they just let him go. No big deal just another dead black guy. It took a public outcry for the state to step in. i have been in the recovery Industry for over 20 years. i would roam the streets in the middle of the night looking for cars to reprocess. Not once in those 20 years did i ever have a black man sitting on me. and think about this i was doing alot more then just following someone around, i was trying to take their cars. i was thought to treat people with respect and take control of the situation. it worked for me, not once did i ever have to resort to violence, in fact by the end of the encounter people were thanking me for taking their cars. The prosecutors refused to bring up race but i will. this had everything to do with race. I still cant believe what one of the defense lawyer said after the verdict. "If Zimmerman had been black he would of never been charged." He might be partly right after Sanford PD had finished kicking his ass there would of been no one to charge. 

Jessica Ehrlich for Congress

Check out Jessica Ehrlich a St. Petersburg native who is running for Congress in Florida's 13th District. She out raises Bill Young. one of the local Republicans who just voted for billions of dollars in corporate welfare to agriculture Interest  but refuse to adequately fund or even take up legislation for a program that provides food aid to 47 million Americans, about half of them childrenWe didn’t just outraise him, we nearly doubled him - almost $154,000 to just $86,000 in the first three months of our campaign. In those three months, we raised more than Young raised in six!
Help her out here

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Am I Suspicious?

business As Usual For David Gee

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office did not formally discipline any of its employees in the aftermath of a disastrous series of misjudgments that left a jail inmate going nearly 36 hours without treatment for a fatal stroke, agency officials said this week. Allen Daniel Hicks Sr., 51, was arrested in May 2012 by the Florida Highway Patrol after crashing his car into a guardrail on Interstate 275. Confused and unable to use the left side of his body, he was booked into the Hillsborough jail system and spent much of the next two days sprawled motionless on the floor of a cell. Hicks was finally sent to Tampa General Hospital and diagnosed with an ischemic stroke after a jail nurse found him lying in his own urine. He died from the stroke in August 2012. This year, the Sheriff's Office and Armor Correctional Health Services, the private contractor that handles prisoners' medical care, paid Hicks' heirs $1 million in a wrongful-death settlement.
here and here

Anti-Bullying In Florida

Tampa Bay Republicans: Fuck The Poor

Hungry Americans should long remember the vote taken last week by the House to endanger the nation's food stamp program. House Republicans stripped the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program out of the farm bill, where it had been since 1973, and then passed the legislation without a single Democratic vote. House Republicans are fine with spending billions of dollars to subsidize farmers, but they refuse to adequately fund or even take up legislation for a program that provides food aid to 47 million Americans, about half of them children. Every Republican member of Congress from the Tampa Bay area should explain why feeding hungry children is less important than crop insurance for agribusiness.
Republican members of the House from the Tampa Bay area who voted for the stand-alone farm bill last week, Reps. Gus Bilirakis, Palm Harbor; Richard Nugent, Spring Hill; Dennis Ross, Lakeland; C.W. Bill Young, Indian Shores; and Vern Buchanan, Sarasota. Only Rep. Kathy Castor, a Democrat from Tampa, voted against the bill. I hope you remember them come election day.
Republican Party’s Top Priorities

Monday, July 15, 2013

George Zimmerman: Florida Coward

Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville who is black fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in George Zimmerman of Sanford who is white or hispanic what ever he wants to call himself racial profiles, stalks and kills Trayvon Martin a 17 year old African-American kid walking home goes free. You mean to tell me that a man that takes self-defense classes 3 days a week, outweighs Mr. Martin by 70 pounds can not defend himself short of shooting him. This trial was a sham from the begining. They never wanted to prosecute this man and only did it after public pressure. Florida state attorney Angela Corey who was appointed by Rick Scott as Special Prosecutor to investigate the killing and was the one who prosecuted Marissa Alexander was smiling like she just won the Super Bowl after the verdict. They should all be fired. Hopefully the Justice Department will go ahead with it's civil rights case. Mr Zimmerman is nothing but a coward, you don't bring a gun to a fist fight. His name is now synonymous with cowardness and will be for the rest of his life. Get use to it Georgie! Sign the letter to Attorney General Eric Holder here.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Spoke at the monthly meeting of the East Tampa Community Revitalization Partnership. . He wants to replace State Rep. Betty Reed, who is term-limited after serving four terms in the House. The district includes Seminole Heights, East Tampa, Ybor City and West Tampa. Narain is an area manager for AT&T. He serves on the board of the Hillsborough County Head Start Policy Council and formerly was a member of the Hillsborough Community Action Board. He is earning a law degree from Stetson University. As an undergraduate, he was student body president at the University of South Florida. He faulted Gov. Rick Scott for not accepting federal money to expand the Medicaid program. "That is our money," Narain said. "It's shameful we don't expand Medicaid and Obamacare right here in Florida." He also opposes a so-called "parent trigger" bill. Check him out here

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tony in Tampa

His blood pressure spikes over leftist agenda. So he called Rush to tell him about it. RUSH: Here's Tony in Tampa. I'm glad you called, sir. It's great to have you here. Tony: Yeah. Thanks, Rush. Could you imagine if a Republican had this miserable, destructive record that Obama has with the unending golf, the never-ending vacations? You could imagine what the likes of Chris Matthews, that Sleeping Beauty Bob Beckel, Knee-Jerk Geraldo, Juan Williams, and Alan Colmes would do. They'd be crawling the walls! They would be threatening to gas themselves right on the air. It would be a billion-man march. Every street would be clogged with people. You wouldn't be able to get your car out of the driveway! You'd be eating pinto beans for weeks on end. More of Tony's call here
Tony as fellowTampans we suggest you get your head out of your ass, stop making a fool of yourself on the radio and do a little research. You might want to start here and check this out from Fact Check,or you can Google it and you will find all kinds of stuff. Oh wait, this is the Liberal media.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp with Lobster Sauce With fried rice and a drink $4.99 at Taste of China in Tampa

Tampa Slumlord William A. "Hoe" Brown

Chairman of the Tampa Port Authority,a Rick Scott appointee and prominent Republican fundraiser, has been running an illegal rental property that Tampa's code enforcement director calls "deplorable" and "not fit for human habitation." "It's shocking. People shouldn't have to live like that," said Jake Slater, Tampa's director of neighborhood empowerment, who termed the squalor among the worst he's ever seen.....more

EMILY’s List Endorses Gwen Graham

EMILY’s List has endorsed Gwen Graham in her race to unseat Congressman Steve Southerland in Florida’s Second Congressional District. EMILY’s List, with more than two million members, works to elect strong female candidates who are willing to stand up for women and families in