Monday, September 23, 2013

I Am Rick Scott

Rosa Parks, Lech Walesa, Martin Luther King and Ted Yoho?

“It only takes one with passion ” said Representative Ted Yoho of Florida, one of the rank-and-file House Republicans who have risen up to challenge their party’s leadership over whether to confront the Senate and President Obama with their demands to cut off funding for the president’s health care law........more
“People with passion that speak up, they’ll have people follow them because they believe the same way, and smart leadership listens to that.”

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don't Let Rick Scott Fool You, He Has Been A Disaster For Our State

Must Read
Household income remains stagnant in Florida almost five years from the depth of the recession as the state's largest cities rank at the bottom in income levels for the nation's most populous metro areas, according to U.S. Census figures released Thursday. Three Florida metro areas ranked at the bottom of the list for household income in the nation's 25 most populous cities. The Tampa metro area was last with a median household income of about $44,000 -- half that of Washington, D.C., the city at the top of the list. Metro Orlando was the next lowest at $46,000, followed by South Florida -- made up of Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach -- at $46,600. labor activists say Florida's leaders are partially to blame for giving tax breaks to corporations instead of investing more money in education, Medicaid expansion and public transportation. .......more
2014 can't come soon enough!

Heartless GOP: Steak, Caviar And Vodka

One member was given $127.41 a day for food on his trip to Argentina. He probably had a fair amount of steak. Another member was given $3,588 for food and lodging during a six-day trip to Russia. He probably drank a fair amount of vodka and probably even had some caviar. That particular member has 21,000 food stamp recipients in his district. One of those people on food stamps could live a year on what this congressman spent on food and lodging for six days,"

Apopka Man Arrested For Protesting Red Light Cameras

66-year-old Mark Schmidter was on the corner handing out fliers to motorists stopped at red lights. The fliers had a petition and a message about a city council meeting, where citizens could voice their concerns about red light cameras. Schmidter was approached by a police officer. He told the officer he didn't have a permit for the protest, and when asked for identification, responded that as he wasn't driving, he had no need for ID. When he continued to (peacefully) resist the officer's requests for identification or information about who he was, the officer cuffed him and made an arrest. Schmidter's argument about the cameras was that,
Red light cameras are all about money - not safety......more

Nancy Pelosi In Tampa

A little high for a single working mom, but still a lot cheaper then Rick Scott's shindig in Pinellas.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Rick Scott Touts New Obamacare Jobs In Tampa

We are blessed in Florida with mild winters, good Cuban food and spectacular, mind-bending politics that turns other states green with envy. Consider Wednesday's big economic story: A company called HealthPlan Services announced it would add 1,000 jobs in Tampa over the next five years. HealthPlan Services is adding people largely because of the new national health-care law pushed by President Barack Obama and fiercely opposed by most Republicans, including (at least initially) Scott. In fact, as the Tampa Bay Times' Steve Bousquet reminds us, Scott called the health-care law "the biggest job killer ever," last year in an interview with FOX News........more
Read what Mitch Perry has to say about it here

Amanda Murphy, Democrat, for Florida State House, District 36

 The Republicans picked their man to replace Republican Mike Fasano in House District 36. Bill Gunter, a candidate handpicked by Republican leadership in Tallahassee and funded by Rick Scott's wealthy allies. We know the Republicans in Tallahassee will spend big for their handpicked candidate and to try and continue Rick Scott’s agenda: cuts to education, higher insurance rates, and no access to health care. Check out Democrat Amanda Murphy.

Friends Of Stogie

 At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

$50K Per Couple For Rick Scott's Pinellas Fundraiser

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Citrus Taliban: David Caton

 Florida Family Association Labels Al Jazeera America 'Jihad TV'
The far-right Florida Family Association is planning to run an aerial banner this Sunday before the Cincinnati Bengals game criticizing Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble, for running ads on Al Jazeera America........more
I wonder how his addiction to pornography is going?

Bill Nelson Will Vote Yes For War On Syria

Over 60 protesters stormed his Jacksonville office on Sept. 12, demanding that the senator renounce his support for President Barack Obama’s proposed military strike on Syria......more

Right Wing 2016

Bumper stickers are ready, get them here.

Tim Tebow A Jacksonville Jaguar?

A group of Jacksonville Jaguars fans held a rally in order to convince the owners of the Jaguars to sign Tim Tebow as their next quarterback. It started at 3:16 PM and was to last for 3 hours and 16 minutes (all allusions to Tebow’s faith, of course). It drew a whopping crowd of 20 people.....more. They have a website, check them out here. The folks that don't want him there The Bold City Brigade, a nonprofit organization in Jacksonville which seeks to expand and embolden the fan-base, has created a website called

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pot Steak
With Black Beans and Rice
$6.50 at Super Saver Supermarket, 2001 E. Fletcher Ave. in Tampa 
Every time I am in Suitcase City I always eat here. Great Spanish food.

Gwen Graham Within 2 Points Of The Incumbent Republican

Emily’s List poll: Southerland 44, Graham 42
A poll in the congressional race between Rep. Steve Southerland and Gwen Graham shows her nipping at the incumbent Republican’s heels, trailing by less than the poll’s error margin. The poll was done for Emily’s List, a political action group that supports Democratic women candidates, by Clarity Campaign Labs, a relatively new Washington-based polling and political consulting firm.......more
Lets help her out here 

Florida Medical Marijuana News

Florida Bans Workers From Signing Up People for Obamacare

The Florida Department of Health is banning outreach workers from signing up uninsured people for Obamacare at county health facilities. The outreach workers, also called "Navigators," are only allowed to distribute materials related to Obamacare by request. HHS spokesman Fabien Levy said,
"This is another blatant and shameful attempt to intimidate groups who will be working to inform Americans about their new health insurance options and help them enroll in coverage, just like Medicare counselors have been doing for years."
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz slammed Fla. Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Twitter: “Time to end the political theatrics and work on implementation, not more obstruction.”.......more

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WMNF Fall Marathon!

See what all the fun and fuss are about joining the Circle of Friends! Explore the benefits and rewards of joining the Circle of Friends! Contact Laura Taylor, Development Director, at 813-865-8260 or email!

Sun Sentinel Reporter Goes Off on Tea Partier

Florida-Friendly Landscaping

The Polk County Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program will teach you how to landscape the Florida-Friendly way! This means conserving water and practicing environmentally sustainable landscape maintenance practices. Any landscape can be Florida-Friendly if it is designed and maintained following the nine principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping........more

Zimmerman Is A Sandy Hook, Aurora Waiting To Happen

Apparently Zimmerman does not have a friend in his local police chief. Steve Bracknell, who heads the department in Lake Mary, Florida, where Zimmerman lives, agreed with some pretty intense criticisms of the acquitted killer contained in two angry emails he received Tuesday about Zimmerman's recent altercation with his wife. "Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen," the emailer, Santiago Rodriguez, asserted, in an email posted online. "Your job is to protect the communities you serve, and you are failing big time."........more

Monday, September 16, 2013

Nathan Bedford Forrest High School

An online petition with more than 78,000 signatures requests a reconsideration of the name of a Florida high school christened after the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, of the Duval County School District in Jacksonville, opened in 1959 and was named after the Confederate Army Lieutenant General during the Civil War who joined the KKK around early 1867......more>

Rick Scott Is Trying To Dupe Voters

Gov. Rick Scott is in trouble. With his favorability rating in the tank and his re-election campaign just around the corner, Scott has promised to spend $100 million of special-interest money to convince Floridians he isn’t who they think he is. The problem is Scott has done very little as governor to crow about........more>

Tampa, High Speed Chase and Shootout!

Watch and listen as Hillsborough Sheriff David Gee and Tampa Police Chief Jane Castor give this blow-by-blow account of the chase and shootout of a rape suspect, from the moment it began to the gunfire that ended it.