Friday, April 25, 2014

Hillsborough Dems Want A Crist-Rich Debate

The Un-Democratic Broward County Democratic Executive Committee
voted against a resolution calling for a primary debate.

Ybor Surveillance

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bacon Cheeseburger
At The Rainbow Restaurant in Mascotte

Florida Anheuser-Busch Distributors

There are 100 craft breweries in Florida,
and 31 of them are in Hillsborough County.
A bill backed by Anheuser-Busch distributors,
passed Monday by a state Senate committee
would put them out of business.
Commissioner Mark Sharpe tried in vain to help,
the other commissioners are sitting this one out.
Who is Anheuser-Busch?
They are owned by a Belgian-Brazilian
multinational beverage and brewing company headquartered in
 >Leuven, Belgium
Local distributors
Pepin Distributing -  Great Bay Distributors
Why Are You Drinking Their Beer?
>Stay Local!

Florida Is 'Ground Zero' For Sea Level Rise

What Tampa Bay might look like in 2073

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Florida Republicans are Rigging 'Voting REST-ROOMS'

Tampa Cabbie Goes To War With Lyft, Uber And Bob Buckhorn

I  have lived the life for 19 years and
I will fight for my livelihood.
This war has just begun.
 They are based out of Seattle and San Francisco. United and  Yellow were founded by local Tampons.
Bob Buckhorn - the mayor of Tampa. This cat is the one that allowed the food trucks into downtown Tampa, completely ignoring the restaurants that pay taxes and are located downtown. He justified it, in the same way he is Lyft, that in this economy we need jobs. True, what we need are jobs that people can live off of. You are making beggars out of people Buckhorn. I guess  its good your wife had a good job before you got elected because you would have been flying a sign like the rest of the bums on the streets. No offense to bums. At least they work
and struggle every day.
The hardest thing you ever did was take your mutt to the dog park.

Gubernatorial Debate In Tampa

WEDU-TV, The Tampa Tribune and
Genesis Communications
have teamed up with community partners to host a Florida gubernatorial debate preceding this November's general election.
To be held at WEDU's Tampa studios
And moderated by Local Legend
Rob Lorei
Managing editor of Florida This Week on WEDU-TV (PBS)
and co-founder of WMNF Radio.

GOP Selling George H.W. Bush Socks

ONLY $35.00

Critical Mass In St. Pete


20,921 millionaires would get an $87,000 tax break.
Middle class families would pay
$2000 more in taxes.
290,401 seniors would pay more for medicine.
42,260 college students wouldn't receive Pell Grants.
3,569 domestic violence victims would lose access

to theSTOP Violence Against Women Program.
6,920 children would lose access to Head Start.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Florida GOP Drunk At Taco Bell

Police in Tallahassee busted Florida GOP 
Rep. Dane Eagle 
Leaving a Taco Bell and nearly hitting a concrete median 
at 2 in the morning.
He got pulled over by Officer David Keller.
Despite refusing to take a field sobriety test, authorities said Eagle’s breath and vehicle smelled of alcohol. Eagle denied that he had been drinking, he rats on his friends  attributing the smell to friends who were riding with him earlier in the evening.
He also allegedly told Keller that he was “good to get home,”
despite stumbling
and falling when Keller asked him to walk to his patrol car. 
Eagle, who was elected in 2012,
was arrested and charged with driving
under the influence. 

Florida: A Younger Population Is Pushing The State Left

Florida is getting younger
and thus a bit more politically liberal.
If a stroll down the Miami Beach’s famed boardwalk doesn’t persuade you, perhaps
In the 1970s, about 30 percent of Florida’s population was 45 or older. Today, those mid-lifers represent less than 5 percent of the Sunshine State’s population.

Today In Pinellas: Greenlight Pinellas Millenials & Transit

PSTA will be hosting a special guest before their board meeting.
They’ll be hosting a discussion on
younger generations and transportation.
Poll after poll has told us that millennials and future generations are not as interested in cars as they are cell phones.  But, what transportation options do they want?
How can we make the case for more options?

Floridian Charlene Dill

Charlene Dill, a hardworking young woman with
three children and three jobs,
Lost her life because
Florida GOP
Turn down $60,000,000,000.00
in federal aid that would have paid for her healthcare,
and the healthcare of one million other Floridians who comprise
the working poor.
After Congressman Alan Grayson told her sad story in a Tampa newspaper,
their Facebook page was inundated with over 600 comments. 

Stop Fracking In The Everglades

A Texas oil company, Hughes Co.
was caught secretly and illegally fracking on endangered Florida panther habitat in the western Everglades. Their punishment?
A $25,000 slap on the wrist from Gov. Rick Scott

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Gulf Coast, Four Years After The BP Disaster

900: Bottlenose dolphins found dead or stranded
500: Sea Turtles found dead or stranded 
20 percent: Portion of the Gulf’s bluefin tuna exposed 
778 miles: Amount of coastline BP says it cleaned before ending
“active cleanup”
$14 billion: Amount BP says it spent on spill response and cleanup activities
$12.9 billion: Amount BP says it paid in claims, advances, civil settlements, and payments for tourism promotion, seafood testing, marketing,
and health services
$23 billion: BP’s profits in 201
$105 million: Amount BP paid under a partial settlement for the oil spill to fund new healthcare centers and services for the Gulf
17 months: Time period BP was banned from all federal contracts
Two weeks: Length of time after that suspension was lifted before BP
had another oil spill
Five: Number of rigs BP had in the Gulf of Mexico before the spill
10: Number of oil rigs BP currently has in the Gulf
1.3 million: Barrels of oil produced daily in the U.S. Gulf in 2011
2 million: Barrels of oil expected to come from the U.S. Gulf daily by 2020

Florida Cannabis Coalition In Ybor

Saturday - April 26th 8am
Cuban Club - Ybor City

Raíces en Tampa May Day Rallies

May 1st, 5:00 pm
Ybor City
For more information contact:
Marisol Marquez (Spanish contact) -
Raíces en Tampa:
Jared Hamil - Raíces en Tampa: 
Norberto Gazga - Raíces en Tampa (239) 877-1792

The U.S. Supreme Court Gives Rick Scott A Well-Earned Kick In The Ass

They rejected his petition to review
his unconstitutional policy of
random drug testing on state employees.

The Extinction Of Conservative Republicans Is Imminent

Immigration isn’t going to stop, and will increase
The Right can’t survive by just white voters
Interracial marriage further blurs the divide
Each generation leans more left
Equality is coming into style
And religion won’t hold them up much longer either

United for Care Celebrates Its Day Of Compassion

On Saturday, United for Care celebrated its Day of Compassion, an outreach program where volunteers statewide spread the word about the push to legalize medical marijuana in Florida. With more than 10,000 volunteers and  an on-the-ground presence in
18 communities and offices in Miami, Tampa and Orlando,
it is the largest organization in Florida advocating for
Amendment 2.......more>

Monday, April 21, 2014

Take Children Away From Lazy Poor People -- Jeb Bush

Medical Marijuana Companies Flood Florida

Entrepreneurs are popping up in an effort to get in on the bottom floor. Eighteen medical marijuana companies have
registered with the state this year.
Please vote yes on Amendment 2

Fast Food Chains Stealing From Low-Wage Workers

No matter how small the haul is, a thief is a thief, right? If a poverty-wage fast-food worker sneaks out a couple of burgers to take home to the kids, the bosses yell: "Thief!" But what do you call it when the bosses steal from those same workers?
Stay Local, Keep Our Money Here, Support Local Businesses
For A List Of Locally Owned Restaurants In Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Florida GOP Dennis Ross

Florida GOP Rep. Dennis Ross 
was holding a forum for constituents in Tampa when an Arby’s employee asked him about raising the federal minimum wage.
 Shaneeka Rainer wanted to know if the GOP congressman supported President Barack Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase, Ross wasted no time in flat-out saying, “No
“I think it would do more harm to our economy than anything. If we are going to make it a living wage, who’s going to pay for it? Who’s going to pay for it?”

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Right-Wing Conservatism Debunked by Jesus Christ Himself

This one goes out to Florida's own Marco Rubio. Next time you go off on how Christian you are pick up the Bible once in a while, check out Matthew 5