Saturday, March 1, 2008

Florida Has A Medical Examiner For Manatees

Martine De Wit is a medical examiner, for manatees. If one of the endangered animals is reported dead anywhere in Florida's waters, it's brought to de Wit, who helps determine and duly record its cause of death. About 250 of their bodies arrive at her lab every year......more

We Are The Ones We Been Waiting For

Tampa Bay Gas Prices Could Push $3.75 A Gallon This Summer

The average cost of unleaded gas in the Bay area went up by 3.2 cents on Wednesday to a little over $3.10. That's 3.2 cents in a single day.That one-day jump put regular gas 87 cents higher than the same time a year ago, and barely below the all-time record set in November 2007.Hold on to your wallet, because the experts say there's more to
Alan Snel Can

Debby Dowell: Hillsborough Teacher Of The Year

A middle school teacher 15 years into her second career jumped up and down, hugged everyone in sight and gasped for breath when she learned Thursday night that she is Hillsborough County's 2008 teacher of the year. Debby Dowell was then short and to the point in her acceptance

Rogue Florida Democrats

Proving yet again that nobody does bizarre elections like Florida, thousands of loyal Democrats turned out for a rogue election Saturday where the votes may not count and the winners may not win......more

Miami Vice: Bottom-Fishing For Condo Bargains

Home buyers from around the U.S. and abroad are descending on Florida to buy condominiums that have suffered sharp price drops amid the housing glut, subprime-mortgage crisis and credit crunch. Some are searching for investment properties, confident home prices will eventually rebound. Others are hunting for vacation or retirement homes. Yet pitfalls abound, and experts warn that prices could dip

From Tampa to Tallahassee: Cracker Horse Heritage

Catch a glimpse of Billy Ray Hunter and Carlton Dudley as they try to ride two Floridian Cracker horses from Tampa to Tallahassee in hopes of making the Cracker horse Florida's official Heritage

Big Brother Won't Ogle Beaches In Florida Town

It appears the Almighty Dollar was just too much for Big Brother to handle in this South Florida town. Due to the cost, the Martin County Commission decided this week against spending $300,000 on a high-tech video surveillance system which would "talk back" to people, warning them not to have sex on the

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hillsborough County Jails

A former special-education teacher says Hillsborough jail deputies violently threw him to the floor of a cell, put a hood over his head while he was in a restraint chair, and intentionally obstructed the view of a surveillance camera before beating

McCain Running Mate? Crist, If GOP Needs Florida?

Four days before the Republican primary election in Florida, when it became apparent to many that Sen. John McCain had a good chance of winning, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist climbed on board the senator's campaign for president.
This is the same Crist who could not find time to appear at a rally with President Bush in Florida's heavily Republican Panhandle near the eve of the 2006 midterm elections.......more

The Sons of Confederate Veterans

The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South's decision to fight the Second American
Other festive "Confederate Heritage"......plates

Florida Forever Successor

When state legislators convene a 60-day legislative session March 4, they will discuss creating and funding a successor to the Florida Forever program, one of the most successful state-funded land acquisition programs in the

Cuba Signs Human Rights Treaties

Cuba Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said Thursday the signing of two human rights treaties responds to a sovereign decision by the Cuban government, which has never acted under pressure.......more

Burmese Python From Everglades National Park

Burmese pythons, an invasive species now spreading across south Florida, could find comfortable climatic conditions in roughly a third of the United States, according to new "climate match" maps developed by the U.S. Geological

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Florida Governor And The Green Iguana

The story goes that the Florida governor frequented the Green Iguana, a bar in Tampa, back in the early 1990s when he was just starting his political career. He was less careful back then, people say, and during his partying at the Green Iguana, he was openly

The Floridian Offers $5,000 Reward In Gay Attack

The owner of the popular restaurant where a gay man was verbally and physically assaulted in a possible hate crime has put up a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the

Florida Considering Spaceflight Indemnification Bill

The Florida Legislature, following the lead of Virginia, is considering legislation to provide liability immunity for suborbital commercial vehicle operators. The legislation, HB 737, was introduced in the Florida House of Representatives in January by Rep. David Simmons, an Orlando-area Republican, and is currently working its way through various House committees. The legislation would make any “spaceflight entity” (any company or organization with an FAA launch, reentry, or spaceport license) “not liable for injury to or death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of spaceflight launch activities”.....more

Mayor Iorio’s Fitness Walk

Takes place on Saturday, March 8 at Al Lopez Park.
Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 7:30 a.m.
Participants receive a Walking with the Mayor T-shirt. Health and wellness organizations from throughout the city will be on hand with free health screenings and information on how to lead a more active and well lifestyle.

Litbrit Is Two

Exactly two years ago, I typed out the introductory post for my very first blog. Back then it was called The Last Duchess after a favorite Browning poem; later, I decided to use my online nickname, litbrit, which was simpler and far better known around Left Blogistan......more

Dean Says Democrat Party Of Diversity

The Democratic Party is committed to addressing the needs of the African American community and should take over in the upcoming presidential elections, said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean in a speech last night in the Intercultural Center Auditorium in honor of Black History

The Blair Watch Project


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jose Marti In Ybor City

Ybor Street Closure Feeds Culture Of Paranoia

The St. Pertersburg Times reported that Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee stood before City Council members holding a report from the Department of Homeland Security he said detailed all the dangers that could befall his operations center in Ybor City. Gee wouldn't tell them what it said,

Andrea Gonzmart

Fifth-generation member of the Hernandez-Gonzmart family, which founded the Columbia Restaurant in 1905. Through the Ybor City Chamber, Gonzmart has organized various arts and food events that she hopes will turn around Ybor City's negative image. Last year, the Tampa Bay Business Journal and Gulf Coast Business Review recognized Gonzmart as a rising star for her restaurateuring, charity organizing and support for the arts.......more
The Columbia Restaurant

Did Global Voices Bloggers Cause Power Outage In Florida?

My colleague Georgia thinks it wasn’t our fault, but I find it just a little conspicuous that the power went out in all of Southern Florida the moment 10 Global Voices bloggers all plugged their laptops into power sockets in the Miami house we rented for the

Dems Win Special Elections in Florida, New York

In the Florida House race, Democrat Tony Sasso defeated Republican Sean Campbell in a seat in parts of Brevard and Orange Counties that had been held by Rep. Bob Allen, who resigned last year after being convicted of soliciting sex from an undercover police officer. It was the ninth special election picked up by Democrats in the House since the 2006 general election......more

Oceans are unhealthy, but don’t blame Florida.

A prestigious group of ocean experts today gave an A- to Florida
and other states because of their efforts to preserve coastal ecologies through legislation and regional compacts. The report by the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative praises Florida’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change for ``showing strong leadership by moving to address the impacts of climate change on the state…’’......more


As a young girl growing up in the South THE YEARLING was a must read in school. Its author, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, won the Pulitizer prize in 1938 for the true story of her neighbors in backwoods
Real Florida: Cross Creek revival

Florida’s Wildlife Viewing Growing

Florida’s rich and varied landscape and wildlife offer a wide array of opportunities for residents and tourists. While many Floridians enjoy wildlife viewing in their back yards or close to home, almost a quarter of a million tourists with wildlife watching plans travel to Florida each year, making Florida the No. 1 destination in the country for wildlife viewing......more

Florida Marriage Equality Fight Presses On

Last month, HRC partenered with Florida Red & Blue to hold a series of training sessions that mobilized volunteers to inform voters of a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage, already illegal in Florida, and eliminate all domestic partnerships. On primary day, HRC staffers and volunteers worked polling locations across the state getting voters to commit to voting against the amendment - with tremendous