Sunday, September 13, 2009

Steve Kornell Has A Great Ass

Via......St. Petersblog 2.0

Loafies Party

WHEN: Tuesday, September 15, 7 – 10 p.m.
WHERE: Creative Loafing, 810 N. Howard Ave. Tampa.
DETAILS: Food, Drink, Fashion, Dancing and more.
Live Music by Nervous Turkey, Shunda K, 500 Wolves.
$5 at the door. Attendance is

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Commissioner White Sex-Trial Sideshow Continues

The circus continues as Hillsborough County
muddles through the process of settling with the victim in
The Kevin White Sex Trial

Friends Of Stogie

Gwen And Micheal

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic With Hot Sauce On The Side
At The Firehouse In Temple Terrace

Eat Local

Friday, September 11, 2009

Health Insurance Reform Now Rally At Al Lopez Park

Saturday - September 12th - 3:00 p.m.

WMNF 30th Birthday Party

Saturday Sep 12 - 6:00PM - The Ritz Ybor

Janet Coats Is Hot!

"We need to talk this through...(because) the days when people were
just grateful for the link is long gone,"........Janet Coats

2nd Annual: Suzie Q Blitz Build

Tampa Bay Habitat for Humanity

Florida's New Senator - A Repugnican Hack

It is no secret that the man named by Governor Charlie Crist to replace the quitter, Senator Mel Martinez, in the U.S. Congress, is a political hack,
and an old buddy of Charlie with few pertinent qualifications to be a senator..........more

Tampabay 10 Interviews Tommy Duncan Of Sticks Of Fire

Today's entry addresses the issue of "splogging." Splogging is a word derived from the words "spam" and "blogging." It is the automated act of pulling content off of one site and posting it onto another to influence search

Healthcare Demo On The Courtney Campbell Causeway

Join Hands Across The Hillsborough/Pinellas Line
More Info: Malanda Schmitz
H: 727 724 8989 - C: 813 760 9408
Progressive Democrats of America
Sun, Sept 13 - 12-2pm

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Leave it to Bill McCollum

Looks like right wing Attorney General Bill McCollum is one of those elected officials that President Obama was referring to last night who is engaging in "scor(ing) short-term political

Tampa Bay Rays Rookie David Price In Drag


Higher Life Forms for Rob Miller

Readers, I've created an ActBlue account for those who, like me, wish to support Rob Miller, the gentleman who'll run against Joe Wilson (R-SC), that rude, miserable, badly-raised

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's Under The Julia Tuttle Causeway

In Miami, many condos might not be worth a million dollars anymore, but the views still are. Zip across the causeways that connect the mainland to Miami Beach and it's as if you're leaving your troubles behind.
That is, unless you happen to be cruising along the Julia Tuttle Causeway and you slow down enough to look at the side of the road, where a tent community has formed along the water's

Seminole Heights Classic Car Show


DG - (DL x AM) = L

St. Petersburg Campaigns

Tampa City Council Perks

Accent lamps, a decorative rug, travel to San Francisco and Cuba, office furniture and food. Those are some of the items bought by Tampa City Council members using discretionary money since taking office in April

Shelton Quarles And TBARTA

Under his organization TBARTA demonstrated an uncanny willingness to engage in outreach (which even included guest commentary here at TR), which paid off in TBARTA developing its accomplished Transportation Master Plan, its initial start-up funding, and managing to smooth over a potential light rail political rift between Hillsborough County and the

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tampa Tribune Agrees to Pay Tina Dupuy

Tina Dupuy made a new video of the Tampa Tribune relenting to the pressure of the internet and agreeing to pay her for her op-ed "'Birthers' are clinging to unreasonable doubt."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Steve Valdez Of Tampa

Sinfonian On Jim Greer

Jim, you ignorant slut. Fuck you, you moronic, disingenuous asshole.

You wouldn't know a "socialist ideology" if it kicked you in the ass (which, incidentally, I wish it would) -- because you know as well as I do (or you should, if you have even an ounce of sense) that Barack Obama isn't even a liberal, let alone a socialist. Your fear-mongering, sycophantic drooling in response to some shit Glenn Beck spews forth on his pathetic excuse for a television show........Sinfonian

Tampa Man’s “Proof” Beck Didn’t Rape Woman In 1990

“There is absolutely no way Glenn Beck raped a woman on March 14, 1990, because I was sailing with him and some friends that same day,” says local Tampa retiree Gil

Tampa Tribune: Start Paying Bloggers

The Tampa Tribune has taken written content from bloggers Tina Dupuy, Pushing Rope, Alex Pickett and Sticks of Fire. These articles and op-eds were not paid for and in many cases taken without consent. It is time for the Tampa Tribune/ to cease this activity.

On Facebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jim Greer's Detour Into Glenn Beck-Land

How else would you explain this rant, rated “Pants on Fire” by PolitiFact, for so obscuring what is, at heart, a positive message from the President of the United States to schoolchildren about the importance of getting a good education?

Miami Graffiti


Critter Adoption & Rescue Effort Of Ruskin

A no-kill animal shelter provides homeless cats and dogs with a safe and loving residence while its volunteers do their utmost to reduce the overpopulation of dogs and cats through spay and neuter

Downtown Tampa Time Lapse


Images from Election Day


Blogger Asks for Payment From The Tampa Tribune

Via....Will Report For Food