Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sharon Carter, Democrat for Florida House of Representatives

I am Sharon Carter, your candidate for Florida State Representative. As a long time citizen of this beautiful community, with the blessings of my family, friends, community leaders and you, my fellow supporters of the 61st district, I, Sharon Carter, want to represent you in the Florida House of Representatives.
Check her out here

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Am Marco Rubio And I Voted No

I voted against the Senate bill to end the government shutdown. I was one of
18  republicans who voted no.

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Supporters Rally for Obamacare In Largo

Hillsborough County Tea Party Takeover

Hillsborough County Tea Party leader Sharon Calvert and one of her political allies both won offices in the Hillsborough County Republican Party on Tuesday, leading one GOP leader to worry about a tea party takeover.......more

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Liberals For Ted Cruz 2016

His PAC pulled in almost $800,000 and he is considered a front-runner for the Presidential nomination by some conservative Republicans.
We on the left would love for you folks on the right to nominate
Mr. Cruz for president in 2016. We wish you luck.
If you guys need any help please let us know.

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


No More Cheap Coke In Sunrise

The Sunrise Police Department has been luring outsiders to town for high-dollar cocaine sales, making millions for the authorities in the process. The Sun Sentinel published stories about it and put an end to that........more

GOP Surrender Roundup

"Speaker Pelosi Part 2:  Opening Jan 5. 2015".....Drudge
 “I was trying to think earlier today, if ever in my life I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant,”......Rush Limbaugh

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Diaz-Balart And Rubio Pay Your Bills

Haydee Perkal holds a sign reading, "Tea Party Pay Your Bills I Pay Mine!" as she and others gather in front of the office of Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart and Sen. Marco Rubio to protest against the partial government shutdown......more

I Am Alen West

Former Congressman Allen West has told the Shark Tank that he will be launching his new website,, sometime this upcoming week. West, who is currently a Fox News Contributor, has recently stated that he would be interested in running for the U.S. Senate in 2016, if a seat opens up........more

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Democrat Amanda Murphy Wins

What makes Murphy’s win impressive is Gunter had support of the state GOP, including a full-throated voter drive by state heavyweights Attorney General Pam Bondi, House Speaker Will Weatherford and Rep. Richard Corcoran. Gunter had a solid fundraising session, with a total of $165,440, including $211,423 of “in-kind” contributions, with state party and House leadership funds. Towards the end, the race against Murphy became negative, especially when two groups – Florida Jobs First and Citizens for Fairness — paid for pro-Gunter negative attack ads that may have helped Murphy more than hurt. One round of television spots attacking Murphy came from Florida Jobs First, a PAC started by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, which spent $75,000 in the last weeks of the campaign. The republican stench will linger. Congratulations Ms. Murphy!

Fouling Florida's Environment

Here on the southeast coast, the Indian River Lagoon, the St. Lucie River and its estuary are being polluted like never before — perhaps irreversibly — by an algae slime that proliferates from excess manure, sewage and fertilizer released by municipalities and, of course, from Lake Okeechobee. Research clearly shows that most of the nutrients flowing into Lake Okeechobee come from tributaries in the northern Everglades. This is Big Sugar country, the Everglades Agricultural Area, where most of the nation's sugarcane is grown........more
Elected officials and others have known for more than 30 years about our nutrient-rich water problems, but they consistently have put business interests ahead of eliminating the sources of the pollution.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Accountability: Tea Party Traitors

In a piece written for Alternet last week, famed liberal economist Robert Reich turned his sights towards the Tea Party, attributing the backlash against their antics in Washington to the fact that the American people “don’t like traitors to our system of government.”.........more

No Tebow In Tampa

I Am Gus Bilirakis

Voters should remember that I voted  in favor of shutting the government down.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Eric Cantor’s House Coup D’état Led by Koch-Funded Teahadists Sleeper Cell

New overlord Eric Cantor’s coup d’état of the House is burning up American airwaves right now — except, of course, over at Fox. John Boehner, the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers have been carefully positioning their pawns in preparation for this strike for years. Carefully, they moved, manipulated and bought their way into one of the most quietly powerful arms of our Congress: The House Rules Committee......more

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Tampa Students Protest Homophobic Speaker

Members of Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) protested against Rosaria Butterfield, a self-described former “radical lesbian feminist turned pastor’s wife.” Butterfield now writes and gives lectures opposing homosexuality and advocating for evangelical Christianity. She believes that homosexuality is a sin and that her pride in being a lesbian was an even greater sin. Under the watchful guard of Tampa Police, private security and USF administrators, the protesters stood for the entirety of her speech as onlookers took pictures and gave approval to the protest act.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak 
With black beans and yellow rice
$7.10 at Cuban Sandwich Shop on Florida ave in Tampa

Bill Gunter: Marching Orders From Tallahassee

Florida republicans Pam Bondi, Will Weatherford and Richard Corcoran will be in Port Richey for fellow Republican Bill Gunter.......more The political committee of billionaire Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, is funding a closing days TV ad blitz to help Republicans win. We intend to engage in House and Senate  races around the state in both general elections and primaries to ensure Gov. Scott has the partners he needs to create goods jobs for the people of Florida," On WEDU's Florida This Week Friday, Mike Fasano, who use to have the job but is now Pasco County's tax collector, formally endorsed Amanda Murphy over Republican Bill Gunter:
"She is a person that's way above Bill Gunter. She understands the issues. She gets it.... She will be that consumer advocate that we don't want to lose out of House District," said Fasano, who estimates Gunter will have $1-million spent on his behalf by the time the votes are counted. "He's a good guy, but there's no question he's getting his marching orders from the leadership and special interests out of Tallahassee........more
Sick of the GOP? Vote for Democrat Amanda Murphy

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The GOP's Little Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

The TEApublicans in the House have changed and rigged the rules in order to prevent the government shutdown from ending until they, and they alone, decide to end it.

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


The Keys Are Safe, For Now

Great news, an exploratory oil well off the northern coast of Cuba has proved a failure and will be capped and abandoned, Spanish company Repsol said Friday......more

Why The Government Shutdown Was RIGHT

impending Crash Of The Republican Party

A 28% approval rating. That’s the lowest rating Gallup has recorded for EITHER party since it began taking party favor polls in 1992....more
 New polls show the number of Republican House seats vulnerable in
2014 has jumped from 21 to 29!
Pic: "Angry constituents gathered outside Rep. Daniel Webster’s (R-FL) Winter Garden office on Friday, to demand that he votes to end the government shutdown" -- West Orlando News

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Am Bill “Big Oil” Young

One of his staunchest allies, GOP Congressman Bill “Big Oil” Young just announced his retirement. This is BIG NEWS for three reasons:
  1. Congressman Young’s announcement comes just days after a new poll showing him LOSING his re-election race.
  2. This is a winnable race -- President Obama won this district just last year.
  3. Young’s not the only one -- there are 16 other House Republicans losing their races after the Republican government

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


The End Of The Republican Party

The Republicans have the shutdown. This is Week Two of the shutdown, and already we have seen the lowest approval ratings for the GOP in history. Indeed, I have heard faint, quiet whispers of a Democratic takeover of the House, the heavy price to be inflicted on belligerent Republicans. What will Week Three bring?