Thursday, May 8, 2014

Stop the corporate takeover of the Internet

We only have until May 15 
To convince FCC Chair Tom Wheeler to withdraw plans to allow the corporate takeover of the Internet and an end to Net Neutrality. 
Make a call today

Tampa Bay Inaugural Give Day Raises $1 Million In A Single Day

Businesses That Bribed Republicans To Vote Down Minimum Wage Bill!

  • DineEquity (Applebee’s and IHOP)
  • Home Depot
  • Marriot International
  • Dairy Queen
  • Rite Aid
  • National Retail Federation
  • National Association of Truck Stop Operators
  • Employment Policies Institute
  • National Federation of Independent Business
  • more

Ybor Paparazzi

Gaby of Mace Multimedia at Bernini 

Dave Koller For U.S. Congress

The People's Candidate
Socially Progressive
Fiscally Responsible

Protect Florida Panthers from Big Oil

Florida panthers number barely over 100 
In the wild and can't afford unnecessary, new threats. 
Yet, the state of Florida 
has issued a permit for the construction of a new oil 
and gas waste disposal well in prime habitat for the 
endangered Florida panther. This well would be place 
less than a mile from the 
Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WMNF Tropical Heatwave 2014

Weekend wristbands are only $40, 
and single day tickets are now available: 

Alan Grayson: Republicans Want You To Die

Spark the Vote! Kush Liberty

Be a Freedom Fighter! 
Kush Liberty arms you with the tools and resources you need to become an active member in the 
free the weed movement.

Charlie Crist Calls GOP Racist

Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist 
a former Republican, 
said racism is a "big reason" why he left the GOP.
The GOP is now seen as 

Conservatives More Likely To Be Psychopaths

Last year Marcus Arvan, of the University of Tampa
 Came under fire when he showcased his theory in another paper. Now he has returned with even more data which, he insists, shows that socially conservative views are statistically linked to three anti-social personality traits: 
Machiavellianism (deception) 
Narcissism (overinflated sense of self-worth) 
and Psychopathy (absence of guilt or remorse).

The Citrus Taliban Attacks The Broward County School District

A Broward County 
Boy said he was banned from reading 
"The Good Book" 
during free-reading time in school. The boy and his father have hired an attorney, 
calling this a violation of the boy's Constitutional rights.  
Fact: The student was reading his Bible during a "classroom 'accelerated reading' program," 
not during a free-reading session.

 The boy's family is being represented by the Liberty Institute, a "conservative religious-rights group" The Liberty Institute has a "long history of hyperbolic assertions about the impending end of religious freedom."....more

Elisabeth Hasselbeck has noted that the boy and his father would be on Fox and Friends.

Broward County Public Schools respects and upholds the rights of students to bring personal religious materials to school, including the Bible, and to read these items before school, after school or during any "free reading" time during the school day. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Blackened Red Snapper
With Fries at The Crab Shack, 11400 Gandy Blvd 
St. Pete
Best Seafood In Tampa Bay

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GOP BS: Florida Seniors, Scott what the hell are you talking about?

Scott met with senior citizens in Boca on Tuesday to talk about how Obamacare-mandated cuts to Medicare Advantage were ruining their lives.
 They didn't know what he was talking about.....more>

“I’m completely satisfied,” 
Harvey Eisen, (92) Boca  

Republicans have had to scale back their repeal talk in the face of newly insured constituents. 
Those who don't risk embarrassing themselves.

Their network stopped talking about it.
983,775 Floridians 
enrolled for coverage under the law in March 
second only to California.

Lying Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails

The GOP wants to make Benghazi 
a midterm issue, again. 
With the ACA's success and job numbers improving, 
what else do they have?
 All just an effort to tear down Hillary Clinton.
Who is kicking their ass in the polls.

“I find it an enormous problem that they go after something like this, Benghazi – tragedy that it was – and they don’t go after something that is a colossal tragedy like the war crimes of 
Richard Bruce Cheney.” 
 Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell

Pot Takes Over America!

Vote yes on Amendment 2

Pat Kemp For Hillsborough County Commissioner

List of Teabag GOP Criminals

88 Percent Of Florida Voters Support Medical Marijuana

A poll released Monday shows that 88 percent of Florida voters support allowing adults to legally use marijuana for medical purposes, bolstering the arguments of advocates who have placed a constitutional amendment on the November ballot seeking legalization.

The poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University, indicates widespread support across political and demographic lines --- Republicans and Democrats, men and women, young and old --- for legal medical marijuana......more>

Fifty-three percent of voters support “allowing adults in Florida to legally possess small amounts of marijuana for personal

Monday, May 5, 2014

Shannon McIntosh - Downtown Tampa

Come meet local NASCAR Star 
Shannon McIntosh 
 and show your support for 
Habitat for Humanity 
of Hillsborough County 
on Give Day Tampa Bay 
Tuesday, May 6 | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Downtown Tampa

Censorship At Lakeland High School

Fox ‘News’ Insane Benghazi Hysteria

You wanna talk about the problems with the Obama Administration
They just changed Net Neutrality. 
 They do warrantless spying on all of us,
 on three-hundred-million Americans
They do drone strikes on people, they kill people, they don’t even know who they are, they kill American citizens without do process.
 There’s a mountain of problems with the 
Obama Administration. 
This Benghazi is a … get the fuck outta here with Benghazi.
Watch it here

Perry Thurston for Florida Attorney General

The only way to change Tallahassee is to change the people we send. Rick Scott, Pam Bondi, and the Republican legislature spent the legislative session waging ideological crusades and short changing Florida's middle class. It is wrong when we cut taxes for corporations but don't raise the minimum wage. It is wrong when we get between a woman and her doctor but don't expand access to Medicaid. And it's wrong when we spend public dollars on private schools while cutting scholarships for our students.
We have to change it. But I need your help.

UFO At Springsteen Concert In Sunrise

A Florida airline pilot who was outside with family 
in Sunrise exiting a Bruce Springsteen concert 
reported watching a "large, pulsating, bright white light" that changed shape and color and 
 conducted maneuvers in the sky.
Even aliens like the boss.  

Marissa Alexander Is Released From Prison

TBT: Rick Scott Loser of the week

Tampa Bay Times
The week started with Scott at a South Florida seniors event publicly trashing Obamacare only to be surrounded by elderly supporters of the 
Affordable Care Act. 
It ended with another poll suggesting 
his millions of dollars in 
anti-Charlie Crist 
ads aren't moving the

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Florida GOP Busted

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection  ordered the Dan A. Hughes Company to cease all new drilling operations in Southwest Florida. The news comes a day after Senator Bill Nelson issued a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency calling for a federal investigation of the Hughes Company. more>

Make Tampa Bay More EV Friendly

In Tampa Bay, the largest source of our air pollution is not from industrial activity or coal plants it's from tailpipe emissions from our cars and trucks. 
Tell your county administrator to support the programs and incentives that will help us make the switch from gas guzzlers to electric vehicles!

Support The Party

Support The Party

5 Things You Don't Know About JEB

1.  Jeb was paid big bucks by Lehman Brothers on a scheme to save them.
2.  Greedy. Rushed into very shady deals to make money.
3.  Tea party hates him. I mean really.
4.  Jeb was the one responsible for Stand Your Ground.
5. Ran the most dysfunctional Department of Children and Families in the nation.

Ybor City Saturday Market