Saturday, May 24, 2014

Rick Scott: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Entrepreneur Collaborative Center In Ybor City

Hillsborough County Commissioners 
voted 6-0 to establish the Entrepreneur Collaborative Center, doubling the county’s small-business budget to roughly $1 million.

GOP Tallahassee Keeps 800,000 Uuninsured

Don't be fooled by Florida GOP legislators who defend their refusal to accept Medicaid expansion money as a responsible conservative position

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friends Of Stogie

The ladies at Uncle Fats in Temple Terrace

Liberal Billionaire Coming After Rick Scott

Super PAC funded by liberal billionaire and environmentalist 
Tom Steyer 
has announced it will spend as much as $100 million this election season attacking Republicans in seven key states who it says are climate-science “deniers.”
The Republicans being targeted by Steyer’s political committee, NextGen Climate Action, includes 
Rick Scott of Florida

Conservative" Means Sserving Corporate Power

Sooners have been putting solar panels on their homes to save on energy costs and reduce 
fossil-fuel pollution.
 The state's Republican-controlled government slapped a new "fee" – actually, a tax – on the bills of those who convert from grid takers to grid producers in the future.
It came from a secretive corporate front group called ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.

Scott Free 11.4.14

Florida we are not 
Texas, Georgia or Kentucky 
where the Oligarchy
can buy our votes with 30 second TV ads.
Be informed when you vote. 
You can start here

Join The Party

Ybor City Watch Parties
The Revolution Ends Here

Florida GOP Allen West

I just don’t know where her loyalties lie. 
You know, for her to have been a veteran, a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing. And hopefully, you know, 
she will remember the oath of office 
that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to 
the liberal progressives of the Democrat Party.

U.S. Special Forces, Foreign Troops Invade Tampa

Mayor Bob was out there cheering them on!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bill Nelson,To NFL: Change Redskins’ Racist Name

Bill Nelson with half the U.S. Senate urged NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Thursday to change the Washington Redskins’ name, saying it is a racist slur and the time is ripe to replace it.
May we suggest The Washington Scoundrels

Tampa Great Linda Saul Sena

Move Miami: Don't Move It Up Here

Latest Right-Wing Solution For Sea Level Rise: 

Marlo Lewis, senior fellow of the fossil fuel-funded Competitive Enterprise Institute, argued that moving regions that will be affected by sea level rise is a better idea than taking efforts to mitigate climate change.....more>

Hillsborough Poll Shows Support For All Ttransit Options

Do Hillsborough County residents prefer their taxes be spent on better roads or do they want a more diverse array of transportation options, including rapid bus routes, light rail 
and a high-speed ferry?
It turns out they want all of the above

City Of Hampton's Entire Police Force Has Been Fired

These are the guys that extended the city limits to 301 so they could set up speed traps.

Howard Dean: Republicans Aren't American

Republicans are not American 
and would be more comfortable in the Ukraine or Russia. 
GOP supporters should stay away from our country.
This is a Republican party that has decided they like power so much that they think it’s okay to win by taking away the right to vote, They are not American, They could be more comfortable in the Ukraine or Russia but stay away from our country.
This is based on 
the right to vote.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Moro and Yuca
At Arco-Iris in West Tampa
Stay Local

Arco-Iris on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ronald McDonald Working Republican Politicians

McDonald’s has workers arrested while protesting for $15 and a union at corporate HQ today. If you stand with arrested workers, 
call McDonald’s and tell them now: 
(855) 572-9499

Florida Democratic Party Sucks

May 2nd was the last day to file for federal office in Florida for 2014. Of the 
16 congressional seats held by Republicans, 
5 have no Democratic candidates at
• FL-04- Ander Crenshaw- R+19
• FL-12- Gus Bilirakis- R+7
• FL-13- David Jolly- R+1
• FL-25- Mario Diaz-Balart- R+5
• FL-27- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen- R+2
In Hillsborough County 
Ken Hagan  Dist. 5

Marco Rubio Took The Pass On Weed

When asked if he had ever 
Smoked Marijuana.
Pic thanks to Mad Mug

Read more here:

No Cuts to Pinellas Buses Rally

May 27, 2014 at 5:30pm - 7pm
PSTA Stop - Belcher Rd S & Bryan Dairy Rd, Largo, FL
Kevin Thurman ·

Florida's Delusional Ted Yoho

Recently unearthed footage of Rep. Ted Yoho speaking at Berean Baptist Church in Ocala,  during his candidacy for Congress in the 2012 election cycle shows the Republican politician suggesting that only property owners should have the right to vote.
See more at: Pushing Rope 

Skyway Fishing Pier State Park Number 3

Five Florida locations made the top 10 in the 
Take Me Fishing List of 100 Family-Friendly Places 
to Boat and Fish.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Florida GOP Charles Van Zant: Common Core Will Turn Your Kids Gay

"will attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they 
possibly can."

Scott Wants Your Piss, Send It To Him

Scott has filed a new brief in appellate court asking to re-argue his right to drug-test all welfare recipients in

Send here
Rick Scott, 400 S Monroe St, 
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Florida Turncoat Democrats Sell Us Out

 Alcee Hastings 
Corrine Brown 
Sold us out to AT&T, Verizon and Comcast.

Alan Grayson for Congress

Branded GOP - Hillsborough County

167 Days Left
Dist. 2: Elizabeth Belcher
Dist. 4: Donna Lee Fore
Dist. 5: Looking for someone to step up
Dist. 7: Mark Nash, Patricia Kemp

Mayor Kriseman's Sunblast

Get it in your inbox here

The Citrus Taliban: Dan Webster

Dan Webster Now A Florida Congressman Without Cult.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Allegations Of Shocking Sexism In The Hillsborough County Public School District

The American Civil Liberties Union 
has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights against one of the largest public school districts in Florida, 
 alleging the district's teaching policies are 
sexist and discriminatory.

Rick Scott Is Afraid Of Charlie Crist Who Is Afraid Of Nan Rich