Friday, September 5, 2014

Millennial Generation, It's Your Time

THEN DO IT on 11.4.14
You have some great choices this year. 
Two will shape your future.

 Bob Graham 
Land and Water Legacy Amendment 

Victory Party - 7pm Ybor City

Things aren't looking good for Republicans in Florida

When it comes to taking the White House in 
 Clinton is beating both Jeb Bush and 
Marco Rubio in a poll of Florida voters.

Steve Southerland's "Men Only" Fundraiser

Only adds fuel to the fire when it comes to the congressman's views on women. He voted against the Senate’s bipartisan version of the 
Violence Against Women Act
which was ultimately signed into law. here

On 11.4.14 VOTE

Florida Planned Parenthood Kick Off Party In St. Pete

Planned Parenthood Health Center
8950 Dr. Martin Luther King St. North, Ste. 102, St. Pete
RSVP to Rebecca.Killik@myplannedpa 
or 941-365-3913 ext1016
Also in Orlando, West Palm Beach and Miami.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Michelle Obama: Will you commit to vote this November?

Millions of Americans are proud to have voted for President Obama in 2008. 2012. 
Even though 
he isn’t on the ballot, this election is 
critical for the final 2 years of his Presidency.

And while we are are at it we can rid our state of 
our Right Wing Infestation.

Democrats still outnumber Republicans among Florida’s registered voters. Then why do they get to rule?
Will you commit to vote this November?

“When it comes to the midterm elections this November, we need you to be as passionate and as hungry as you were in 2008 and 2012.

Local Treasures: Linda Saul-Sena

Linda Saul-Sena 
Born April 30, 1951. to Joan Perlman Saul and
 M. William Saul at Tampa General Hospital.
 For 20 years, she served as a member of 
Tampa City Council.  WE Want HER BACK! 
@ Wikipedia   @ Stogie
Mayor Linda Saul-Sena?

Rally @ Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office in Ybor City

Sept. 18th @7:00 - 8:00 pm
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
2008 E. 8th Ave. 

Our Neighbors To The North, The Georgia Republican Party

How they git r done up in Dawsonville, Georgia

Steve Southerland On The Most Endangered Incumbents List

Gwen Graham’s 
bet that her dad, 
former Gov. Bob Graham, 
would be an asset on the campaign trail through
 north Florida appears to be paying off.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Florida, Listen To The Old Gray Motherfucker

 if you motherfuckers don’t get out and vote,  fuck it all … we can’t win.
If you don’t get out of your goddamn beds and vote,We will lose
Victory Party 11.4.2014 - 7pm Ybor City, Florida
Get out and VOTE, tell your friends!

Florida GOP Failure

Republicans in Florida hate Obamacare so much that they created a healthcare alternative back in March that was supposed to compete with President Obama’s signature law, but people just aren’t buying it…literally. Over the last six months, 984,000 Floridians have enrolled in Obamacare compared to the mere 30 who have signed up for the GOP alternative. here

Democracy For America Is Proud To Endorse Alan Grayson

Alan Grayson's bold, progressive leadership on demilitarizing the police is just the latest example of why it is so important that we have him in Congress. Alan Grayson fights for our values when few others will. That makes him a hero -- and it makes him a right-wing target. We can't let the extremists take down Grayson in 2014. here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption "Hiding"

Governor Rick Scott’s administration allowed Duke Energy to continue collecting money from Florida’s consumers, despite the fact that the two power plants they are paying for won’t produce a single watt of electricity. While Duke charges Florida families $3.2 billion in higher electric rates, Gov. Scott made off with half a million dollars 
in campaign contributions.

Celebrate Judithanne's Birthday!

Celebrate Judithanne's Birthday!
Wednesday, (Today) September 3, 2014 
Daiquiri Shak Raw Bar & Grille
14995 Gulf Blvd, Madeira Beach
6-7:30 PM info 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Florida Power Utilities Fear Return Of ‘Green Governor' Crist

Florida's three largest utilities have poured money into the re-election campaign of Republican incumbent Governor Rick Scott. here 

Rubio and Ros-Lehtinen, China OK, Cuba No Way

Top aides to Sen. Marco Rubio and 
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, two of the most vehement anti-Communist voices in Washington, took an all expenses paid trip to China this month courtesy of the Chinese government. here

They stayed at a luxury hotel and visited top tourist sites, including the Great Wall. The Rubio and Ros-Lehtinen connection stands out because of their strong anti-Communism views. Both Cuban-American lawmakers have condemned the human rights records of China and Cuba and have opposed efforts to lift the U.S. embargo on Cuba. They also regularly criticize people 
who have gone to Cuba.

Stop The MCM's War On The Cuban People!

Ybor Paparazzi

Bryan, 'The Trini Techi' of Mace Multimedia

Florida GOP Steve Southerland Lies

Claims to be an advocate for women and says that he voted for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which is not true. Southerland voted for the partisan Republican version which didn’t extend protection to Native American, LGBT, or undocumented immigrant women. He was one of the 138 House Republicans who voted against the bipartisan Senate bill that eventually became law. here

Wake up panhandle, remember our great governor and senator 
Bob Graham, you now have a chance to elect one of his kids.
You are making the rest of us down here look bad. 

Tampa Cabbie/Blogger Goes To War With Uber And Lyft

I have a feeling this battle has just begun between the legal operators and the scabs. This has the potential to get very ugly. I need to find my baseball bat. here

Rick Scott and the Auto Tag Fees

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day Públix

Públix Listen! The Struggle Continues!
at Hillsboro Plaza in Tampa
We are in the fight!!! With our colleagues in the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.

"Don't let making a profit stand in the way of 
doing the right thing.".....George Jenkins

Eat Local Tampa Bay

Fast food worker demands are being met with "plutocratic fallacies" attempting to justify exploitive wages and division among workers. 
But as a consumer you can support alternative, ethically-inspired businesses, and follow practical steps to express solidarity with the fast-food labor movement. here

Tampa Bay Women Rock

St. Petersburg Downtown Waterfront Master Plan

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare Tour

Corps get: A phase-out of the state corporate income tax and a sales tax break for manufacturers.
We get: Limits on property tax increases and another cut in auto tag fees. here

"It's a political ploy. That's all it is," 
Former Republican Sen. Mike Fasano of New Port Richey

JOHN MORGAN Bitch-Slaps Polk County Sheriff GRADY JUDD

 Grady Judd's either misinformed, uneducated
 or just a fucking idiot! RustyBucket7603

welcome President Clinton to Florida

On Friday, September 5th, 
President Bill Clinton will join Charlie Crist 
for a grassroots event in Miami. here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption "Secret"

Kush Liberty Gear



Sunday, August 31, 2014

Citrus Taliban: The mayor and police chief of Winter Garden

Kicked a resident out of a city commission meeting on Aug. 28 for refusing to stand during a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

This election will not be about Charlie Crist

The Lack Of Enthusiasm For 
Crist's Candidacy
Florida Progressive Coalition head 
Susan Smith has been less than enthusiastic about Charlie Crist winning the Democratic nomination for governor. 
This election will not be about Charlie Crist
It will be about AmendmentWant to win? 
Fire Up the Milleniums
 Generation X and Baby Boomers.

Get out the VOTE 
one-issue voters - down-ballot

Help United For Care here
Become a Kush Liberty Freedom Fighter here