Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Neil Rogers - Bridge Tender

Legendary Miami radio talk show host Neil Rogers takes a phone call from the bridge tender, one of his most famous moments. Although never well known at the national level, Neil Rogers was arguably one of the greatest radio talk show hosts of all time. The bridge tender gets his revenge. here

He was our favorite, and we miss him. Great job Random Pixels

Pissed Off Florida State Park Fans

Florida GOP Department of Environmental Protection has been proposing major changes in the state park system for over 3 years. — mostly to make money. 

 "Those beach parks are real cash cows," said 
Julie Wraithmell of Audubon Florida

They tried at Honeymoon Island State Park.
That proposal ran into a firestorm of opposition. 
A public hearing in Dunedin drew about 
1,000 pissed off fans.

Now they want Hillsborough County's Cockroach Bay. Thankfully we have Mariella Smith watching The South Shore. 

DEP did not consult with local officials or activists who had already worked on improving Cockroach Bay, said 
Mariella Smith of the Sierra Club.

GOP Cought Schmoozing In Boca Raton

A half-dozen potential Republican presidential contenders spent last week peacocking across the sprawling grounds of a pink-hued luxury resort, schmoozing with donors and sizing up the competition in the party’s most fractured field in decades. In contrast, Hillary Rodham Clinton has spent recent weeks basking in the glows of grandmotherhood and applause at a few public events — without any major challenger for the Democratic nod, should she choose 
to pursue it. here

The Awesome Orange County Commissioners

The Orange County Commissioners 
unanimously voiced their support Monday night for giving unaccompanied child refugees equal access to education, health care and protection under the law. here
Nice job Orlando, Go Magic!

Read more here:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Giving Tuesday From The Stogie

                                                                Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt
  Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt

Florida GOP Already Looking For Ways To Fuck Tt Up

On November 4th, Florida voters overwhelmingly passed the biggest land and water conservation amendment in U.S. history.
 Seventy-five percent of voters passed 
Amendment One
Well guess what, The Florida GOP is scamming again. 
instead of fully funding the projects that these laws protect, they’re going to rewrite the laws. Did you know since Scott took office, environmental projects have taken a massive, crippling hit. For instance, funding for Florida Forever, the program that buys land to protect water supplies and habitats went from 
$300 million to $29 million. here

There’s nothing Republicans hate more than losing the power to control money. Especially losing that power to voters for such an unworthy cause like the environment.
Free lube for GOP voters at
Also AVAILABLE to non-voters

Giving Tuesday & WMNF

Please consider making a 100% tax-deductible gift of any amount, whether its $1,000, $500, $250, $100 
or whatever you can afford. 
When you do, post an "unselfie" to Facebook, Twitter or other social media, and use the keywords #UNSELFIE, #Giving Tuesday, and #WMNF. You can hold up a picture of your favorite record, something that depicts a cause you support, or wear a WMNF t-shirt! 
Be a part of Giving Tuesday by giving here: 
or calling 813-238-8001 and telling us you want to participate.

Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King

Support the League on #GivingTuesday

Celebrate #GivingTuesday by 

Giving Back to Your Democracy! 

League of Women Voters

Tampa Bay Young Republicans For Lyft And Uber

Members of the Tampa Bay Young Republicans say that the PTC opposes the companies in order to protect the taxi industry from competition. The ban, “violates conservative principles by limiting consumer's choice and impeding the free market to flourish." They feel the PTC is overexerting their power and incorrectly and unfairly attacking innovation, free enterprise and consumer choice,” here

We have to agree.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Drinking Liberally - Florida

We were here in 2004 when President Bush won, and in 2010 when the Tea Party swept into power. And we're still here now: to vent and scheme, learn and laugh, a catharsis and an organizing hub.
Brandon - Key West
  Orlando - Ybor City

Obama’s Latest Power Grab

Acording to the American Energy Alliance
 "He will stop at nothing to use federal agencies like the EPA to continue his green energy crusade."
They sent us an e-mail asking for our help stoping 
Obama and his Big Green allies.
Hail to the chief!

Florida Inc: Corporate Welfare

Florida’s treasury and taxpayers are losing $4 billion a year to “economic development subsidies,” tax breaks and loopholes for the largest, most profitable corporations?

The 20 percent of us with the lowest incomes paying more than 13 percent in taxes, and the 1 percent of us with the highest incomes paying only 2 percent? here


Liberals Rule In DC

A group of congressional liberals teamed up with President Obama to kill tax cut deal that would have given hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthy and corporations. here

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pics From La Verbena Festival In Ybor

Florida GOP Screwed Us For $6.2 Million Or As Much As $30 Million

A judge ordered the release of hundreds of previously hidden emails that showed how political operatives helped rig congressional and legislative districts to keep the vast majority of them tailored for Republicans. 
$6.2 million. That's how much legislators have spent on legal costs, trying to defend their schemes. And the taxpayer tab could be much higher — as much as $30 million. here
GOP Voters, we know you like to take it deep. 
Wipe that grin off your face and order your free tube of lube.
It will make THE Experience More Memorable
1 tube per victim, please. While Supplies Last

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With red beans and rice.
At El Paraiso Cafe Visit them here

"You Can't Win / Let It Go" Caroline Kole

Neil Cosentino Is Headhunting

    Interested in being a 2016 candidate 
    NPA or Dem 
     Give us a call 
    NPA Florida 

    The Stogie RECOMMENDS
    Linda Saul-Sena, Pat Kemp, Mariella Smith, Susan Smith
    Jadell Kerr, Gabrielle Perham,Connie Burton 
    Nadine Smith, Marisol Márquez, Bianca.A.Garza
     Joe Redner, Kelly Benjamin, Ben Kirby, Tom Tito, Chris Canto, 
    Ray Seaman, Carrie West, Alex Pickett, Alan Snel, Neil Cosentino, 
    Wanna be on this list???

Florida GOP Kim Crenier: Black People Need A Shower

"A suggestion for Ferguson-- fire hoses. Grt big fire hoses, serious water pressure. Knock those thugs over. They probly need a shower anyway."

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Monkey Roaming Sligh Ave, TPD Looking For It

If you see it, call Tampa PD.

Centro Ybor

Centro Ybor

RIP Douglas And Christina Simpson Of St.Pete

Had just enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with friends and were on their way home. They almost made it. A drunk Anthony Apollo Neeley, of Seminole slamed into their Toyota Corolla at 100 mph at Central Avenue and 34th Street. here
HOW SAD! We hope they throw the book at Mr. Neely.

Shop Small Saturday: Hillsborough County Shop Safari

The bus tour will begin at 9:30 a.m. 
At Blind Tiger, at 1901 E. 7th Ave. in Ybor City. 
It will arrive at Hyde Park Village at 10 a.m. 
There will be a presentation at 10:15 and the bus will depart Hyde Park at 11:30 and head to the Saturday Market in Ybor City. There will be another presentation there at 11:55. here

"Our biggest thing is making sure people remember the little guys, us. you know making sure you bring it back home, bring it to the community,"  Danielle Evans, of Don Me Now in Hyde Park 

Make sure to eat local too. Check out
Tampa Bay Locavore

Friday, November 28, 2014

WMNF Once Again TOUR DE CLAY Beneficiary!

Forward with President Obama OFA Florida

We're not stopping the fight for medical marijuana

3,370,761 people - almost 58% voted for medical marijuana in Florida. This total - half a million more than Gov. Rick Scott and almost 900k more than voted “no” - is clear proof that the people of Florida want a medical marijuana law. Let's be clear: the ONLY reason medical marijuana didn't pass in November is because one of the richest men in the world funded over $5 million dollars worth of false and misleading advertising on TV, Radio and the Internet, and we simply did not have enough resources to counter the lies with facts in enough time.

 Despite being outspent on advertising 3 to 1, we still wound up with one of the highest percentages of support for medical marijuana ever seen in the country.Sadly, it was not enough - but 2016 promises greater turnout, more time to explain what the Amendment does and doesn't do, and a head start of almost 3.4 million supporters.We are going to pass a medical marijuana law in Florida by the end of 2016. It will happen one of two ways: legislative action or another constitutional amendment.

We expect to have the 2016 petition ready to launch in a few weeks or so. As soon as we do, you'll be the first to know, and we'll need your help in mobilizing this fight.
If you want to help us, please forward this to your friends. 
You can also support the 2016 petition mobilization effort by making an early donation to United for Care here.

The Mark Sharpe Entrepreneur Collaborative Center

It will also have state-of-the-art technology and space that can be used by local non-profits and other agencies to host events, network and promote community engagement. here

Opening is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 
2101 E. Palm Ave. in Ybor City.

Casual Sex And Alcohol To Blame For Sexual Assault Epidemic At Eckerd College

In an attempt to address the national epidemic of students being sexually assaulted on campus, Eckerd College’s President Donald Eastman delivered an incredibly tone deaf statement that reeks of rape culture. here 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Florida Bans Clean Energy

Bought and paid for Commissioners Ronald A. Brisé, Art Graham and 
Eduardo E. Balbis.

Florida's Corporate Service Commission
on Tuesday approved proposals to gut Florida's energy-efficiency goals by more than 90 percent and to terminate solar rebate programs by the end of 2015, giving Duke Energy Florida, Tampa Electric and Florida Power & Light virtually everything they wanted. here

The two dissenters, Commissioners Lisa Edgar and 
Julie Brown. 
Great job ladies.