Saturday, April 11, 2015

How GOP Lost The Culture War

The argument is over and conservatives have lost. Some of them just don’t know it yet. here

Urge Publix to Switch to Plant-based Plastics!

Together, we can help Publix change their bag policy to reflect some or all of the following:
  1. Opt to use a plant-based polylactic acid plastic (PLA) instead of convential petroleum-based plastic. PLA biodegrades into carbon dioxide and water in about 3 months.
  2. Provide an incentive to customers who use re-usable grocery bags, maybe 15 cents per bag. At the family average of 1500 bags per year, that's an annual savings of $225 per year!
  3. Charge customers for each plastic bag they use. This will help Publix offset the cost of switching to PLA bags and help to subsidize the patrons who use re-usable bags. here

Friday, April 10, 2015

Pat Kemp - The Original Wonder Woman

You are my (our) hero — a true Wonder Woman, standing up for Truth, Justice, our Communities and our Planet!...Mariella Smith

The Republic Of Ybor

The Florida Legislature is telling President Barack Obama he’s wrong about Cuba.The House on Wednesday voted to send Obama a message that it opposes his decision to renew diplomatic relations with Cuba.The resolution also says the Legislature opposes the opening of any Cuban consulate or 
diplomatic office in the state. here
We say we don't want to be part of Florida anymore. We want relations with Cuba and the consulate in our capital, Ybor City. here

Fight For $15 Rally In Tampa

University of South Florida 
Copeland Park, 11001 N 15th St, Tampa
April 15, 3pm

Everglades Rally With Jimmy Buffett

Tampa Bay SDS Stands Against US Intervention in Venezuela

April 11, 2015, 3pm
Corner of Fowler Ave. and 56th St, Tampa

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: In-group and Out-group

Anyone who has attempted to expand the rooftop solar industry has been ostracized. The reason, Florida’s largest utilities have invested heavily in state political campaigns to fend off competition. 

Campaign records show utility companies have sunk $12 million into the campaigns of state lawmakers since 2010.
That money comes from the bills paid by customers of the state’s four largest utilities — Duke Energy, Gulf Power, Florida Power & Light and Tampa Electric.
The recipient of the most utility money since 2010 is Gov. Rick Scott’s 2014 reelection campaign, which took in more than$1.1 million. here

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Florida DINOS In Tampa

Two of Florida's prominent DINOS Bob Buckhorn and Patrick Murphy have a love fest at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park on Tuesday. here

Black Farmers Association and Florida for Care Continue Fight for Inclusion of Minorities in SB 7066

SB 7066 is the low THC medical marijuana bill filed by Senator Bradley, R-District 7, which has a requirement where nurseries that have been in business for at least thirty years are the only ones that can apply for a license to grow and process the medicine. Earlier this week Rep. Matt Caldwell, R-North Fort Myers, who sponsored the amendment last year that allowed the requirements stated, “I thought the ones who’ve been here the longest should be the first in line”.
This requirement makes it impossible for black farmers to even apply for one of the five highly sought after licenses- However, the Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association is not going to sit idly by while this bill is pushed through committees.
Last week during the Health Policy Committee meeting members from the association stood lobbying against the requirement stating the injustices to not only the black farmer, but the small farmers in Florida.  Howard Gunn, an Ocala farmer and President of the Florida Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association said, “We basically would love to get into this business. We see the profitability. We think the black farmers can somehow make a better living”
An Amendment to SB 7066 has been filed that will change the requirement. The Amendment sponsored by Minority Leader, Senator Joyner of District 19, should it pass, will allow nurseries who have been in business for five consecutive years to apply for one of the highly sought after licenses.
Right now the Rules Committee is meeting and will vote on the amendment to change the requirement from thirty years to five. Florida for Care is hopeful this egregious requirement will no longer exist. “When you see such a large group of people being marginalized, it’s much easier to understand the injustice of this rule”, said Dan Rogers, Director of Legislative Affairs, “and let’s face it, no one wants to be called racist. This requirement is racist- it may not have been intentional- but there’s no denying the reality.”
The Black Farmers Agriculturalists Association is not going to rely on hope. They are at the Rules Committee this morning to once again lobby for their right to apply for a license. “5 years will be a lot better than 30, but I have constituents with me that believe there should not be any restrictions.” Stated Howard Gunn. In regards to the overall status of the bill he said, “We are hopeful the right decision will be made that will help all people and not just some people. We understand it’s been a long time coming for patients.”
“Florida for Care is about creating a free and robust market- passing this amendment will bring us closer to that goal.” said Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care.

Florida for Care will spearhead legislation in March of 2015 in Tallahassee, setting the standard for what the state’s medical marijuana system should look like and how it can function most effectively. Such a system must balance three core principles: first, safe, affordable patient access; second, a tightly controlled state regulatory structure; and third, a robust, free market commercial enterprise.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Ben Pollara or Dan Rogers, please contact Bianca Garza via email at

Florida did you know 3 wealthy people donated 98.5% of funds to oppose Florida's Amendment 2

Sheldon Adelson
Mel Sembler
and Carol Jenkins Barnett
daughter of Publix Super Markets founder George Jenkins
Where do you shop for groceries?

Right Wing Infestation In Hillsborough County

Names being floated on the Republican side for Hillsborough County commissioner in the countywide District 6 seat being vacated by a term limited Kevin Beckner in 2016 include former County Commissioners Jim Norman and Ronda Storms. Norman is reportedly all but officially in the race. here

Registered Voters in Hillsborough County

Speak Up Tampa Bay: Homelessness

Brian Willis running for Hillsborough County Commission

Visit him here


#BlackLivesMatterTampa is an online forum intended to build connections, spark dialogue, and to encourage social action and engagement in Tampa, FL. here

Florida Vote No on Fracking Bills

NO on HB 1205/SB 1468 and HB 1209/SB 1582. These bills would allow more dangerous fracking in our state, and prevent Floridians from knowing what chemicals are being used in the process.

Florida should ban fracking, which is why we support HB 169/SB 166, and encourage you to do the same. Florida is the Sunshine State and we should be investing in clean energy sources of the future, like solar, rather than clinging to the polluting industries of the past. here

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Florida, Call Rep. Jeff Brandes

Demand that the bill #SB300 pass the Senate!
Keep pushing the Florida Senate!
Tallahassee Phone: 
(850) 487-5022
Tweet him: @JeffreyBrandes support #SB300 now!
 #Not1More deportation! 

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Marco Rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio attended a fundraising event Monday night at the home of a major Florida shipbuilder who is competing for a multibillion dollar contract from the Coast Guard,
an agency Rubio helps to oversee as the chairman of a key Senate subcommittee. here

Florida Dino Patrick Murphy's Source of Funds

Patrick E. Murphy is a top recipient from the following industries in 2013-2014:
Architectural services 
Foreign Policy 
General Contractors 
He now has $1.6 million cash on hand here

Stand Up for Transportation Day In Tampa

Join us for a Transit Town Hall on Stand Up for Transportation Day with Kathy Castor
April 9th, 10am @ HART'S Marion Transit Center here

Florida GOP Charles McBurneyCuts Off Kid in the Middle of His Pro-Gay Speech

Rally Against The KKK In Tallahassee

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other groups will be rallying against recent Klan activity in Tallahassee and North Florida on April 9. A Ku Klux Klan chapter has been flyering in Tallahassee neighborhoods, passing out racist and Islamophobic messages in an attempt to recruit. Recently it was revealed that three KKK members who worked for the Florida Department of Corrections were plotting to murder a black prisoner.

Students will rally at Florida State University’s Westcott Fountain at 7:00 p.m. and will then march to the steps of the Old Capitol. here

Florida’s Third senator: Bob Menendez

Florida political insiders have long chuckled that the state is the only one in the nation with three senators: Marco Rubio for the Republicans, Bill Nelson for the Democrats, and Bob Menendez for wealthy donors.” here

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Support for medical marijuana, 84% among Florida voters

New poll came out that showed support for medical marijuana, in general, 
has reached 
84% among Florida voters.
While we're not surprised support is increasing, we have to take these numbers with some caution - as we learned in 2014 there's a big difference between general support for the concept of medical marijuana, and actual support for the ballot amendment itself.  (Especially when voters are being told outright lies by our well-funded opposition.)  In fact, a good number of our opponents last year - including two key spokespeople for the No on 2 side - expressed support for medical marijuana in general.

For that reason, we have to mobilize, right now - projecting a reasonably close race.  More (and younger) voters vote in presidential years, and that will help us - but not to the tune of 84%.

Please help us by signing the petition, signing up as a volunteer, and contributing to our outreach so we can do in this next election what legislature should be doing 
right now!

Alina Valdes for Congress

Alina Valdes 
Is running for U.S. Congress in Florida's CD 25, encompassing parts of Broward, Collier, Hendry, and Miami-Dade Counties. 
Check her out here 

She is running against 
Rep. Mario (Fredo) Diaz-Balart 

Miami Cuban Mafia Ezposed

We Rise!” (¡Adelante!)

The AFL-CIO launches a national immigration training plan, “We Rise!” (¡Adelante!). It is designed to reach, mobilize and organize immigrant workers in their workplaces and in their communities. here

Florida House tries to kill public education

Without a word of debate the Florida House approved a controversial proposal that could require school districts to share tens of millions of dollars in construction funds with rival charter schools. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With chips
At Katies Cafe in Bradenton

Monday, April 6, 2015