Monday, May 11, 2015

CSFR - Tampa Public Meeting

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression - Tampa will be having its first public meeting! Come see what CSFR is all about and how you can get involved. We will be presenting a class about the FBI and political repression, as well as discussing ways we can work to fight repression of Arab- and Muslim-Americans in our community.

Saturday, May 16, at 2:00pm, info

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day

I saw this woman on a sidewalk yesterday morning. On my way home she was still there. I stopped and asked her didn't she have somewhere to go. She told me she was in the hospital but they could not find anything wrong with her. She said law enforcement took all her money and dumped her there. I asked didn't she have any children that could take care of her. She said she didn't need any help and that god would take care of her. I gave her a few dollars and left. The second pic is of where we think she sleeps. On the sidewalk in front of a closed store. We don't believe, but at times like these we wish The Crist did come back and kick some fucking ass. 

Kissimmee Roadside Litter

Capitalism gone wild in Kissimmee.

We Don't Care What Steve Schale Has To Say

On CNN: "It would certainly be better to not have him in the race,(Grayson) tends to sort of rely on hyperbole and invective, and I'm not sure that's the kind of primary which is healthy for us. I think it's a center-right state, I think he is not electable in a general and I think he has the ability to create a pretty divisive primary if he runs," here

Pic: Pounding the pavement in Pinellas County on behalf of Florida GOP candidate Chris Latvala back in August 2014 here

Local Treasure Deborah Newell Tornello

Will be joining the wonderful Nicole Sandler, on her show Radio or Not..., for a new segment they are calling Flori-DUH. They are going to see if they cram a week's worth of Florida lunacy into thirty minutes. here

Florida INC.

I4 In Orange County

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rick Scott admits he used dead mother in campaign as a sham

[In 2013] Scott said his mother's death changed his perspective and he could no longer "in good conscience" oppose expanding health care coverage to nearly 1 million Floridians.

Scott conceded this week that was all a ruse. He now says his support for Medicaid expansion was a calculated move designed to win support from the Obama administration for the state's proposal to hand over control of Medicaid to private insurance companies. At the time, he denied that his support was tied to a deal with the federal government. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Tacos with a Bloody Mary
Served by the awesome Gaby
At WingHouse of Kissimmee
3405 W. Vine St.Kissimmee
Visit them here

Bernie Sanders 2016

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Gary
He is from Arkansas. Been homeless 3 months.

Sarasota's Right Wing Infestation

Donald Trump takes credit for helping thrust Sarasota’s Republican Party into national prominence and making the region a must-stop for some of the most important conservatives in American politics. Uber Right Wingers radio host Sean Hannity, Tea Party star Allen West and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, have all filed through downtown Sarasota — averaging 1,000 people per event. here

Party With Kevin Beckner And Mary Mulhern

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tampa To La Habana Ferry

The U.S. government's decision this week to allow ferries to take people to Cuba and back could open doors for Tampa Bay. here

Thank you Rep. Kathy Castor for supporting medical marijuana

The U.S. House voted against allowing Veterans Administration (VA) doctors to discuss and recommend medical marijuana to their patients in states where it is legal. But despite the narrow defeat, Kathy Castor voted the right way! Thank your Representative for voting in favor of veteran access to medical marijuana and tell them to support the CARERS Act. 

The Death Of Conservatism In America

Republicans and conservatives 
have a brand problem.
Republicans are baffled by Hillary Clinton’s persistent lead in the polls despite months of bad publicity. the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Monday showing Clinton ahead of both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio by 6 points, Scott Walker by 10, and Rand Paul by 3.
The New York Times/CBS poll released a day later 
showed what the GOP is up against: 
Only 29 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the Republican Party, 
while 43 percent had a positive view of the Democrats. The survey also documented a steady but little-noticed trend: Americans, by their own self-description, are becoming less conservative. here

May Solidarity Sunday

May 10th @ Lee's Grocery
2210 N Central Ave, Tampa info

Rick Scott vows no Medicaid expansion

After meeting privately with HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell on Wednesday, Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott emerged defiant, declaring his absolute opposition to expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. here

Hillsborough State Attorney Mark Ober

State Attorney Mark Ober has shifted his position on addressing first-time juvenile marijuana offenders with civil citations instead of criminal charges. Hillsborough County is the only one of 59 counties in Florida with civil citation programs to not include misdemeanor marijuana possession in the program. here

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What Pilar And Stogie Had For Lunch

All you can eat buffet
At Grand Buffet in Bradenton
Awesome food, eat local!

The New GOP Budget

Promises to cut domestic agencies and safety net programs like Medicaid and food stamps, carve up transportation spending and student aid, and curb tax breaks for the poor while  leaving tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy, including a proposal to eliminate taxes on multimillion-dollar inheritances..  And $38 billion increase for the Pentagon. here

 Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio voted for it.
Democrats blasted the measure for getting the bulk of its savings from cuts to programs that help the poor and middle class.

Wear The Florida Canabis Band

Show you suport Florida canabis
Coming Soon
While you wait join Central Florida NORML

Jeb Bush’s Biggest Problem

Wa president who turned a record surplus into a record deficit, lost two wars, and left America on the brink of an even 
Greater Depression. here

Ybor City, Florida

A Liberal enclave in purple Florida

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Cory
He is from New York, been homeless 13 years.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pat Kemp For County Commission Countywide 2016!

Check out her new website here
The Original Wonder Woman

Ybor City Gateway To Cuba

Decades before Miami danced to a Cuban rhythm, Tampa’s Ybor City grew up and got rich to the sounds of Cuban-inflected Spanish as thousands of workers rolled cigars by day and plotted the island’s independence from Spain by night. here

Florida Democratic Party ‘Bosses’ Out-Of-Touch

“Florida Democratic voters choose our party nominee, not out-of-touch party bosses sipping cognac in a smoke-filled room in Washington DC.,” Alan Grayson

“Progressives are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party in Florida and across the nation. We are the volunteers who stuff envelopes, knock on doors, and provide the grassroots energy that powers successful Democratic campaigns. The idea that a senator from Montana and Wall Street Democrats know better than rank-and-file Florida Democrats is both patronizing and unsurprising. Then again, no one knows better than Jon Tester that DSCC support 
doesn’t mean a whole lot." Susan Smith
"We will not vote for or support Patrick Murphy." YCS

Hillsborough County Sucks

Hillsborough County — including Tampa — is among the places where poor children face the worst odds, Hillsborough County is “among the worst counties in the U.S. in helping poor children up the income ladder.” here

Marco Rubio's Own Billionaire

Elias Guadarrama Foundation