Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Stogie And Pilar Had For Lunch

Baked Catfish
With Grits and Fried Okra
And Grouper Sandwich
At Charlie's Fish House in Crystal River
Visit them here 

Stop TBX 2015 Legislative Delegation Meeting In Tampa

Friday, September 25, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
HCC Brandon Campus
10414 E. Columbus Dr. in Brandon

Corruption Scandal In Tampa

Beth Leytham
Documents obtained by 10 Investigates detail how a senior political adviser to Mayor Bob Buckhorn and other local leaders is wielding influence behind-the-scenes of City of Tampa and Hillsborough County business, potentially in violation of local and state ethics laws. And the politicians she’s closest to – including several county commissioners - have allowed it.
"Go Hillsborough, our transportation plan for the future of Hillsborough County, was awarded more than a million dollars (so far) with no-bid contract to Parson Brinckerhoff and Beth Leytham. Beth Leytham who outlined the no bid process to the county administrator has been paid $190,000 for her own part in the deal. Beth Leytham is not paid as a political consultant and registered as a lobbyist as she should be. Instead lucrative taxpayer contracts are steered her way so that taxpayers are footing the bill. In the case of Go Hillsborough it was a no-bid contract. That's just wrong." 

Tampa's shady underword
Bob Buckhorn
 Sandy Murman
Ken Hagan
Are invoved

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Alan Grayson: "They were faking it.”

Grayson’s mockery of the nation’s spymasters, the Obama administration and the generals who brief Congress was captured on an undercover video shot during a fundraiser in California. In the two minute, 43-second video snippet, the anti-war liberal swipes at the “administration” for pressing for “another dumb war” by giving Congress questionable evidence concerning Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons 
in 2013.  here

Stan Lasater to Stop TBX

Florida Inc.

It has become abundantly clear to Floridians that large corporations and wealthy individuals use state power to serve their own interests. 
Amendment 1, passed in the last election, was approved by 75 percent of voters because they recognized that Gov. Rick Scott, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, water management districts and the Legislature have not protected our environmental resources; instead killing good growth management, intentionally dismantling and defunding environmental programs, and advancing bad water policies to accommodate corporate polluters. here

Under ONE Sky Tampa!

University Of Tampa - Martinez Gym
401 W. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa

Bush And Rubio No Friend Of The Working Class

Jeb Bush went to Detroit and talked about leveling the playing field. Marco Rubio wrote a book about helping the working class.  Yet both Republican presidential candidates have offered tax proposals that would benefit overwhelmingly the wealthiest. here

Monday, September 14, 2015

Some Of Patrick Murphy's Credentials

One of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. here

Undermines Hillary Clinton here

The lone Florida Democrat to join with Republicans in approving the Keystone pipeline. here
Working To Undermine and Take Over The Democratic Party. here

Joined the GOP to Vote for Government-by-Crisis. here

Who Is Responsible For Drowning South Florida? here
Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Jim Davis and Alex Sink back him, 
that should tell you something!

Stan Lasater to Stop TBX

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pork Lo Mein
With Fried Rice and Hot and Sour Soup
At China Wockery in North Port
Visit them here

Rick Scott's Florida: Floridians On The Hook For $700,000

Rick Scott, in a precedent-setting move, became the first sitting governor in history successfully sued for violating Florida’s public records laws. Floridians are now on the hook for at least $700,000. here


9.18 - 7pm
Wellswood, Tampa

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Welcome To Tampa Syrian Refugees

A week ago, our hearts were broken by the photo of a little boy, drowned, lying alone in the sand.But new images of people with open arms welcoming exhausted Syrian refugees the world over have begun to put our hearts back together. The profound decency of ordinary folks is driving governments to respond to this crisis.
Now it's America's turn to act.
That's why MoveOn members and our friends are launching AmericaWelcomes, an urgent national campaign to raise the number of Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. to at least 100,000 and to encourage people in local communities across the country to open their hearts and extend a welcome.

El Guapo Marco Rubio Ready To Fall On The Sword

Badass Marco Rubio told FOX Iran deal opponents should be prepared to “fall on the sword” to thwart the proposed nuclear agreement, and the Florida Republican is faulting leadership in his own party for not responding in ways that could do so. here

Thom Lewis to Stop TBX

Lois Frankel Joins Florida War Hawks

Lois Frankel of West Palm Beach joins 
Gwen Graham, Alcee Hastings, 
Ted Deutch and the GOP voting against the Iran deal. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Veggie Burger
With Pasta Salad
At The Independent in Tampa

Saturday, September 12, 2015

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor: Feds, Make Florida Give Poor Kids Healthcare

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor is asking federal health administrators to investigate Florida’s “outrageous and miserable history” of denying adequate healthcare to impoverished and disabled children. here

Chris Vela to Stop TBX

Gwen Graham Joins Florida War Hawks

Here is a list of the 25 House Democrats who voted against the Iran deal, in Florida Gwen Graham  joins Alcee Hastings and Ted Deutch.

Florida's Curt Clawson And Ted Yoho Make #TerribleMen List

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Smothered Chicken 
With Baked Beans, Rice and Cucumber Salad
At Grannie’s Restaurant in Crystal River
Visit them here

Friday, September 11, 2015

Kent Bailey to Stop TBX

Tell Arby's: stop helping police attack your Black employees

A Florida police union is attacking Kenneth Davenport, a Black teenager working at Arby's. The police union demanded that he be fired for refusing service to a police officer – something he never did. Arby's admitted he did nothing wrong, but suspended him anyway. here

Carla Gormon to Stop TBX

Wednesday, September 9, 2015