Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Brand GOP Tax Plans Benefit Rich

Jeb Bush went to Detroit and talked about leveling the playing field. Marco Rubio wrote a book about helping the working class. Rand Paul is promising to expand the Republican Party beyond its 
traditional base. 
Yet all three Republican presidential candidates have offered tax proposals that would, for reasons such as nomination politics and tax rate realities, overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic Wings
At Uncle Fats in Tampa

Marco Rubio Only Works When It Is Meaningful

Marco Rubio defended his remarks in wednesday night’s presidential debate about missing more votes than anyone else this year in the Senate. 
“When there is a vote that’s meaningful and serious, we are there 
and doing our job” here

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Juvenile Direct File Statute In Riverview

Florida sends more children to adult court than any other state thanks to a state “direct file” statute that gives prosecutors sole discretion on which children go to adult court. 98% of the more than 10,000 children tried in Florida’s adult courts in the last 5 years were transferred there without the benefit of a hearing before a judge. Is this trend of over-incarceration truly making our communities safer 
and rehabilitating youth? 
Friday, October 2, 2015 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
WMU Cooley Law School
9445 Camden Field Parkway Riverview

Laura Lawson to Stop TBX

Jeb Bush’s Tax Plan Part 2

Don’t buy the populist rhetoric. Jeb Bush’s recently announced tax plan would largely benefit the wealthy while making the deficit soar. here

Florida bears: We wont back down

Call on Gov. Scott to take action to protect the bears. Instead of opening a hunting season, Florida should focus on reducing urban sprawl and common-sense mitigation like better trash cans. I urge you not to allow Florida's amazing black bears to be hunted and killed. here

Street Preacher


Sunday, September 20, 2015

"Safe?" - Jeb Bush Can't Rewrite History

Broward County: No To Oil Drilling In The Everglades

The South Florida Wildlands Association says that 20 Broward County municipalities have passed resolutions that oppose Kanter Realty's application to drill for 
oil in the Everglades. here 

Kitty Wallace to stop TBX

Poll: Patrick Murphy In 3rd Place

Alan Grayson 47%
Pam Keith 27%
Patrick Murphy 21%
Even the lesser know but still great Pam Keith
is leading Murphy.
Have you voted yet? here

Regulate Florida_"Now" info-graphic video

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

Rick Scott's Scorecard Of Shame

Justin Ricky to Stop TBX

Florida GOP Approves $43 Million In Corporate Welfare

Enterprise Florida, a group, backed by Scott, wanted $85 million to fund a range of economic recruitment programs collectively known as the economic “toolkit.” After a high-profile fight, lawmakers approved $43 million 
for the program. here

Florida Gun Shop Owner Cashing In On Islamophobia

Florida Right Wing Propaganda

The Florida agency tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood clinics found no evidence that they were mishandling fetal remains, but 
Gov. Rick Scott's office altered 
the agency's statements to remove language that exonerated Planned Parenthood, and added new language that made the organization look guilty of wrongdoing. Several media outlets unwittingly quoted the statements before the misleading edits were discovered. here

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bob Buckhorn, The Bargain Mayor

Want to do business in Tampa?
Need that edge to get your bid accepted over the rest?
For only $10, 0000
Your bid is guaranteed to be approved
Just call Mayor Bob Buckhorn
(813) 274-8251
Voted Best local politician by Creative Loafing Tampa - 2014 and 2012. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Philly Cheese Steak
With Chili and Cole Slaw
At Lickity Split Cafe in Englewood
Visit them here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Richard Corcoran

Richard Corcoran, who is to be designated Wednesday as the next House speaker has declare war on all the special interests. But at the same time, he and other House Republicans ran up hefty expenses on the state party account, whose coffers are traditionally filled by special interests. here

Myron Griffin to Stop TBX

Rick Scott's Florida Sued Once Again

Two telecommunications companies contend in a new lawsuit that the administration of Gov. Rick Scott 
is flouting the state's
 public records law. here

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tampa's Pay To Play Culture

Beth Leytham is the owner of a successful public relations firm in Tampa but provides much more than just public relations advice. Local and national companies alike have retained her services to influence 
Tampa Bay-area politicians.
Here is how it works:

The "Go Hillsborough” project
 The Leytham Group, whose only full-time employee is Leytham, secured a $187,500 share of the deal. It was approved by the county commission, including several members to whom Leytham provides free advice or services. What this blog has been posting about this scam. here

Another example,
Records show Buckhorn and his staff kept Leytham close to his political dealings as well as his official city business. In July Buckhorn passed on an opportunity to strike a better deal on the city’s red light camera contract. The camera vendor, American Traffic Solutions, is a client of Leytham. Soon thereafter, the company poured $10,000 into the mayor’s campaign coffer.

Jeb Bush’s Tax Plan

Would Save Him $773,677

A Year. here

Mit Patel to Stop TBX