Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lieberman's divisive actions don't deserve support

It is one thing for them to back an incumbent Democrat in the primary, but it's quite another for them to even vaguely imply that they may support Lieberman if he runs as an independent. Their unwillingness to say unequivocally that they will back the primary election choice of voters suggests that the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is becoming increasingly hard to find these days....more
Castro slams 'mad' US change plan

The US and Castro have been foes for nearly 50 yearsCuban President Fidel Castro has called the US secretary of state "mad", following American moves to promote democratic change on the island....more

Monday, July 10, 2006

Florida's Own
"The war in Iraq is shameful," "Whether you're pro or con Bush, you've got to admit it: The guy lied. And he continues to do so. I can't understand why he's just not run out on a rail. To send somebody's kids off and have them killed for no good reason — he's going to have his day in hell for that. I wouldn't want that karma." "When you kill somebody's little sister with a missile, he's going to hate you forever. And the next generation......Tom Petty
'A Republic or an Empire?'

With the electronic voting machines supplied by Republican firms and programmed by Republican operatives, Bush can control election results. Don't bet very heavily that Americans will regain the constitutional protections and democratic accountability that they enjoyed in the 20th century....more
Montana Gov Smacks Down Rightwing on Property Taxes

Folks may be missing the rightwing movement across the states to generate another "tax revolt", this one around the so-called "Taxpayer Bill of Rights" (TABOR) restrictions on government spending....more
Lesson from America

I was looking forward to sharing the Canadian gospel of equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified (LGBT) people. But it was not to be. I didn't get a chance to meet up with the less-than-friendly Americans. I'm referring to the 800,000 supporters of the American Family Association who apparently emailed President Bush to protest my visit.....more
Howard Dean hates America
According To Billy
So Does Superman and Hollywood....more

Is This A Different Reality That I Dont Know About? What Is Wrong With This Guy?
We've got a plan to succeed, a plan for victory, a plan that will enable a new ally in the war on terror to govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself" . . George W. Bush, June 28, 2006

At least 80 Dead in Civil War Bloodbath
Government Forced to Depend on Local Gunmen .....Monday, July 10, 2006...more
What's The Plan George?
Egypt papers stop the press in protest

Egypt's independent and opposition newspapers refrained from publishing on Sunday in protest at a draft law that journalists say will restrict press freedom.....more
David Brooks--Just Another Joe Lieberman Fan

David Brooks had a laughable column in Sunday's New York Times.
"What's happening to Lieberman can only be described as a liberal inquisition," Brooks proclaims. What Brooks characterizes as an "inquisition" -- an effort, as he puts it, "to expel Joe Lieberman from modern liberalism".....more

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction......Blaise Pascal
Joe Redner begins campaign for Hillsborough Commissioner with a bang
Mitch E. Perry
One might consider liberal leaning residents of Hillsborough County to be excited about this fall's election, with a chance to alter the heavily Republican leaning slant of the current board.
"The Most Progressive Candidate This Fall On The Ballot is Joe Redner!"......WMNF EVENING NEWS

Samm Simpson
U.S. Congressional District 10

The bleeding has to stop. Let’s set new priorities. Let’s transform our energy policy from fossil fuels to renewable sources, promote Pinellas County as the solar capital of the U.S.A., provide health insurance for all Americans, rebuild public education, retool our manufacturing, create living wage jobs and provide affordable housing and security to our seniors and the most vulnerable.

Dixie Chicks Stick To Their Guns

In the great galaxy of insults directed at George W Bush, joking that you are ashamed to come from the same state as him seems almost polite.
Yet when Natalie Maines from country rock trio the Dixie Chicks said just that before the invasion of Iraq, all manner of redneck hell broke loose around her and the band.....more

After 7 Week's On Billboard's Country Charts And Still #1, Imagine That?
Dixie Chicks : The Accidents & Accusations Tour
St Pete Times Forum, Tampa, FL Thu, Oct 5, 2006 07:30 PM
More Immigrant Bashing on the Way
Molly Ivins
There’s a bunch of people named Gomez and Ramirez

House Republicans, who know a good socially divisive issue when they see one, are perfectly happy to blame illegal workers for everything. Trade policy, repealing taxes for the rich, corruption in Congress—it’s all done by illegal workers....more

Veronica Mars, Class Warrior

With an artfulness and pathos that no other show has quite pulled off, “Veronica Mars” expresses the deep ambivalence that the working and middle classes feel about the rise of a monstrously flush ruling class in our midst....more

Fox News hosts go off-message in hyping N. Korea missile tests

Attempts to try to describe" North Korea's recent missile tests "in breathless World War III terms....more

This Kind Of Talk Scares The Hell Out Of Me. What Is Wrong With That Little Man? Does He Have Short Man Disease? Your People Are Starving, Dude

Saturday, July 8, 2006

50,000 Dead, But Who's Counting?
Juliana Lara Resende

After famously telling reporters that they "don't do body counts", Pentagon officials now say that they have in fact been keeping a record of civilian casualties in Iraq for one year. And while that number remains classified, independent estimates suggest that at least 50,000 people have died in the country since the 2003 invasion.....more

Guatemala comes to terms with its past

Guatemala, which suffered from a long civil war in which 200,000 people were killed, appears to be finally coming to terms with its turbulent past.....more
It's OK

How any chance of an oil deal died
With no unified counterproposal to offer, the Florida delegation ended up able to do little to stand in the way of gulf drilling....more
Watada, the War and the Law

The Administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq was "manifestly illegal" because it "violates our democratic system of checks and balances. It usurps international treaties and conventions that by virtue of the Constitution become American law.....more

Friday, July 7, 2006

Downtowns on the Verge Podcast
The condo boom is in full effect in downtown Tampa and St. Petersburg, sparking different fears in each setting.....more
Poll: Do you think the Democrats will win back control of Congress this fall?...click here
Japan troops begin Iraq pullout
Japan's troop dispatch, a symbol of Tokyo's willingness to put "boots on the ground" for its close ally, the United States, has won praise from Washington.....more

Kuwait’s shifting tides
Raymond Barrett

The arrival of women on Kuwait’s political stage is matched in significance by the quiet rise of Islamists, says Raymond Barrett.....more
This isn’t Fox News sir.

About The Debate
My Left Nutmeg
In A MSNBC Poll As Of July 7, 6pm
Who won the Connecticut Senate debate?
* 24529 responses
Joe Lieberman 24%
Ned Lamont 68%
It was a draw 7.8%

You Da Man, Ned

"Woman With Adam’s Apple Denounces Anal Sex And Fisting."
Has This Country Gone Completely Insane?

This afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago’s south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK, you’ve had your 15 minutes, it’s time to go.".....more

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Go to Venezuela, You Idiot
I don't usually take the advice of rightwingers. But I did this time. After receiving inflamed email messages from dozens of angry rightists that I should get the hell out of the USA and go to Venezuela, I accepted their challenge and flew to Caracas.....more
Why Conservatives Can't Govern
Alan Wolfe
Bush's presidency and Congress are imploding, not despite their conservatism, but because of it....more