Friday, December 23, 2016

Publix Sucks

Anti-LGBT accusations, fought Miami Beach's attempt to ban Styrofoam, had ties to someone donating hundreds of thousands of dollars against medical marijuana, and battled a proposal to raise the minimum wage. here

Thursday, December 22, 2016

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Shrimp Scampi
With Rice and Salad
At Shrimp & Co. in Ybor
Visit them here

The Benjamin Dixon Show: Guest Wendy Sejour

Trump's Thanksgiving Holiday Cost Palm Beach $250,000

Palm Beach County is seeking federal reimbursement for costs associated with escorting and providing security for President-elect Donald Trump, who spent the Thanksgiving holiday at his Mar-A-Lago mansion on Palm Beach. here
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is keeping 
track of Trump-related costs.

Local Trump Elector Nick DiCeglie

Florida presidential elector Nick DiCeglie, chairman of the Pinellas County Republican Party, got thousands of requests not to vote for Donald Trump. But he voted for him anyway. here

La Santa Cecilia In Ybor City

1.28 - 8PM
A WMNF Concert

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet William
He is from Wisconsin

Moving The New World Brewery

We heard that the Ybor City's Barrio Latino Commission approved developers' plan to demolish the existing structure at New World Brewery's address. I visited the brewery this morning before they opened. I ran into a rude lady who wasn't very friendly. She did tell me that the brewery would stay open at another location. 

She knew nothing about the building and asked me to go to the Ybor City museum for more info, so I did. I talked to Kurt who told that the building has no historical value.

He said that the building next to it
(The old firehouse) does, it will not be touched. The new development will be an extension of it.

Kids Going Crazy In Rick Scott's Florida

According to Department of Children and Families numbers obtained by the Tampa Bay Times, the total of minors evaluated in Florida under the Baker Act increased by 50 percent from fiscal year 2010 to 2015. 
In Tampa Bay,
 Pinellas County, the numbers rose by 41 percent, while more than doubling in Hillsborough. here

Tampa #10

Biking has vast potential in the nation's third-largest state, and this connection between Ybor City and downtown shows a Florida city building its most important bike routes first. here
Don't know if Little Buckie had anything to do with this, but we will put him in the good column for this one. 

Florida's 29 Trump Electors

Pam Bondi

Carlos Trujillo

Ray Rodrigues

  • Sharon Day
  • Ade Aderibigbe
  • Larry Ahern
  • Brian Ballard
  • Kristy Banks
  • Michael Barnett
  • Lizbeth Benacquisto
  • Robin Bernstein
  • John Browning
  • Dena DeCamp
  • Nick DiCeglie
  • Jeremy Evans
  • John Falconetti
  • Peter Feaman
  • Kat Gates-Skipper
  • Joe Gruters
  • Debbie Hannifan
  • Blaise Ingoglia
  • Mike Moberley
  • Tony Ledbetter
  • Susan Moore
  • Joe Negron
  • Clint Pate
  • Robert Watkins
  • Susie Wiles
  • Christian Ziegler
  • here

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Florida INC. Sugar Cane Farms

Sugar cane farms repeatedly failing to meet Everglades pollution cleanup goals can continue business as usual thanks to an accommodating landlord — the state of Florida. here

Rick Scott's Florida Denying Voting Rights

Although the era of Jim Crow laws is history, an estimated 21 percent of Florida's voting-age African-American males are not able to vote, according to a new report. here

Rush Hour At Britton Plaza

World notice how shabby our bus stops are!

Help LiAnne Flakes

Ms. Flakes is a childcare worker and worker leader in the Fight for 15 movement in the Tampa Bay area. For the last 2 years, she has stood on the front lines of the movement for fair wages, union rights, and affordable childcare for all. On Tuesday, November 29, LiAnne took part in a National Day of Civil Disobedience and got arrested with thousands of others fighting for a better future for American families from coast to coast-all while suffering from a dislocated shoulder and the loss of her temporary home due to financial difficulty.
She is a child care professional who has worked in the industry for 22 years. Over recent weeks, she has dealt with a myriad of health issues while still working full time to make ends meet. Struggling with health insurance and mounting bills, this fundraiser is being put together to support a True Warrior and vocal Childcare Advocate who has shown incredible courage and strength in standing up for so many of us. She is being forced to relocate and this funding will assist in that endeavor. We hope to provide Lianne with the resources to pay her medical bills and make a smooth transistion to her home.
 Thank you in advance! here

Second Annual Community Potluck Picnic In Tampa

1.1 - 1PM
Lettuce Lake Park

Monday, December 19, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

Ashley, Roger and Jimmy at The Bunker

Commissioner Kemp Fight For 15

Pat Kemp told a group of millennials at the Blind Tiger Cafe in Ybor City. 
“I want them to put something in there that’s like a minimum wage of $12 an hour or something before we subsidize.” Pat Kemp
We don't believe in Corporate Welfare of any kind, but if you are going to give Corporate America our money the least they can do is pay $15 per hour.
Write or call her 813.272.5730
and demand $15!
Pic: Ms. Kemp at Fight For 15 rally in Ybor.

Tampa Bay Freedom Fighter


Rick Scott: Repeal ObamaCare Immediately

Florida GOP Rick Scott is ramping up pressure on Republicans in Congress to aggressively and immediately pursue a repeal of ObamaCare. here

The Struggle 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

Ashley and Dez

Florida GOP: Sharon Day

Florida’s electors will meet in the state Capital Monday to cast their votes for president. Don’t expect any surprises.

“I really appreciate all the postcards that I’ve gotten. The front side of them were pretty. I kind of find it amusing. What lemmings they are.” Sharon Day, an elector who also serves as co-chair of the Republican National Committee

Cross Bay Ferry

Radioactive Alafia River

 Mosaic’s radioactive, contaminated water that leaked from a sinkhole, is being diluted and dumped into the Alafia river. here

St. Pete Living Local: Euclid St. Paul's

Saturday, December 17, 2016

What Stogie Had For Breakfast

With Bacon and Grits 
At The Village Inn in Tampa

Florida Taxpayers Pay Pitbull A Million Bucks

Visit Florida, (Florida INC's) tourism agency, refused to release how much they had paid him, calling it a "trade secret. But now the mystery is over, he posted the contract on Twitter. here


12.19 - 9AM
Florida Statehouse - Tallahassee

Rick Scott's Florida #47

 Florida has ranked nationally as the 47th for women, a status that has remained largely unchanged for 10 years. here

Roy Haynes Camp Awesome In Tampa