Monday, August 21, 2017

Andrew Gillum On Confederate Monuments

Joe Redner First Freedom

Tampa's own. Smart business & smart government. Free speech. Due process. Science. Compassion. Question authority. Respect facts. Environmentalist. 
Bernie 2020.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Florida GOP Hurt Sick Kids To Help Big GOP Donors

In the spring and summer of 2015, the state switched more than 13,000 children out of a highly respected program called Children's Medical Services, or CMS, a part of Florida Medicaid. Parents and Florida pediatricians raise questions about the true reasons why
Florida's Republican administration switched the children's health plans. They question whether it was to financially reward insurance companies that had donated millions of dollars to the Republican Party of Florida.
"This was a way for the politicians to repay the entities that had contributed to their political campaigns and their political success, and it's the children who suffered."
Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.03

Tampa Paparazzi

Meet Jane
At Net Park Transfer Center collecting signatures 
to get ex-felons their right to vote back.

Local Hero Travis Malloy

 Travis Malloy was supposed to show up to the Temple Terrace Golf and Country Club on Thursday to pick up his Citizen of the Year award at the Chamber of Commerce banquet. Instead, Malloy stayed away in protest. The club, he recently learned, will be hosting a "Southern Heritage" event with a "War on the South" program on Sept. 2.
"While it is their absolute right to do that, I do not want to lend my support to a club that would host such a group. here

Young Democratic Socialists of America at USF

Join them here

Right Wing Website "The Daily Stormer" Shut Down?

After Charlottesville The Daily Stormer did what many Alt Right outlets refused to do, they doubled down after the car murder took place, saying that the real tragedy was the car being destroyed and they were happy “the fat slut” was dead.
 The hosting company promised to take down the website, and businesses were refusing to deal with the Daily Stormer.  They moved the website to the “Darkweb,” where it is only available through the Tor service.  This may give them anonymity, but it shrinks his reach to almost nothing. here

Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.03

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Tampa Confederate Monument Boarded Up 8/17/17

Tampa Bay Bike Taxi Co. Not A Free Service

Keith Works, he is not Kunte Kinte. 
Visit him here

Dems After Sandy Murman

Angel D'Angelo
Charles Davis III
Kimberly D. Overman
Sky U. White
All Dems, where are the Greens 
and the Democratic Socialists?

Ybor Paparazzi

Cigar Roller 

Speak Up Florida

Join them here

Downtown Tampa 7 PM

Tampa, Florida

Florida Right Winger Augustus Sol Invictus Running For Senate

Augustus Sol Invictus, who first came into the national spotlight as a Libertarian primary candidate for U.S. Senate in Florida, is at it again, this time running as a Republican. He made the announcement in Washington, D.C., outside of current U.S. Senator—and potential opponent—Bill Nelson’s office. here

Friday, August 18, 2017

Cover Up In Tampa

Watching: Kelly and family


And Vinny
Hillsborough County Courthouse
Tampa, Florida

Right Wing: Florida To Be The Next Battlefield

 The University of Florida has fought off a right wing infestation. White nationalist Richard Spencer was scheduled to speak there. But UF called it off. here
University of Florida president Kent Fuchs released a statement saying that safety concerns were paramount, especially after rhetoric was displayed on social media declaring Florida to be “the next battlefield.”

HART Stops

Net Park

Stories of Pride Kick-Off Experience - St. Pete

10.24 - 5:30 PM

Stogie's E-Bay Store

Support Corporate Free Media
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Please check out our reviews

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Right Wing Hillsborough County Commissioners

Raise $140,000 in private donations in 30 days or the monument stays where it is!
It Is currently being guarded.
 "G4S?? Who the fuck is paying for that?" Marc Rodrigues

Their Ring Leader! here
They got a GoFund Me page and want your help. :) For real. 

Ybor Paparazzi

Bartender at Stone Soup Company
*Makes great Bloody Marys

Bob Buckhorn For President?

"Nigger Racing"

The Merchants Of Ybor: Tabernacle Tattoo

Tabernacle Tattoo
Visit them here

Stacy White's Hillsborough County War Veterans' Memorial Protection Ordinance

Our right wing Commissioner Stacy White plans to introduce a bill that would ban the relocation of any public memorial or monument. The "Hillsborough County War Veterans' Memorial Protection Ordinance"  would also prohibit the renaming of  streets, bridges, buildings or public property named or dedicated in honor of military figures or U.S. Presidents. here
We warned you about this guy years ago.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Rail In Ybor City

Ybor City, Florida

Tampa Bay Hate Groups

The Daily Stormer

Brandon NEO-NAZI
Ku Klux Klan
American Freedom Party

Straight Way and More



New Black Panther Party



Nation of Islam

Saint Petersburg BLACK SEPARATIS


Polk County Republican Neil Combee

Posted on his personal Facebook page that he didn’t “know much about what happened in Charlottesville Virginia, but that didn't keep him from making a fool of himself. here

Disturbing the Peace Fest, The Summer of our Discontent in St. Pete

Sunday, August 20 at 2 PM - 9 PM
Williams Park, St. Petersburg, Florida

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Stogie: Watching The Right Wing Since 2003

Comments about Heather Hayer from our local hate group 
"The Daily Stormer"

"Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut."
"She was Fat and a Drain on Society
Childless women are black hole vortexes of public money and energy."
"Had she not died yesterday, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been spent on propping-up this gross creature who had failed to do her most basic duty – her only real duty, in fact – and reproduce."
"Having no children at that age, it can be assumed that she had multiple abortions, and was thus herself a child murderer."
"Whatever you think of the driver, it is clear that his actions saved us a lot of money. The costs of the food alone to sustain a woman of this size for another 49 years would be astronomical."
Lots more. We will not link to them. 
If you really want to read this shit, please find it yourself. Remember you are giving their website traffic if you do.
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Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.03

Ybor Paparazzi


Conversation With Pat Kemp

Our voice in county goverment!
Monday, August 21 from 6-8 PM at   
Jan Kaminis Platt Library
3910 South Manhattan Avenue

Florida White Nationalist James M. O'Brien of Gainesville

He is among three people arrested in connection with the white nationalist rally that took a deadly turn in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is facing a charge of carrying a concealed handgun. here