Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Hypocrisy Of The Hillsborough County Democratic Party

The Islamic Society of Tampa Bay was kind enough to host a debate.
 Republican Lawrence McClure, Democrat Jose Vazquez, Libertarian Bryan Zemina and non-party-affiliated Ahmad Saadaldin  are running in the election Dec. 19 to select a successor to Dan Raulerson, who stepped down from the seat in August due to health problems.
The letter above was sent to the League of Women Voters for their audacity of hosting the debate at a mosque.
The writer?  CL Townsend, husband of the DEC Chair Ione Townsend and Jose Vazquez's campaign treasurer.
"The more my community gets involved, the more pushback we get. In. every. freaking. way. Then Democrats come kissing ass for money and votes and asking people to run as D's. And you wonder why some wont? The entire party leadership right now should be ashamed." 
Amina Minka Spahić
Where is the noise when these things are held at Right Wing Bell Shoals? 

Join the conversation here

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tampa's Thriving Downtown? Not!

Attractions and Events? Not working!
 We need people living here.

Not the mass exodus at 5 PM
Over the past 30 years, City Hall and the government of Hillsborough County have invested more than half a billion dollars in projects to activate the waterfront. Source
We need affordable housing. 
Not just to cater to the rich.

Tampa Mayoral Hopeful David Straz And The Bank Of Nevis

Part 1: David Straz, Tampa’s billionaire mayoral hopeful, is intentionally or not, boosting Nevis’ reputation as a safe harbor for international criminals.
The Federation of St Kitts-Nevis is one of the countries blacklisted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for being uncooperative in the fight against tax evasion and money laundering.
 Straz served for several years as director of the Bank of Nevis Ltd. In its April, 2017 prospectus, the Bank of Nevis noted the David A. Straz Jr. Foundation was its second largest shareholder owning 12.60 percent of the stock.

By  Jim Bleyer - here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Greg

Urban Living - Ybor City

Studio Apts For Lease
Note: HART #8 Stops at your new front door.  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bootleg Images Of Trump Supporter David Straz Shindig In West Tampa

Know any of these people?

Any South Tampa Republicans read this blog?

Is that Democrat Yoli Capin?

David Straz for mayor Spaghetti Feast
Co-Chaired by Democrats
Yoli Capin, Frank Reddick and Guido Maniscalco

Florida GOP You Are Being Watched

The GOP tax heist is NOT a sure thing
This bill still has TWO very important hurdles to jump.
The House and Senate passed different versions of the bill. Before a bill can go to the White House to be signed, the EXACT VERSION must pass the House and the Senate. Since the House originated this one, and passed their version first, the Senate now has to send their version back to the House who will then call a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. This is where the differences between the House and Senate versions are theoretically ironed out until there is one bill with language the House and Senate can 
agree on.

So the version that comes out of Conference Committee must be voted on AGAIN! BOTH THE HOUSE AND SENATE HAVE TO VOTE ON THE BILL AGAIN.
Here is Beth's Plan: 
PUT PRESSURE ON THE HOUSE MEMBERS. If they get public push-back, they may start to get nervous because EVERY SEAT in the House of Representatives is up for re-election in 2018. So any R voting for this knows s/he may face *very* angry voters in less than a year. Every horrible thing we find in the bill as we read it over the weekend can be laid right at the feet of Republicans.
Remember you are being watched and this blog will post your every move.

Ron DeSantis

Bill Posey

Daniel Webster

Gus Bilirakis

 Dennis Ross

Vern Buchanan

Thomas Rooney

Brian Mast

Francis Rooney

Mario Diaz-Balart

Carlos Curbelo

 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

How to reach these people here

Ybor City Street Art

Ybor City, Florida

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Marco Rubio Votes Yes On Trump's Tax Scam

Senate Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax bill early Saturday morning that bestows massive benefits on corporate America and the wealthy. Source 

Marco Rubio was one of them.

Ybor Musicians

Meet Mathew 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

La Gaceta: Fake News?

 isn't it time we start holding all "news" organizations accountable for fake pay to play  news? La Gaceta has published an article containing STRAIGHT UP LIES about Hillsborough County Dems and the current weighted vote system. more
 Contact Patrick Manteiga and tell him
 to retract this article.
Main Office: 3210 E. 7th Avenue | Tampa, FL 33605 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5536 Tampa, FL 33675

PH (813) 248-3921 | FX (813) 247-5357 | LAGACETA@TAMPABAY.RR.COM

"It is time we hold "journalists" accountable for the truth. Especially local ones." Jessica Vaughn

Ybor Paparazzi

Bartender at The  Reservoir 

Dem Frank Reddick To Support Trump Supporter For Mayor Of Tampa

 "I do plan to support him (David Straz) for mayor."  Frank Reddick

Everglades Is Most Critically Endangered Site in US

Ever since white people moved to Florida, the Everglades has been under almost relentless assault. After being drained and developed, polluted with fertilizers, and overrun by invasive species, it's no secret that today the vast wetland is on life support. more

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Greg
He is from Crystal River

Are Straz And Guido Even?

Guido said he let Straz use his name as a courtesy because Straz has supported Maniscalco in the past, letting him use Straz’s name in campaigns. source
"It’s not an endorsement or pledge of any kind."

Friday, December 1, 2017

Congratulations Becca Fiore

And The Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay
Image by Jessica Vaughn

Guido Maniscalco's Brilliant Idea

Wants to discuss the parking minimums/requirements in 
downtown Tampa.
The discussion I am aiming for would be to see how we could reduce or adjust the minimum parking requirements in the central business district. This would perhaps spur some development with some vacant buildings and office spaces to allow for more residential downtown, etc.
As I have seen with my generation and younger, not everyone wishes to or owns a car. Some folks prefer to ride a bike or walk or use alternative methods of transportation. 

This would perhaps increase the residential population and density downtown, creating more of a live, work, play urban environment. here
NO MOSI or more attractions, 
 we want affordable housing.

Let the suburbanites rush to the burbs.

Some of us perfer to stay here!

Rick Scott's Recession

After seven years under Rick Scott, a majority of Florida counties still have fewer jobs today than they did before the recession. 

Florida GOP Newest Scam

The Constitution Revision Commission was created a half-century ago just so you, the Florida voter, would have a chance every generation to consider major changes to how the state is run.
The folks in charge of the commission were chosen almost entirely by the governor, Senate president and House speaker. 
 The folks on one committee approved a potential amendment that would repeal a ban on sending taxpayer money directly to religious institutions, including private schools. 
 The Legislature put a similar amendment on the ballot in 2012. And it was defeated by voters.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try to scam the voters again.

DPCTB Outreach VOLUNTEER EVENT at Metropolitan Ministries

12.2 - 12:30 PM
2002 N Florida Ave, Tampa

Thursday, November 30, 2017


We got Ken Hagan a new domain name  we didn't want to leave Ms. Murman out. We been keeping track of her shenanigans for a very long time.

Tampa Paparazzi

Kenny and Bob
At Gaspar's in Temple Terrace

Local Candidates Beware Of Caviar And Champagne

Beware of candidates for public office that launch a well-publicized “listening tour.”  It signifies that they haven’t been paying attention to voters and are not likely to suddenly change and become interested  in Joe and Jill Lunchpail’s concerns.
Straz, became a billionaire by buying and selling banks,  owns six homes around the world and hobnobs locally with his caviar and champagne society pals. more
By Jim Bleyer
Pic: Mr. Straz with Harry Cohen, Yolie Capin, Daren Rice and others.
Credit Centro Tampa

Majority Of Floridians Back Corporate Welfare

Only 28% Oppose it.
According to a USF-Nielsen Sunshine State Survey.  Support was down from a high of 69 percent in 2010.

The Citrus Taliban Wrecking Crew

The Florida Constitution Revision Commission is pursuing a radical agenda to undermine public schools and send public money to churches, mosques and synagogues. here

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tampa Paparazzi

The ladies of The Firehouse Pub


We got Mr. Hagan a new domain.
His history on our blog. We thought you might want 
to see what he has been up too.

Free Puerto Rico

After Puerto Rico getzwell we need to separate from America completely that's step 1. Step 2 would be a mass Exodus of Puerto Ricans from America back to our home country. Step 3 a reward for any Puerto Rican that would come back they would be Promised Land seeds for growing and Financial recoup. 4 leave the multinational banking system. 5 Unite the Caribbean countries. Rebuild our own country without the help of America. Make a deal with China. Embargo American food products so that they can't get into the country of America. Make a tight commitment to Cuba and ask for the same for Puerto Rico. Same deal all of the Caribbeans will get. Ask of our people not to join the u.s. military for any reason even at the threat of your own life. we don't want Americas help in rebuilding our country they'll turn our country into resort for their shity children. Reject America's imperialistic belief systems completely for the sake of our own people.
By Jason Rodriguez