La Gaceta

The DPCTB supports the breaking up of the "weighted vote" currently in place within our state party. We are the ONLY state within the ENTIRE country that still adapts this model.
Based on the # of registered voters in our country; Hillsborough county gets 66 votes at the state level right now. Only two people control all of those votes currently. Our state committee woman and our state committee man. Per our bylaws, the state committee people are supposed to be reflective and vote in accords to how the DEC recommends. That doesn't always happen.
What we want is one person-one vote. That means that for each of our 66 votes, we will have 66 elected officials holding those votes. As opposed to two people holding all of the power. Each elected Hillsborough official will only have the power to cast one of our 66 votes. Having sixty six people in charge of these votes allows for more diversity and is based on the very model of Democracy.
However, this "article" says that our DEC wants to give us less votes. It says we are supporting the idea of smaller counties and our county having the SAME number of votes. THAT IS A LIE. It also accuses those of us who support one person/ one vote of wanting Hillsborough to have less of a say. And finally, it accuses those of us who want to break up the weighted vote of being less supportive of minorities. WTH??!!!???
This is a complete lie and is libelous.
By Jessica Vaughn

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