Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ban Fracking Rally In Tampa

Brooke of Food & Water Watch - Florida

Tim of Organize Florida - Tampa Bay

Fort Brooke Park, Downtown Tampa

Susan Smith's Reponse To New FDP Chair

As someone who's been involved in the Democratic Party off and on since 1970, and completely on since 2004, I know how disappointment feels. But I also recognize an opportunity when I see one. There are tremendous challenges ahead, but the potential to build the progressive movement in Florida has never been greater. This group, led by Stacey Patel, along with the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida and many other progressive Democrats around the state are not backing down. I have no doubt that consultant class Democrats are nervous today, not only by the support Stacey received, but by the type of campaign she ran. You did that 
and you can be proud.
Also, it could have been much worse in this election. Terrie Rizzo is a grassroots organizer who has boundless energy. She is not interested in self-promotion or personal power. She has a big job ahead of her. But remember that she will have the status-quo consultants whispering in her ear every hour of every day. We must be the counter to that. We must challenge everyone in the party to continue the policies that have been enacted since last spring. We must demand open party communications, transparency, rules change, and support for local DECs, clubs and caucuses. We must remind them at every turn that we will not go backwards.
Thank you to Stacey and Sanjay for your leadership. You are an inspiration! here

Florida GOP Trying To Bust Labor Unions

During this year's state legislative session, a bill transparently designed to cripple labor unions came close to passing.
 The measure failed during the 2017 legislative session — but the bill has been revived verbatim for 2018 and has passed through its first voting hurdle toward becoming law. here

The Ybor City Rooster

Centennial Park

Like Watching god Become Human Book Release! - Tampa

12.12 - 7 PM
Rebel Hearts Publishing

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

Fighters For Net Neutrality In Downtown Tampa




Downtown Tampa

DBCF President Lydia Hudson's Misinformation

From: Sarah Coutu - Santa Rosa DEC Chair and State Committeewoman & member of the DBCF and SRCDBC
The Democratic Black Caucus of Florida sent out a questionnaire to all of the FDP State Chair candidates asking for a response by noon last Friday. On Saturday, at their quarterly conference, the DBCF President erroneously reported that Stacey Patel, a candidate for chair, did not respond. This misinformation has caused people to feel that Stacey has been disrespectful by not taking the time to even acknowledge their questions. This has tipped the scales in favor of the other candidates.
This morning, I received proof Stacey not only responded on time, she responded with sincerity, well thought out responses, suggestions and ideas that will give minorities a stronger voice, a seat at the table, and true power under her leadership.
I am not certain why the DBCF reported this misinformation, but it creates a great disadvantage and disservice to Stacey's campaign. I’m sure the DBCF does not want to stand by a statement that has been proven inaccurate and misleading.
As member of the DBCF, I am calling on our President, Lydia Hudson, to make a public statement correcting this immediately. I am also asking the she and/or her surrogates call every DBC Caucus president, personally, to provide them with Stacey's responses and explain that Stacey did, in fact, send her responses and they were sent in on time.
This election is about the future of our party and the people of this state. We must be diligent and honest with the people of our organizations and provide them with current and accurate information. This misstatement has tipped the scales, whether intentional or not. We cannot afford that right now. We must continue to fight against our current administration with the most united and strong team as possible. Stacey recognizes that our current “power at the top structure” is not effective, nor inclusive. She is inclusive and believes in the power of ALL of us.
Please correct this false information that has been circulated.

Kelly Faul For California State Assembly AD67

My friend is running for office. I know we can't vote for her here, but you can like her page and donate
Good Luck fellow Berner!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Kerstion

Tampa Hoods - Downtown

Human Trafficking Hotline

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Andrew Gillum In Tampa Tomorrow

8 AM
Oxford Exchange

Ybor Paparazzi

Local Treasure Ericka Leigh
Check out her bow ties here

Florida Keys Sheriff Rick Ramsay In Violation Of The U.S. Constitution

Relying on an out-of-date federal detainer form, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is locking up immigrants in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the American Civil Liberties Union and two other groups say. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Loky
He is from Largo

Tampa Books To Prisoners

Visit them here

Trouble For HART LX360

25 Minutes late to it's next destination 
Crosstown Expressway