Friday, March 2, 2018

Ybor City: The Revolution Starts Here

From  these steps...

This guy started a Revolution!

Visit his park in Cuba.

1303 E 8th Ave, Ybor City

Our Revolution
Campaigns End. Revolutions Endure
We are an ideological group, NOT a political party group.
Political parties shift, we do not.
We are not the fringe, we are the majority!

Urban Tampa

2 Families live here

HART 360LX  Just 2 blocks away
Palma Ceia

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Romeo 

Florida Justice Democrats

I will be a champion for public education, stand for fair and equal justice, and advocate for the expansion of Social Security, Medicare and comprehensive healthcare for all. Check him out here
Chardo Richardson
I have fought bullies all my life, and the biggest bullies in the world are governments and corporations that put profits before people. My experiences as a veteran and civil rights advocate prepared me to fight. 
Check him out here

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Rays PR In Ybor

Ybor City, Florida

Int'l Sex Worker's Rights Day In Ybor City

3.3 - 10 PM

Call Dennis Ross At 813.752.4790

Put pressure on Dennis Ross 
Hit him on any of the following 1. Russia- He was on Trumps transition team demand he resign because he helped Trump commit treason. 2. His undying support of the NRA and that makes him complicit it murder. 3. Healthcare- he is denying his constituents "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Or one of the million other reasons he sucks. I have it on good authority that he is worried about the political environment. Lets give him a reason to worry.

Visit him here
Campaigns End. Revolutions Endure

The Merchants Of Ybor

 New World Brewery. Sad,
visit them at their new location.

Florida Protect Net Neutrality

The FCC voted to kill net neutrality and let ISPs like Comcast ruin the web with throttling, censorship, and new fees. Congress has 60 legislative days to overrule them and save the Internet using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), but we still need #OneMoreVote 
to win in the Senate. 
80% of the country 
is in favor of Net Neutrality!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Wave Is Coming - But!

It is not the kind you think
Harvard-Harris poll finds that the majority of Democrats and the overwhelming majority of young Democrats want to take the party left. here
69% of Young Democrats 
ages 18-34 Support this!
Oblivion: The state of being unaware or 
unconscious of what is happening.
This is your future Democratic Party. 
Listen or disappear.
The poll also found that Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to be America's  most popular major politician, with the highest favorable of any candidate among all respondents as well as among key subsets including African-Americans, Hispanic people and young people.
individual Progressive Dem candidates 
are having banner years fundraising.
The DNC is broke
Their empty coffers are the result of a general mistrust of the party establishment: from former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile's revelations that the party "let Clinton's headquarters in Brooklyn manage the Democratic Party.
We are not the fringe, we are the majority!

March for Our Lives Tampa

3.24 - 10 AM

Justice Democrat Chardo Richardson For Congress 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Democratic Party Attacks Progressives

Yesterday we posted about the progressive wave sweeping the country. Yet they are bing attacked. 
In district after district, the Democratic Party machinery is throwing its weight behind congressional candidates who are out of step with the national mood. here
The Democratic party is undermining Bernie Sanders-style candidates . here
Justice Democrats, a group that spun out of Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign, and is challenging incumbents across the country with Progressive candidates are being denied access to a powerful voter data tool. here
In Texas, Progressive Democrat 
Laura Moser 
is being negatively targeted 
by her own party. here
"Laura has generated a wave of energy -- more doorknocking, more calling, and more small dollar donations than any other candidate in the race.
Her grassroots campaign outraised her corporate lawyer opponents backed by the DCCC. Running scared, they're smearing Laura's good name in the press, to defeat her and elect a corporate-friendly candidate instead."
Jim Dean DFA
A group of progressive House Democrats is preparing to make a major effort in its party’s primaries this year, buoyed by a surge in liberal energy that has left them flush with cash and enough confidence to unveil a series of endorsements in competitive primaries. here
“This really is our moment,” Rep. Mark Pocan, co-chair of the House Progressive Caucus. 
Democrats are polling high, progressive candidates are having a great fundraising year, while the DNC is broke. here
We had the right guy all along 

Campaigns End. Revolutions Endure

We are not the fringe, we are the majority!

There Is No Way That The Florida Legislature Passes Gun Control

Richard Corcoran runs the House like a dictatorship.  He's running for Governor and trying to be the most conservative guy in the primary," said a Democrat. " He CAN'T let a gun bill through, and he won't. "
"The wave is peaking with the country (and many electeds) now recognizing that AR-15s ripping through flesh and walls aren't what our founding fathers envisioned," said a Republican. here
Florida Party Affiliation 
  • We did the Math
  • In 1972, Democratic registered 69%, Republican 28%, and 3% other.
  • In 2016, Democrats registered 38%, Republicans 36%, and 26% other.

GOP has ruled Florida 
for 20 years. 

Tampa Paparazzi

The Rose Guy

Students Of MSD High School Raise Hell

When you raise hell,
 things happen!
Companies to end their ties with the NRA, Delta and United Airlines, Hertz and First National Bank of Omaha.
The moves have come as petitions circulated online targeting companies offering discounts to NRA members on its website. #BoycottNRA was trending on Twitter.
Even the State of Florida is facing a backlash. One of the survivors of the Florida school shooting suggested Saturday on Twitter that tourists stay away from the state.
“Let’s make a deal,” tweeted David Hogg, a Stoneman Douglas student who has been a major player in the #neveragain movement. “DO NOT come to Florida for spring break unless gun legislation is passed.”
The swiftness of the corporate reaction against the NRA has differed from that of past shootings, including the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that claimed 26 lives, and the killing of 58 people in Las Vegas last fall. 
Why? Well according to Bob Spitzer, a political scientist at SUNY Cortland and a scholar on gun politics. 
"The reaction was likely a reaction to the student mobilization that followed the
Florida shooting." here

Tampa Hoods

 Palma Cia

Monday, February 26, 2018

Our Revolution Has Started

Is this the end of 
Establishment Democrats?
A new Harvard-Harris poll finds that the majority of Democrats and the overwhelming majority of young Democrats believe that the party is insufficiently to the left. Fifty-two percent of Democrats polled say that they support “movements within the Democratic Party to take it even further to the left and oppose the current 
Democratic leaders.” here
In California it has already started.  Democrats rebuked Sen. Dianne Feinstein at their annual convention this weekend, denying her the party’s endorsement in this year’s Senate race and giving a majority of their votes to her liberal primary challenger. here
"This should be a wake up call to all Democrats siding with the Establishment. Change is coming!" Christopher Cano
Locally you know who you are.
Read the writing on the wall.
Either join us, or get out of our way!

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Florida NRA Supporters

Marco Rubio - Dennis Ross - Bill Posey
Daniel Webster - Brian Mast - Vern Buchanan
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Matt Gaetz - Neal Dunn

Ted Yoho - ohn Rutherford - on DeSantis
Gus Bilirakis - Charlie Crist - Tom Rooney
Alcee Hastings - Mario Díaz-Balart - Carlos Curbelo

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Central Florida Berniecrats

The Revolution Continues 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Brilliant Teenagers Of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Have the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School changed the game? There's no question the students have changed the national conversation. They have called "B.S." on empty Republican pieties – rejecting "thoughts and prayers" and demanding that lawmakers take action to protect children's lives
 from guns.
They've captured the hearts of a nation – and the support
 of celebrities from George Clooney to Oprah.
Yet, Florida GOP has acted as if nothing has changed. As Parkland survivors looked on in tears, the Florida House this week voted against even debating legislation to curb assault rifles – and then had the audacity to vote to declare porn a threat to public health. 
The true test of whether the brilliant teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas are winning a news cycle or bringing durable change will come at the ballot box in November.
And the biggest proof will come from Florida itself – where a 2018 senate election expected to pit a Republican who earns an "A+" from the NRA against a Democrat who earns an "F." here

President Barack Obama Library In St. Pete

Local Merchants: South Tampa Vape

Visit them here
Like them on Facebook

Florida Berners 2018

Roberto Cepeda
US House of Representatives (FL 2nd District)
Mathew Thomas
US House of Representatives (FL District 12)
Paul Stolc 
Leon County Commissioner

Fl Senator Bill Nelson Gets An F

By the NRA!
Check him out here